Limit the Number of Trades a Player Can Post
Posted 2020-11-18 14:30:57
I support this. If not limited trades, at least put a limit on how many can be bumped at a time. I hate when I go to TC to browse and there's 30+ identical trades bumped at once and I have to go many pages in just to find something of interest. |
![]() LittlePuppy #2787 |
Posted 2020-11-18 15:40:43 (edited)
@Closet The point of the suggestion is to meet in the middle and have it be of maximum ease and use for everyone, not just a handful of people who want to have 200+ trades up. Having some (again) reasonable limits would lessen server strain, help the market move more quickly, and help people sell more because they wouldn't get absolutely buried by the handful of sellers that post 5+ pages of trades a day, most of which stay there until they pass the 30 days mark. Honestly, the only argument seems to be "I don't want to have to put in a bit more effort to sell my items", which I don't really think is a legitimate reason? No one is talking about having no trades or cutting off anyone making currency, but moderating the numbers so the Trading Center isn't hideously flooded and exceptionally laggy because on any given day, there are between 1600-1700 trades, if not more on the weekend. That's literally over 30,000 individual trades that the server had to sort through every single time someone pushes a search. |
![]() Hunter [HM] #10016 |
Posted 2020-11-18 15:52:42
As I orgininally said, the issue is better addressed with better filter options, the ability to sort trades, and/or a shorter time limit before a trade expires. I suggested using the sales forum as an alternative, if its too hard to use the trading center as it presently functions- since, as you say, its laggy for you. I, personally, haven't experienced any lag or delay, so I can't say I think its a server issue, but perhaps I'm just getting lucky with searching when the server is less busy. I also can't say I think having a limit will even make any difference, in the long run, with the userbase growing every day. Same amount of trades, but... Each individual can't have as many on there? I'm afraid I'm not going to change my mind, a limit isn't the way to fix this issue. |
![]() Closet #4068 |
Posted 2020-11-18 15:56:50
That's fine. A limit might not fix every issue, but it will certainly help some issues. If you don't agree, that's fine. We can agree to disagree. |
![]() Hunter [HM] #10016 |
Posted 2020-11-18 16:06:30
No support . I don't really understand what limiting how many trades a user can have will accomplish . If you want to find a specific thing in the trading center, search it ! Who cares how many trades a user has or how many of them expire ? It affects no one but the person who owns the trade . I sell food and occasionally pups, just off of that I could easily hit 50 trades . That's not even bringing up the amount of personal trades we have to make when helping friends or if we have a refund to make ! As for currency trades, there's 100's of trades for 1 GC because that's the easiest way to sell GC as not everyone casually has enough SC to buy 10 GC in the trading center at a time . If anything, currency needs its own separate marketplace and we need a way to directly transfer items between players . |
![]() Sootsprite #4805 |
Posted 2020-11-18 16:21:11
@Sootsprite The problem with filters is people always find a way around them. They will add an item or a toy or something else to basically cause their trades to pop into searches that they technically shouldn't be. Which is why "more filters" isn't necessarily a help. Limiting the trades mean that someone can't put up 300+ trades a day, day after day, which piles up to add to more difficulty in searches, server lag, and also effects others trying to sell things. Trades get rapidly buried and bumps don't work very well when you have someone bumping up their 100+ identical trades the moment their timer is down, which I've seen happen pretty frequently. Yes, not everyone is abusing the Trading Center, but the people not aren't even going to be troubled because most of them aren't going to need to put up 100+ trades a day. TL:DR - Yes, people flooding the Trading Center, having 10+ pages of trades, and using loopholes around the filters does, in fact, affect other people who also wish to utilize the trading center and in a broad way the game itself, since it causes additional problems with the server load. Having a reasonable limit of active trades (privates would not count toward the limit since they do not pop up in the Trading Center) would improve the server lag, speed up searches, and in general improve the economy by not allowing a monopoly by the same handful of people who frequently abuse the system. |
![]() Hunter [HM] #10016 |
Posted 2020-11-20 17:18:39
No offense intended but the majority of people (literally pages of people) who have commented on this have expressed that they do not want this implemented so I do not understand why you keep rehashing the same argument. I strongly agree with this statement because I am in a very similar situation. Just because your play style does not involve ‘too many’ trades being listed that does not mean everyone wants to be penalized by limitation. Again, no offense was meant by my statement, I just wanted to add on to my original comment. |
🌿 Fern 🌿 #1147 |
Posted 2020-11-20 17:26:49 (edited)
I see the points given as far as the excess of trades straining the server. But (and I just skimmed so if someone else mentioned this then hey just consider it a ditto) I also feel something is being very blatantly ignored with the arguments for this. The market is a stagnant mess right now. Today's market, will NOT be the market later on in the game. At all. Even with a limit implemented, I'm sure most everyone's limits would be maxed out and probably constantly being rotated in attempts to sell ANYTHING. So I ask; What is more strenuous? A. Changing up the entire Trading center to amend a issue slow load time that very well may remedy itself once the market starts moving (and possibly running into more server issues w people trying to rotate trades often) Or B. Allow the market to level itself out, as it should, where later on we will have more manageable trade levels both with buying and selling and simply coping with mild inconvenience? Personally, I don't think I want to ask the dev's for this sort of limitation, as I see no long term benefit. Strains and server bumps are expected within the first year at minimum of a game being launched. So, a moment longer on the trade center doesn't bug nor shock me. For this reason, I cannot support this |
![]() VehementRed #1248 |
Posted 2020-11-20 17:38:42
@Kat No offense mean either, but multiple people(also literally pages) have also commented they do support, thank you. There are quite a few people who support and feel that a limit to the spamming would be extremely helpful to the game and to trading in general. And all the people objecting are also "rehashing" the same argument. They don't want to have to put in more effort. They don't want to have to pay more attention to what they sell. They don't want to be limited because it requires them to be more active. Literally, no argument against it has come up with anything other than "it's not fair to me because I like the way it is now". If that is a valid argument, then the counter of "I would prefer it be limited because I feel the current way it is done is unfair and a strain to the servers" is just as valid. No offense meant either, but if everyone else is allowed to keep bringing the same objects then I see no reason why I can't bring up my own points since they haven't actually be countered or proven incorrect. The statement of "I want to do it the way it is now because it's easier on me" does not actually address the issues of server strain, the high level of flooding in the trading center which results in currently over 1700 pages, and the fact that many people use ways to get around the filters or just plain put up joke trades like "what can I get for 1 SC", etc. My personal playstyle has nothing to do with the issues I'm bringing up, which are the massive load on the server, the fact that people put up joke trades or silly trades for the fun because there is no limit, or will literally put up 15+ pages of common single herbs, etc. simply because they can and hope people will by a single herb for 100 SC. So if people will be so kind as to stop trying to "blame" the suggestion on "playstyle", that would be appreciated. I have not once brought up my own playstyle, my own trading practices, nor used the words "this is doing this to me". I'm bringing up general issues that have to do with the general state of the Trading Center. No one can argue that there are over 1500+ pages that the game must search through and multiples of people putting up hundreds of identical trades as well as 'joke trades' where they put up something like a single silver cone or one stick and go 'what can I get for it', etc. None of which is necessary and all of which adds to the server load. |
![]() Hunter [HM] #10016 |
Posted 2020-11-20 17:51:01
Theres also the counter argument that if you feel so strongly about being able to sell 100s of items a day (or at least post them daily) you can simply put up a forum post listing how many items you have and what youre selling them for. Its already been stated that we dont want a limit on private trades and this would be an easy compromise : ) |
![]() VincentMango #4293 |