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Guess 2 things about the user below you!

Posted 2024-05-31 23:35:36
Birthday was in April actually! and Yeah I do just in the middle of revamping it so eugh-

↓ Has watched atleast one iteration of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles & has an OC based on a character they adored as a kid ↓


Posted 2024-06-26 16:05:57
I have not watched teenage mutant ninja turtles but I do have a oc based off of white fang that is a companion for another oc

↓has watched the original spirit movie & has more then 3 animals in the household↓


Posted 2024-06-27 01:44:41
Nope birthday was yesterday 26th June and yes I do

Likes a certain base for the wolves but hates sleeping in the heat


Posted 2024-09-29 02:44:03
Both are right! I do love the Goldenrod base right now, it's so pretty and it's a good medium for sticking other warm colors on and it combines well with markings, doesn't have any markings on the base itself too. And sleeping in the heat is the worst, never waking up truly refreshed and I have to have been doing nothing for at least an hour before bed so I'm not overheating; once took about four hours to get to sleep in the heat (the most infuriating hours of my entire life)

↓ Likes writing and has looked up obscure history facts for fun
Empyrean Expanse

Posted 2024-09-29 05:08:08
Yep to both!

↓ Likes chocolate banana drinks and has weird names for their pets (an example from yours truly, Poopy Butthole.)

🧡 CannedChippy 🐱

Posted 2024-10-01 11:18:30
Neither! What kind of person would name a pet that???

v Likes art and has watched several animations v


Posted 2024-10-01 21:10:24
100% both, I love watching animations people make, they're so fun and it can sometimes give me a kick of inspiration for an art piece by seeing the creations people put out there, animation or art.

↓ Acts out character scenes for RPs and looks at dictionary/thesaurus to avoid getting redundant when writing
Empyrean Expanse

Posted 2024-10-01 22:31:49 (edited)
Stop mind reading. Yeah. Mental scenarios run through my mind every night despite not having a partner to talk to anymore.. Usually only use complicated words to sound smart or use as filler in writing though.

↓ Has a lot of unfinished hobby projects but loves staring at the wall just to listen to music. ↓

⋆⟣⦑⊰ ᴀᴍᴀᴄ ⊱⦒⟢⋆

Posted 2024-10-10 11:24:51
no unfortunately no hobby projects , but definitely stare off at the wall when listening to music

↓ has jaywalked before and is better at English than maths


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