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Inbreeding Mechanics Help

Inbreeding Mechanics Help
Posted 2024-03-19 10:49:39
How does inbreeding work? One of my wolves, Donna, has one instance of inbreeding, as I have found out today (And I checked her littermates too, they also have it, but her younger siblings do not). Her parents have no instances, and I checked and no grandparents, great grandparents, nothing, have it either. She herself hasn't inbred with any family, and her pup doesn't have anything saying he's inbred either. I'd check through her grandparents, great grandparent's siblings but they have pages upon pages of siblings that I don't have the patience to go through. Could it be one of them? Because I'm sure I checked whether Donna was inbred when I got her and she wasn't, but I could be misremembering.

It's on her mother's side though, I know that, because none of her siblings on her father's side are inbred from what I checked. Any ideas?


Posted 2024-03-19 13:38:59
Inbreeding Coefficient is calculated based on how many individual wolves appear in both family trees and how many times those wolves appear. It sounds like Donna's parents shared an ancestor that you didn't notice.


Posted 2024-03-19 13:46:30
ohh i see, thank you!


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