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Fish Delicate Meat Chart [Reward for Data]
Fish Delicate Meat Chart [Reward for Data]
Posted 2024-03-29 23:15:54 (edited )
I have set up a reweard thread for your revelant fish data! Have a look here !
Also a thread that records min/max weight →Link ←
Latest Update: 17th Jan, 2025 in game
Since Grouse House Fishing Guide data is sort of out of date, and that I've been collecting fish data ever since I started playing the fishing minigame, I decided to set up this chart to share my data, also to collect some data for this chart. After all, I can't be in 12 biomes in one day.
What does this chart show me
This chart tries its best to show you the minimum delicate meat weight of each fish.
You may notice that some fish you submitted will give you a delicate meat. In fact there's a fixed weight number that you can gain delicate meat from a fish. I tend to believe that a fish's delicate meat gain weight is exactly half the heaviest weight it can reach.(If you want to learn about it in detail, you can visit RWG Fishing Guide .) However, this is just a hypothesis, so what I - and this chart - is doing, is to find out the exact number of each fish's delicate meat weight.
How do I read and use this chart
You can see 3 titles: Fish Name, Max Without DM, Min With DM.
First of all, DM=Delicate Meat;
"Max Without DM" means the maximum weight of the fish submitted without recieving delicate meat;
"Min with DM" means the minimum weight of the fish submitted receiving a delicate meat.
Next, to check minimun delicate meat weight, just look at the number below "Min With DM". It records current minimum delicate meat weight.
Last, since delicate meat is an exact number, what I do is to narrow the range that we already know, which is the range between "Max Without DM" and "Min With DM". The delicate meat number lies inside it.
Chart Data Resource
My own fishing records
[Grouse House Guide] Fishing
RWG Fishing Guide
CF - Coniferous Forest
DF - Deciduous Forest
De - Desert
Gl - Glacier
Gr - Grasslands
M - Mountains
P - Prairie
Ra - Rainforest
RW - Riparian Woodland
S - Swamp
Ta - Taiga
Tu - Tundra
Use Ctrl+F or search feature of your browser to find the fish you want.
When and how do I submit a data?
Catch a fish, Max without DM < fish weight < Min with DM.
Fill the form below.
Post a new comment in this thread. I won't check former comments for new data, so please post a new comment with your data all in once.
Comment form:
Fish Name:
With Delicate Meat? :
*Please write yes or no in the last question.
*It's better if you can attach a screenshot of the fish or the log of the fish you caught. Of course, it's ok to just submit in text.
My sincere thanks to:
[Grouse House Guide] Fishing
RWG Fishing Guide
These are great guides, they provided me with basic knowledge and further inspirations.
Current Plan:
Check by biome
Posted 2024-03-29 23:20:56 (edited )
I. Common
Spoiler Fish Name Max Without DM Min With DM Alaska Blackfish 0 lb 4.87 oz 0 lb 5.01 oz Arctic Cisco 1 lb 15.95 oz 2 lb 0.36 oz Arctic Lamprey 0 lb 3.46 oz 0 lb 3.84 oz Arroyo Chub 0 lb 15.97 oz 1 lb 0 oz Brook Stickleback 0 lb 0.19 oz 0 lb 0.2 oz Creek Chub 0 lb 5.97 oz 0 lb 6.02 oz Fallfish 1 lb 7.88 oz 1 lb 8.01 oz Firemouth Cichlid 0 lb 1.99 oz 0 lb 2.04 oz Flame Chub 0 lb 2.48 oz 0 lb 2.5 oz Four-eyed Fish 0 lb 11.96 oz 0 lb 12.11 oz Green Sunfish 0 lb 15.99 oz 1 lb 0 oz Least Cisco 0 lb 4.89 oz 0 lb 5.03 oz Logperch 0 lb 0.24 oz 0 lb 0.25 oz Longear Sunfish 0 lb 15.97 oz 1 lb 0.4 oz Mummichog 0 lb 0.24 oz 0 lb 0.25 oz Northern Hogsucker 0 lb 11.98 oz 0 lb 12.02 oz Northern Redbelly Dace 0 lb 15.94 oz 1 lb 0.06 oz Northern Studfish 0 lb 15.67 oz 1 lb 0.07 oz Northern Sunfish 0 lb 15.9 oz 1 lb 0.07 oz Orangespotted Sunfish 0 lb 15.96 oz 1 lb 0.02 oz Red Shiner 0 lb 4.99 oz 0 lb 5.01 oz Redeye Bass 2 lb 7.77 oz 2 lb 8.02 oz Redspotted Sunfish 0 lb 15.94 oz 1 lb 0.09 oz Rio Grande Cichlid 0 lb 15.99 oz 1 lb 0.14 oz River Carpsucker 3 lb 7.71 oz 3 lb 8.02 oz River Chub 2 lb 5.75 oz 2 lb 9.12 oz River Goby 0 lb 15.78 oz 1 lb 0.2 oz Rusty Crayfish 0 lb 15.85 oz 1 lb 0.09 oz Sailfin Molly 0 lb 0.14 oz 0 lb 0.15 oz Silver Lamprey 0 lb 1.99 oz 0 lb 2.01 oz Speckled Dace 0 lb 1.99 oz 0 lb 2 oz Swamp Darter 0 lb 1.49 oz 0 lb 1.5 oz Tadpole Madtom 0 lb 0.24 oz 0 lb 0.25 oz Threadfin Shad 0 lb 15.99 oz 1 lb 0.03 oz Three-Spined Stickleback 0 lb 0.34 oz 0 lb 0.35 oz Wimple Piranha 0 lb 1.48 oz 0 lb 1.5 oz
Posted 2024-03-29 23:22:33 (edited )
II. Regular
Spoiler Fish Name Max Without DM Min With DM Alewife 0 lb 1.95 oz 0 lb 2 oz Arctic Grayling 3 lb 15.77 oz 4 lb 0 oz Arctic Whitefish 9 lb 8.1 oz 10 lb 0.9 oz Bluegill 2 lb 3.88 oz 2 lb 4.81 oz Brook Trout 3 lb 7.78 oz 3 lb 8.39 oz Coastal Cutthroat Trout 2 lb 7.81 oz 2 lb 8.8 oz Common Shiner 0 lb 3.48 oz 0 lb 3.51 oz Desert Sucker 1 lb 15.97 oz 2 lb 0.03 oz Flathead Mullet 4 lb 15.87 oz 5 lb 0.65 oz Flier 0 lb 11.96 oz 0 lb 12 oz Freshwater Drum 9 lb 12.7 oz 10 lb 0.45 oz Golden Redhorse 2 lb 7.56 oz 2 lb 8.09 oz Goldeye 1 lb 7.97 oz 1 lb 8.64 oz Jaguar Cichlid 1 lb 7.75 oz 1 lb 8 oz Lake Whitefish 4 lb 15.63 oz 5 lb 1.58 oz Mountain Sucker 0 lb 15.96 oz 1 lb 0.08 oz Mud Shad 1 lb 11.56 oz 1 lb 12.12 oz Peamouth 1 lb 7.76 oz 1 lb 8.38 oz Perch 2 lb 15.91 oz 3 lb 0.3 oz Quillback 1 lb 15.27 oz 2 lb 0.16 oz Redbreast Sunfish 1 lb 3.63 oz 1 lb 4.26 oz Redear Sunfish 0 lb 7.48 oz 0 lb 7.5 oz Round Whitefish 1 lb 7.18 oz 1 lb 8.01 oz Sacramento Blackfish 2 lb 7.95 oz 2 lb 8.08 oz Sauger 0 lb 15.93 oz 1 lb 0.01 oz Shad 3 lb 15.85 oz 4 lb 0.03 oz Shoal Bass 3 lb 15.01 oz 4 lb 0.08 oz Shorthead Redhorse 1 lb 7.96 oz 1 lb 8.01 oz Signal Crayfish 0 lb 15.97 oz 1 lb 0.12 oz Smallmouth Bass 5 lb 13.77 oz 6 lb 0.45 oz Spotted Gar 2 lb 15.07 oz 3 lb 0.04 oz Spotted Shovelnose Catfish 1 lb 7.89 oz 1 lb 9.36 oz Warmouth 1 lb 3.92 oz 1 lb 4.16 oz White Crappie 2 lb 5.88 oz 2 lb 9.19 oz Yaqui Sucker 4 lb 14.41 oz 4 lb 15.66 oz Yellow Bass 6 lb 7.57 oz 6 lb 8.14 oz
Posted 2024-03-29 23:22:47 (edited )
III. Uncommon
Spoiler Fish Name Max Without DM Min With DM Bering Cisco 0 lb 11.53 oz 0 lb 12.45 oz Bigmouth Buffalo 24 lb 6.77 oz 25 lb 0.3 oz Black Buffalo 14 lb 14.86 oz 15 lb 0.53 oz Blue Catfish 24 lb 14.57 oz 25 lb 2.78 oz Blue Sucker 3 lb 7.78 oz 3 lb 8.14 oz Bonytail Chub 1 lb 3.97 oz 1 lb 4.08 oz Bowfin 9 lb 14.09 oz 10 lb 2.73 oz Brown Bullhead 3 lb 11.19 oz 4 lb 3.05 oz Bull Trout 15 lb 8 oz 16 lb 0.94 oz Carp 15 lb 7.24 oz 15 lb 11.25 oz Chain Pickerel 2 lb 7.81 oz 2 lb 8.18 oz Chum Salmon 10 lb 14.7 oz 11 lb 1.43 oz Colorado River Cutthroat Trout 4 lb 15.51 oz 5 lb 0.17 oz Flathead Catfish 24 lb 11.2 oz 25 lb 1.39 oz Flatwhiskered Catfish 5 lb 7.02 oz 5 lb 8.37 oz Lake Trout 19 lb 10.43 oz 20 lb 1.72 oz Largemouth Bass 11 lb 4.61 oz 13 lb 0.83 oz Longnose Sucker 3 lb 6.1 oz 3 lb 8.48 oz Mayan Sea Catfish 7 lb 7.83 oz 7 lb 9.03 oz Mexican Golden Trout 1 lb 13.35 oz 2 lb 0.23 oz Mountain Whitefish 3 lb 0.81 oz 3 lb 0.9 oz Nelma 24 lb 11.36 oz 25 lb 0.36 oz Pink Salmon 7 lb 7.35 oz 7 lb 8.05 oz Rio Grande Cutthroat Trout 3 lb 15.77 oz 4 lb 0.43 oz Rock Bass 1 lb 7.09 oz 1 lb 8.47 oz Roundtail Chub 1 lb 7.96 oz 1 lb 8.28 oz Shortnose Gar 1 lb 4.84 oz 1 lb 8.91 oz Silver Redhorse 2 lb 7.43 oz 2 lb 8.11 oz Smallmouth Buffalo 9 lb 13.67 oz 10 lb 2.16 oz Sockeye Salmon 7 lb 7.86 oz 7 lb 8.64 oz Spotted Bass 5 lb 5.6 oz 5 lb 8.51 oz Suwannee Bass 1 lb 15.99 oz 2 lb 0.14 oz Twohorn Sculpin 6 lb 7.44 oz 6 lb 8.26 oz Walleye 11 lb 9.02 oz 12 lb 8.54 oz White Bass 2 lb 14.67 oz 3 lb 0.84 oz Yellow Bullhead 1 lb 15.59 oz 2 lb 1.16 oz
Posted 2024-03-29 23:22:56 (edited )
IV. Rare
Spoiler Fish Name Max Without DM Min With DM American Eel 8 lb 3.37 oz 8 lb 8.52 oz Apache Trout 2 lb 10.58 oz 3 lb 3.89 oz Arctic Char 9 lb 14.06 oz 10 lb 0.84 oz Athabasca Rainbow Trout 1 lb 7.95 oz 1 lb 8.56 oz Atlantic Salmon 14 lb 1.66 oz 15 lb 2.07 oz Big Sandy Crayfish 0 lb 15.79 oz 1 lb 0.72 oz Bighead Carp 20 lb 5.96 oz 25 lb 3.48 oz Black Bullhead 1 lb 7.97 oz 1 lb 11.27 oz Black Carp 24 lb 0.67 oz 25 lb 1.73 oz Blind Swamp Eel 7 lb 5.37 oz 7 lb 9.41 oz Broad Whitefish 17 lb 3.6 oz 18 lb 12.94 oz Burbot 10 lb 13.44 oz 13 lb 3.81 oz Cavefish 0 lb 2.45 oz 0 lb 2.81 oz Channel Catfish 24 lb 12.1 oz 25 lb 6.58 oz Florida Gar 4 lb 15.5 oz 5 lb 0 oz Gila Trout 0 lb 7.99 oz 0 lb 8.07 oz Grass Pickerel 0 lb 15.31 oz 1 lb 0.93 oz Kokanee Salmon 2 lb 10.35 oz 3 lb 1.31 oz Mudpuppy 0 lb 7.63 oz 0 lb 8.06 oz Muskellunge 27 lb 9.08 oz 30 lb 7.62 oz Northern Cavefish 0 lb 3.95 oz 0 lb 4.18 oz Northern Pikeminnow 3 lb 6.81 oz 3 lb 8.43 oz Northern Snakehead 8 lb 2.81 oz 9 lb 2.35 oz Painted Turtle 0 lb 7.95 oz 0 lb 8 oz Pirapitinga 23 lb 13.71 oz 26 lb 1.88 oz Rainbow Darter 0 lb 0.17 oz 0 lb 0.23 oz Razorback Sucker 6 lb 7.79 oz 6 lb 8.32 oz Redfin Pickerel 1 lb 7.29 oz 1 lb 8.16 oz Redtail Catfish 23 lb 2.82 oz 24 lb 3.74 oz Sacramento Pikeminnow 4 lb 9.52 oz 5 lb 0.35 oz Sea-Run Brook Trout 4 lb 14.96 oz 5 lb 0.92 oz Tropical Gar 3 lb 7.89 oz 3 lb 8.06 oz Westslope Cutthroat Trout 1 lb 7.93 oz 1 lb 8.14 oz White Bullhead 4 lb 13.86 oz 5 lb 0.14 oz Yaqui Catfish 1 lb 7.9 oz 1 lb 8.01 oz Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout 0 lb 15.96 oz 1 lb 0.54 oz
Posted 2024-03-29 23:23:14 (edited )
V. Legendary
Spoiler Fish Name Max Without DM Min With DM Alligator Gar 23 lb 15.06 oz 26 lb 2.44 oz Alligator Snapping Turtle 33 lb 2.74 oz 35 lb 2.62 oz Atlantic Sturgeon 10 lb 4.85 oz 32 lb 3.94 oz Axolotl 0 lb 3.67 oz 0 lb 4.05 oz Baby Alligator 28 lb 12.2 oz 37 lb 8.6 oz Baby Crocodile 31 lb 5.21 oz 36 lb 10.39 oz Black Spot Piranha 1 lb 9.74 oz 2 lb 10.17 oz Bog Turtle 0 lb 1.72 oz 0 lb 2.09 oz Bull Shark 25 lb 1.63 oz 38 lb 6.73 oz Bullfrog 0 lb 15.05 oz 1 lb 1.58 oz California Newt 0 lb 0.19 oz 0 lb 0.22 oz Chinook Salmon 22 lb 15.01 oz 25 lb 4.82 oz Coho Salmon 9 lb 11.22 oz 15 lb 4.39 oz Colorado Pikeminnow 30 lb 7.33 oz 59 lb 5.94 oz Common Snapping Turtle 24 lb 14.75 oz 25 lb 4.85 oz Grass Carp 33 lb 9.34 oz 34 lb 8.94 oz Green Sturgeon 33 lb 6.63 oz 38 lb 8.06 oz Greenland Shark 32 lb 13.65 oz 36 lb 2.7 oz Gulf Sturgeon 32 lb 1.6 oz 37 lb 15.84 oz Hellbender 2 lb 4.66 oz 2 lb 12.15 oz Lake Sturgeon 32 lb 13.69 oz 34 lb 1.56 oz Longnose Gar 27 lb 4.13 oz 29 lb 7.05 oz Northern Pike 28 lb 15.99 oz 30 lb 7.28 oz Northern Red-Bellied Cooter 3 lb 5.32 oz 4 lb 1.6 oz Paddlefish 23 lb 1.72 oz 25 lb 9.31 oz Pallid Sturgeon 31 lb 7.28 oz 37 lb 9.47 oz Red King Crab 3 lb 2.25 oz 3 lb 4.36 oz Rough-Skinned Newt 0 lb 0.19 oz 0 lb 0.2 oz Seal Pup 32 lb 10.42 oz 47 lb 12.47 oz Shovelnose Sturgeon 4 lb 13.64 oz 5 lb 9.1 oz Spotted Turtle 0 lb 9.78 oz 0 lb 14.58 oz Tambaqui 34 lb 9.45 oz 37 lb 0.17 oz Tiger Muskie 14 lb 7.13 oz 15 lb 10.4 oz Western Pond Turtle 1 lb 2.32 oz 1 lb 6.37 oz White Sturgeon 34 lb 10.04 oz 37 lb 3.5 oz Wood Turtle 1 lb 2.59 oz 1 lb 5.95 oz
Posted 2024-03-29 23:23:27
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Posted 2024-03-29 23:23:35
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Posted 2024-03-29 23:23:48
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Posted 2024-05-16 03:52:37 (edited )
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