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Random rollover events from packmates' personalities

Random rollover events from packmates' personalities
Posted 2020-11-04 08:09:20 (edited)

So! Right now, packmates' personalities are mostly relevant to hunting. However... I actually have a lot of fun with the little rollover messages about your puppies that happen when they're on too low of a survival chance. (Less fun with puppies dying or getting hurt, of course, but ah, what can you do XD) So I thought, why not combine the two into something fun and random that'll make personalities even more relevant?

At every rollover, each packmate would have a small chance of causing an event to happen which -- like with puppy survival events -- would appear in the Daily Rollover Summary message. These events would differ from packmate to packmate based on their personality. Some of these events might be neutral in effect; others might have a small positive or negative impact on gameplay, such as HP loss or gain, small changes in role proficiency, etc. 

Update (2/23): A variation on this system, proposed later in this thread to balance out the frequency of rollover events happening between big and small packs, is that each personality has a certain % chance of having an event happen based on the percentage of the player's pack which has that personality. For instance, a pack that is 100% composed of Trusting wolves has a 100% chance, every day, of having a Trusting event happen, whether that pack is composed of 2 Trusting-type wolves or 200. A pack that is 50% Trusting and 50% Imaginative has a 25% chance of no events, 25% chance of a Trusting event, 25% chance of an Imaginative event, and 25% chance of getting both events each day. If an event does happen for a particular personality type, a random wolf with that personality type would be picked out to "do" that event. This system might work well to balance this idea; because there are only 40 total personalities in the game, that means that each pack could only, at most, have 40 events per day -- however, because of how the percentage chances are calculated from percentage of pack with that personality, a pack with all 40 personalities in it has only a 2.5% chance of any individual personality event happening. The chance of all 40 happening on the same day is 8.27180613 x 10^-63 %. The chance of having all possible personalities have an event on a single day is only above 0.01% if a pack has fewer than different 6 personalities.

On the pro side: this seems like it would be a relatively easy feature to code, requiring only a small adjustment of the existing code surrounding puppy survival events. For the players interested in playing Wolvden as a roleplaying game, this provides an extra layer of immersion, making their wolves feel more and more like living actors whose personalities are relevant to their behavior. For the players interested in playing Wolvden as a strategy game, this adds an extra layer of nuance to personality-picking beyond simply finding compatible personalities for hunting teams; as of now, the difference between an all-Aggressive pack and an all Romantic-hunting pack seems to be, well, none. This would change that, linking small but interesting game play changes to players' choices about pack composition. Additionally, this introduces more luck into the game -- often an equalizing element.

On the con side: some players may not enjoy having a greater element of luck introduced to the game. Additionally, many have commented with worries that if you have many events happening on a single day, the rollover message may become cluttered; however, the variation on calculation of probability described above would ensure that the chances of having more than 5 events happen on the same day are less than 0.01%.

In order to implement this idea, the existing code surrounding puppy survival events would need to be adapted to apply to adult wolves as well, and to link the code to both personality and to whichever aspects of the game the events can impact (HP, role proficiency, etc. etc.). New event flavor text would need to be written for the new events; if this falls in line with the puppy survival events, it would mean two to three sentences per event.

Similar suggestions posted by other users so far include: Pack relationships  


Posted 2020-11-04 08:33:19

Sounds pretty cute! I'd like the wolves to do more things on their own, and for their personalities to matter.


Posted 2020-11-24 08:22:25 (edited)

Coming back to this idea with some suggestions for possible rollover events!

[personality chart courtesy of Grouse House!!! Link to their guide here]

Aggressive dispositions




[Wolf] got in a fight with a packmate! -2 HP

[Wolf] spends so much time getting into fights that they wear the badge of it. Get 1 small scar decor (possible preattached to the wolf in question?)


[Wolf] saw a bunny while walking around your territory and took after it on impulse! It was quite a chase, but they did catch it after all. +10% hunger, -10% energy.





Friendly dispositions




[Wolf] shared some of their meal with a passing stranger. -10% hunger

[Wolf] goofed off with packmates rather than focusing diligently on their work. -2% to their highest role proficiency
[Wolf] found something shiny and interesting while wandering the territory, and they've taken to keeping it tucked into their fur. Get 1 small feather decor (possibly preattached to the wolf in question)



Romantic dispositions



[Wolf] thoughtfully brought home some nice plants to decorate the den with. Get 1 small foliage decor (possible preattached to the wolf in question?)



[Wolf] took some time to cuddle and groom with a packmate! +2 HP

[Wolf] took some of their constant energy out on the local prey population. +10% hunger, -10% energy.



Stoic dispositions



[Wolf] got caught in a lie, and their packmate didn't take it well. After some scuffling, you finally managed to separate them. -1 HP
[Wolf] spent time alone carefully honing their skills. +2% to which ever role proficiency they're highest in but not full in.

[Wolf] spends so much time complaining about the weather that it seems like they carry the weather around with them. Get 1 small weather decor (possibly preattached to the wolf in question?)

[Wolf] managed to sneak up on a midnight snack! +10% hunger



Posted 2020-11-25 09:04:31

I love this, anything that makes the game more immersive is always welcomed! 

Unika 🦇

Posted 2020-11-25 11:41:41

Full support! I think the game could use a little bit more immersive text and this is a good way to help incorporate the personality features even more than just from hunting. I also know a lot of players like to add lore to their wolves (me being one of them lol) and I think this would make things interesting with pack member's relationships and whatnot.


Posted 2020-11-27 00:04:09

Mmm. Mixed feelings

On one hand, I like the idea of potentially triggering little events like this for your pack completely randomly, but on the other hand- I don't like the idea of potentially adding more random penalties to the game, especially when some people are already struggling to manage the set-in-stone actions like always feeding nursing wolves to 100%

Also just the fact that this could... potentially make certain personalities more desirable or useful over others. Even if you balance the number of perks across the board making certain ones exclusive could mean having one personality over another has more payoff (like idk... aggressive giving a better gift than romantic) which would be annoying for the both the RP people and the people whos packs lean one way already due to hunting stuff


Posted 2020-12-06 12:28:21

@Lesbirds, I hear you! The goal here wouldn't be to introduce new penalties -- if that's what this system feels like, then I need to rework it. My goal is for certain personalities to, yes, be more desirable than others... depending on your playstyle. I DEFINITELY don't want any personality or personality group to have objectively better benefits than any other, but I do want different personalities to encourage different playstyles. 


Posted 2020-12-06 13:31:08

I'd support it, I'm just worried about Daily Rollover Message Clutter-

when a user has ~200 wolves- that could beworrying, even with a random chance. 


Posted 2020-12-18 07:18:29

Maybe you can have a message report on you den page that you can read instead of in your notifications?? But I love this idea and I fully support it

Rabid Syn (I drink water)

Posted 2020-12-18 07:21:05

That's fair! I suggested the daily rollover message since I thought that would be easier on the devs (since there's already code in place for adding random events onto that message), but if a message report on the den page would be easier then heck yeah :)


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