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Random rollover events from packmates' personalities

Posted 2020-12-18 07:27:30

Goodness, I think this is fantastic! Support!


Posted 2020-12-18 07:28:43

Ahhh, thank you!!! I really appreciate it ^u^ Do you have any suggestions for potential rollover events?


Posted 2020-12-18 19:51:37


The Abnormal Mind

Posted 2020-12-18 23:46:56

This is super cool! I love your ideas <3 It's really immersive. SUPPORT!

Solusfaust | Semi-Hiatus

Posted 2020-12-19 10:01:45

ohhh yes please!! any flavor text that adds to character devlopment is always incredibly fun! there's a lack of that currently aside from each wolves having a personality, and it would be very cool to see those traits expanded upon in this way! 

i also really love the idea that small events that could impact a wolfs stats, mood, hunger, etc.! i think as long as they're just small increments or predominantly positive, no one would have any issues with the random chances!


Posted 2020-12-19 10:49:23

I'm glad you like the idea!!! Do you have any advice/ideas on possible rollover events to add?


Posted 2020-12-19 11:04:47

HMMM i cant think of what more to suggest currently, but i may be back!

as a general suggestion though, maybe some more 'neutral' event examples? just some fun flavor text that change nothing about your wolves, and would be more common than the events that change stats? :thinking:

also it was brought up earlier that too many wolves in a pack could make events like these overwhelming, so a suggestion to that could be to put a limit on how many of these events could happen each rollover maybe? 0: like a limit of 3 max, and a random 3 wolves would be involved in the events?


Posted 2021-01-26 18:58:15

I support this 100%!!

🌒🧿Vex🧿🌘 [Ve/Vir]

Posted 2021-01-26 20:12:11

I would rather not have certain personalities be better for certain playstyles over other personalities, because I am a lore player and therefore personality means a lot to me rather than just being some mechanic. But I really like the idea of little bonuses for each + neutral messages! I love the pup messages but never get to enjoy them because my pups are always 100% protected. This would really help with that.


Posted 2021-02-23 10:25:49

Support! But as someone who has a fairly small pack, I worry how crazy it would get if you had a ton of wolves. Maybe reduce the random chance based on how many wolves are in a pack? 


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