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Random rollover events from packmates' personalities

Posted 2021-02-23 10:43:50

Fair enough! That really is one of the pitfalls of this idea, figuring out how to make it manageable with a bigger pack. One possibility is that each personality type has it's own "percentage likelihood" of an event happening, and that percentage comes from what percentage of your pack has that personality? If your pack is, say, 50% Trusting wolves, then there's a 50% chance of a Trusting event happening - which Trusting wolf actually "performs" the event is randomly chosen. That would balance out really nicely in terms of pack size, I think, since the likelihood of events happening would be based on how homogenous your pack's personalities are, not on how many wolves you have. A pack of literally all Trusting wolves is going to have a Trusting event every single day, but they'll ONLY have a Trusting event, whereas a pack that's evenly split between Trusting and Imaginative has a 25% chance of no events, 25% chance of getting a Trusting event, 25% chance of getti g qn Imaginative event, and 25% chance of getting both - and that would be true whether that pack has 5 wolves or 50. A pack where no two wolves have the same personality is going to have a really low chance of having any personality events, but they could have a lot of different things happen!

The problem is that  I'm not sure how the system for generating the little pup messages is set up - and it would definitely be easiest for the mods if they have to change that code as little as possible to adapt it to this new system. 


Posted 2021-02-23 14:54:49 (edited)

While i do agree its cute, i really dont think its a good idea to introduce more rng into an already very heavy rng reliant game, 10% hunger is the difference between a wolf running/not for some and adding pressure to these players really doesnt sound like a good plan

perhaps remove options that remove/add mood and hunger so this isnt affected


Posted 2021-02-23 14:56:32

Ah, fair enough! Do you think it would work better if the rng was only positive events? Like, only gaining hunger rather than getting more hungry, etc


Posted 2021-02-23 14:59:50

I have no qualms about it causing hunger/mood to be gained just against losing it because having someones wolf run because they were at 30% hunger and on ro it took 30% instead of the normal 20% would be a pretty disgusting mechanic to happen

for the ones affecting proficiency energy and hp though i dont particularly mind them because the impact isnt big enough to matter


Posted 2021-02-23 15:01:53

That's fair! You're right, a random event causing a wolf to run would be pretty terrible. 

I'm honestly ambivalent on having negative effects happen? Like, I don't thing rollover personality events *need* to have potential negative effects.


Posted 2021-02-24 08:54:17

perhaps this could be an optional feature? one you could turn off like the new 'pups not at 100%' announcement 


Posted 2021-02-24 08:56:46 (edited)

I fully support this! It makes pack life way more diverse and exciting!

edit: there is a option to turn that off, it’s on ur profile page at the very bottom @starstag


Posted 2021-03-15 08:54:08

I would be good with this so long as the messages appear at the bottom of the rollover message~!


Posted 2021-03-15 16:14:20

Ooo, I really like this idea! I can definitely see the concern with adding penalties that could revoke your control of preventing wolves from running due to lack of food/amusement. In the event that something occurs, you could only get something positive or nothing happens at all. Say a rabbit appearing in front of a wolf; a lazy wolf wouldn't chase it and therefore wouldn't get a hunger boost while an energetic wolf would chase it and would get a +5 hunger boost. If there were penalties, I feel like they would have to be small to better prevent wolves running away like -1 to -2 HP or 2%-5% hunger/amusement.


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