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[🔥ON SITE CAT RP] Journey to Haven 🌿

Posted 2024-04-29 14:22:22


Rainstrike could see how someone would feel sympathetic toward a cat struggling to survive and navigate such a harsh world all on their own. However, he himself couldn't find that same sympathy for a rogue. It was one thing to feel bad for them, but another thing entirely to accept them into your family without a second thought.

He was sure Pigeonfeather was a perfectly sensible warrior, therefor he had no reason to believe the other tom would leap at the opportunity of accepting random strangers into their camp like Silverbloom and Moonfeather had. So he nodded his head in agreement - in both Copper's unfortunate life and Silverbloom's dedication.

"That level of dedication only creates the best cats, I just hope Silverbloom is able to get a grip on her emotions. If she doesn't learn soon, her zealousness will only serve to be her downfall."

When Pigeonfeather started speaking again, Rainstrike only watched him and listened as the other cat jumped from topic to topic. About Stagcall, the group having enough problems as it were, Ravenpaw's medicine cat status, and how terrible it'd be to not have any medicine cat at all. He blinked in amusement, but he listened to whatever the cat had to say.

"Stagcall is a great leader, I have full faith in his abilities. But you're right.. everything is a lot right now. I hope he's doing well, I can't imagine how stressful it might be for him to step up and try to keep us all together. Ravenpaw is going to be vital to our group, either as an apprentice or full medicine cat, I'm not sure we'd last a full four seasons without him.."


Posted 2024-04-29 20:22:13 (edited)


Stagcall swiftly jumped onto the large rocks, his fur catching the sunlight and making it gleamed like gold. With confidence and dignity, he gazed at his clanmates, signaling an imminent assembly.

It seems they're aware he'll call for one, it's quite obvious though, considering the recent events that happened today. Stagcall scanned everyone present in the camp. Pigeonfeather, Emberpaws, Kestrelheart and Rainstrike with Ravenpaw beside him.



"I thought Silverbloom was with you, Rainstrike?" Stagcall looked down to face the mentioned tom. Did Silverbloom leave while he was busy checking out the prey pile?

"Good grief, It has been quite some time, but moonfeather and the loner still haven't returned to the camp. Surely, that she-cat is not preparing to stay longer with that stranger?" He blurted out, expressing his concern regarding Moonfeathers loyalty.

Well, there goes stagcalls plans, delayed, caused by the missing she-cat and the loner.


Posted 2024-04-30 05:12:41

🖤 Ravenpaw

Ravenpaw listened to the two toms conversing with a pleased purr rumbling in his chest, glad to hear what Pigeonfeather thought about his status. However, it did bring him fang-filled memories. Littlemouse (i believe i named them?) should have been able to give him his full name.

Blinking hard, the black tom looked away, a soft frown appearing on his face. He busied himself with clearing the thoughts, angrily swiping at his mind to make them go away.

Thankfully, he was given a distraction as Stagcall leapt onto the Big Rock. Ravenpaw's eyes widened slightly with admiration and awe as the tom's fur turned a glorious gold, akin to his eyes. His eyes scanned across all of them with a sort of confidence… before darting around with confusion.

Is he looking for the others? Ravenpaw wondered, beginning to look around himself. His heart slightly dropped as he remembered what the other two toms had been talking about. Did the she-cats leave the group for the loner? Were they joining its group?

His ears slowly went back against his head as he heard Stagcall's words. It couldn't be…


Posted 2024-04-30 06:11:49


Moonfeather watched Silverbloom leave. She hoped that the she-cat would be able to go back to camp safely, and that Stagcall would welcome her in. Moonfeather knew how Stagcall was when she left with Copper, and how he had acted. Then she stopped, an idea coming to her.

"Silverbloom, wait. What if, we both go back, pretend we just sent Copper away, far from our territory, but we can come back to Copper and help out when we go hunting or something? That way we can go back to the group, and that Copper can still be able to see us." Moonfeather suggested, her heart pounding. It was a good idea, but would it work? Would Stagcall believe them, after all that happened?

StarClan only knows....

☽ 𝓢𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓼𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽☽

Posted 2024-04-30 06:38:30 (edited)


"During the patrol with Kestrelheart, pigeonfeather and moonfeather earlier. The three have come across a loner, copper is her name. According to Pigeonfeather, the young one was found not quite far from the camp, hunting. That is when Moonfeather accompanied it here." He paused, clearing his throat.

"Moonfeather told us to have copper join the group and be cared for." Stagcall halted before continuing. "...Like a family."

He took a quick glance around camp, expecting that Moonfeather will hopefully return, this time with the loner as well. The meeting's main purpose was to resolve the situation regarding the loner afterall. he can't afford to have it prolonging even more longer.

"However, that is when both rainstrike and I showed disapproval. With no proper explanation to the loner from Moonfeather during that time, I dragged the little one outside camp. Not wanting to risk the safety of everyone in the matter of copper. Silverbloom quickly interrupted, forcing copper out of my grasp without hesitation, inflicting a wound in the process. While another one came for rainstrike, from...silverbloom." The brown tom confessed.

(Feel free to ask stagcall anything regarding the events while we wait for moonfeather, copper and silverbloom!)


Posted 2024-04-30 07:42:25


(Sorry for the late reply, just got back to school!)

"Ok... Copper, you stay here!" She replied, still clearly terrified by the starry spirits around them. What were they thinking? Were they... dead? No, dont think like that! She scolded herself. Trotting back to camp with Moonfeather, she asked, curious. "D-Did you see the reflections in the crystals... I never noticed how similar they look like starry spirits..." She stopped to wait for her quiet friend's reply.



O-ok... I'm on my own now... She thought. The spotted she-cat never liked to be alone, but the crystals made her strangely... Scared. The reflections were not normal. Cats with stars in there pelt? Why were they here? Was this the 'StarClan' she had heard of?


Posted 2024-04-30 08:20:19


"What...?" Pigeonfeather whispered in disbelief as he heard how his leader had acted. He knew Stagcall could be ferocious when he so chose, but he didn't know that extended to attacking helpless, scrawny apprentices. He had wounded a young cat barely out of the nursery! Still, Pigeonfeather saw his point about inviting loners into the camp. His pelt prickled with shame as he realized that he should have accompanied them back as the leader of the patrol and asked Stagcall if it was okay to bring the loner into camp. He had gotten so caught up in his excitement about finding the source of the strange scent that he had neglected his duty as a member of the camp. He lowered his eyes, tail twitching, but then quickly forced himself to look up again. This was a minor setback. He would learn from this and move forward.

More pressingly, what was going to happen to Copper, Silverbloom, and Moonfeather? Clearly, they were missing in action, and Pigeonfeather was a little worried about them. The tension at the camp was clearly at a boiling point, with the loner and Rainstrike both injured, and three cats missing. He swallowed nervously and padded up to Stagcall, trying to make amends for his lapse earlier.

"Stagcall, if it's alright, I and another cat or two could go look for the three cats we're missing... we could even bring Ravenpaw so they know we don't mean trouble. Though Copper isn't of the Clans, Moonfeather and Silverbloom will hopefully know we don't mean trouble if we take a medicine cat, since they're sworn not to be an aggressor!"


Posted 2024-04-30 08:55:51 (edited)


"Stagcall, if it's alright, I and another cat or two could go look for the three cats we're missing... we could even bring Ravenpaw so they know we don't mean trouble. Though Copper isn't of the Clans, Moonfeather and Silverbloom will hopefully know we don't mean trouble if we take a medicine cat, since they're sworn not to be an aggressor!"

"Are you certain? You just returned from a patrol, pigeonfeather. Aren't you tired?" Stagcall considered, but the determination in the silver tom's expression was evident.

"Very well." he acknowledged with a quick nod to pigeonfeather before addressing the two cats below the big rocks. "Kestrelheart, and Ravenpaw" he called out. "Accompany pigeonfeather and look for silverbloom, moonfeather, and copper." He instructed the three, hoping that the mentioned cats would be more receptive to them.

(Just gonna clarify that stagcall din't intentionally wounded copper btw! he just want to leave the lil one out of the border. It's just that silverbloom suddenly pulled copper out from his hold causing coppers scruff to accidentally slide between his fangs hence the wounds!)


Posted 2024-04-30 09:41:53

🪶 Kestrelheart

Kestrelheart listened intently as Stagcall began to speak, and her eyes only narrowed as she heard what had ensued. How could they disrespect their only leader figure in the moment, putting the group before a loner?

She didn't understand why the two she-cats had acted the way they did. It couldn't have been worth destroying their trust with Stagcall, could it?

I wonder if they even want to come back. she thought with a bitter edge, the tip of her tail flicking constantly with irritation. They had hurt one of their own for an outsider.

She stood up upon hearing her name, giving Stagcall a firm nod.

"Yes, Stagcall," she meowed, but then blinked hard, a small sigh following. "What are you planning to do when we get back? Will you be allowing the loner to stay with us…? If you know," the tabby added quickly, but her frown was maintained.

- - -

🖤 Ravenpaw

(to put it quickly-) Ravenpaw felt quite similar to Kestrelheart. He couldn't get over the fact that Silverbloom had lashed out with the intent to harm her own 'clan'mate over a loner she had met within minutes of the incident.

The young medicine cat wasn't sure how to view that she-cat right now, and he didn't know when he would. He didn't have anything to say about Moonfeather, but the fact she had still gone with the loner and Silverbloom still spoke for her. She had sided with the loner.

He quickly stood up as he heard his name, nodding as he understood why he was going, but he mentally murmured to himself that he likely wouldn't be able to keep a pleased face.


Posted 2024-04-30 10:13:57


Pigeonfeather nodded as he heard his leader's decisions for who to accompany him, though he was a little worried about Kestrelheart as he glanced over at her narrowed eyes and twitching tail. Hopefully she would see that this was their one chance to bring their beloved Clanmates back. He, too, was in disbelief that Silverbloom would hurt a fellow campmate and that Moonfeather would flee with her, but he was also not here when the argument went down. He knew how hot-headed Silverbloom could be and it seemed that Moonfeather might have seen a piece of herself in this young cat, Copper. However, he also thought that once they got into any trouble, they would need some help, so it was important to find them as fast as possible.

He could tell that Ravenpaw also wasn't thrilled, but he was doing a little better of hiding it. He did seem to know that he was the symbol of peace they would be relying on to keep this civil.

Hearing Kestrelheart's question, Pigeonfeather tilted his head. That was a valid concern. What would happen to the loner once they brought her back? Though he understood the anger the others felt at having a stranger waltz into their camp, he also knew that the she-cat didn't really seem to want to spy or sabotage them, though of course sometimes he wasn't the best judge of character.

"Stagcall," he began softly, not wanting to irritate his leader, "I think it would be good to keep Copper with us. She's clearly very determined, she doesn't seem to want to destroy us or pick fights among us intentionally, and, frankly, we could use a set of helping paws around here. She's about apprentice age - do you see any other apprentices around here? If you dislike her as a loner so much, make her an apprentice, and assign her to Moonfeather or Silverbloom. They can teach her how to become a warrior with compassion but also duty. In- in my personal opinion." He added hurriedly before sitting down with a thump. He hoped Stagcall didn't think he was being questioned.


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