[🔥ON SITE CAT RP] Journey to Haven 🌿
Posted 2024-04-30 10:35:41 (edited)
Stagcall The tom paused and listened intensely to pigeonfeathers suggestion and Kestrelhearts question. Stagcall briefly took a moment and replied to both. "…We'll find out." It's too early to announce a decision yet but kept pigeonfeathers proposal in mind. Stagcall then, turned to look at each of the three warriors, their faces giving away the intensity of their emotions. It wouldn't be good if another confrontation are to happen but as long as they don't get caught up with silverblooms..attitude, they'd be fine. Stagcall thought. "Remember, stay calm and composed, I wish you three success." He reminded them , though it had a subtle hint pertaining to silverbloom before making a quick flick of his dark scarred tail, signaling the three to start their search. With only three cats left in camp — Emberpaw, Rainstrike, and Stagcall - along with Pigeonfeather, Kestrelheart, and Ravenpaw preparing to leave, and three missing cats, it wouldn't be easy to fend off any possible dangers if the camp is ambushed. Stagcall hoped that they'd come as quick as possible. The camp is in a vulnerable state with every step. |
![]() Crallee© #119516 |
Posted 2024-04-30 14:04:21
🪶 Kestrelheart Kestrelheart's attention shifted to Pigeonfeather as he began speaking to Stagcall after her. It was then that she took the time to focus on the tom's expression. She could tell that he felt differently, if only a little, about the rest of the camp's view on things. While his words did make sense, a bitter taste still rested on Kestrelheart's tongue. This loner has seen nothing but conflict and even aggression from their group, so what was stopping her from developing vile thoughts later on? Sure, Moonfeather and Silverbloom would be left out of it, but what about the others? At the rate at how things are going, I suppose we'll see as she gets older, she slowly lowered her shoulders as she thought this. Because, if they wanted the two she-cats back, they'd have to allow Copper to stay. Hopefully one of the two cats would mentor her properly. "Thank you, Stagcall," she mewed, looking back at the ready Ravenpaw and Pigeonfeather before making her way to the camp's entrance. If this 'mission' was to go quickly, it would be best to catch their trails before they went stale. - - - 🖤 Ravenpaw Ravenpaw listened to Pigeonfeather intently, trying to grasp his own sole opinion on what was happening. He was still new to this topic, suddenly thrust into it as soon as he returned from foraging. Seeing the less-than-happy Kestrelheart already heading for the entrance to the camp, he quickly rushed over to meet her, casting a concerned glance across his shoulder before they walked out. |
![]() katastrophic #12334 |
Posted 2024-04-30 15:59:33
Pigeonfeather Pigeonfeather followed Kestrelheart to the camp entrance, glad to see that both his leader and his patrolmates had taken his words to heart. It meant a lot that they didn't treat him like some fluff-brained kit and instead valued his input and opinions. However, Kestrelheart had a point - they had to get out fast before the scents faded and were untraceable. All he wanted was to bring his Clanmates home safe and sound, with or without the new loner. However, he did see how attached both of them had become to her, and it was important to make sure the new cat was at least safe, no matter what happened. Pigeonfeather would never leave a cat in danger or without relative safety, given the chance. Just outside of the camp, Pigeonfeather picked up a trail. It led him deeper into the woods, and eventually he could hear the sound of rushing water. He turned to the other two cats in the patrol, waving his bushy gray tail. "What could have possessed them to come this way?" he asked. "There doesn't seem to be much over here that I know of, except a waterfall...are they just gathering their thoughts by the water?" |
![]() 💫KasperKat💫 #128485 |
Posted 2024-04-30 16:13:10
🪶 Kestrelheart Kestrelheart fell back a little once Pigeonfeather seemed to catch the scent, which she soon smelled afterwards, allowing him to take the lead. The tall black tom lingered at the back of the newly formed line, not saying much. The silence unnerved the she-cat slightly. A part of her missed the idle chatter of their prior patrol. When she noticed Pigeonfeather wave his tail, she was brought back to the present, halting at his gesture. She was slightly shocked to hear the water, her ears going out to the sides ever so slightly at the sudden harshness. "A refuge, for sure..." she meowed, scanning the pool of water the waterfall was feeding. "...do you think they were planning to... live here?" Her left ear ticked back as Ravenpaw suddenly stepped forward. "There they are," he whispered to the two, leaning down as his sage eyes fixated on two familiar figures slinking out from behind the waterfall. The tip of his tail tapped the ground, the meaning behind it unidentifiable. |
![]() katastrophic #12334 |
Posted 2024-05-01 06:12:54 (edited)
Stagcall Stagcall started to sat on the big rocks, his attention switched to rainstrike. He lowered his head and asked the tom below. "How are you feeling now, rainstrike?" While waiting, he observed the toms wound on his pelt, it looks much better than before now thanks to Ravenpaws treatment. Up until now, silverbloom and rainstrike had always been constantly on edge with each other but he still find it unbelievable that silverbloom would actually hurt rainstrike, her very own clan mate, twice. What was going through in her mind? He planned to refer this issue with Silverbloom once Kestrelheart, Pigeonfeather, and Ravenpaw returned the three back to the camp. |
![]() Crallee© #119516 |
Posted 2024-05-01 06:29:02
Rainstrike Rainstrike tilted his head up to look at his leader directly. So far, he'd remained quiet and listened to his clanmates discuss the rogue. He still felt very strongly about refusing to open their fragile home up to strangers - but he also felt confident in Stagcall's judgment. He knew the brown tom would make the right decision. "Drastically better," he replied to Stagcall's question honestly, ever since Ravenpaw had treated him with herbs, he'd started to feel better. "Ravenpaw says I should be healed in no time." He thought back briefly to when he was wondering how Stagcall was feeling with managing their group, but that sort of thing wasn't something to be asked around a crowd. Maybe he'd try checking in on his leader later and after everything had settled down. |
![]() Solkryn #3121 |
Posted 2024-05-01 07:13:06 (edited)
Stagcall "So, hows Ravenpaws treatment?" Stagcall asked rainstrike again, this time it's about Ravenpaws skills. Ravenpaw was ready to be made as a new medicine cat, he couldn't help but recall the ceremony where the tall black tom stood beside the clan's medicine cat, little mouse. The memory was vivid, but he quickly shook his head, pushing aside the recollection of that unfortunate event. It wasn't the right time to dwell on it. He cleared his throat and turned his attention back to rainstrike. |
![]() Crallee© #119516 |
Posted 2024-05-01 07:36:44
Pigeonfeather Pigeonfeather called out to the two she-cats, raising his tail in greeting. "Moonfeather! Silverbloom! Over here!" he said, hoping his friendliness was evident in his mew. Just in case it was not, he moved aside to show Kestrelheart and Ravenpaw, displaying the medicine cat. "We wanted to talk with you about what's going on!" In an aside, he turned to the other two and meowed under his breath, "What do we do if they make a dash for it?" |
![]() 💫KasperKat💫 #128485 |
Posted 2024-05-01 08:56:40
Rainstrike Rainstrike's whiskers twitched with joy. Stagcall's words meant a lot to him and he was glad his leader felt as confident as he did in his recovery from the gashes Silverbloom had inflicted on him. He would remain in camp and rest until he could walk without a limp - despite how much it irked him to do so. The silver-gray tom straightened a bit with Stagcall's next question, he squared his shoulders and perked his ears. The question had reminded him of being asked to give a report regarding a warrior apprentice, so he treated it as such - purely out of habit. "Ravenpaw did an excellent job, he immediately assessed my injury and knew how to treat it, I didn't sense any hesitation from him. He'd gone out of his way to help me out of the den and provided additional herbs to ease the pain. He's definitely come a long way since the early moons of his apprenticeship as a medicine cat. Littlemouse-" He momentarily faltered. Remembering and speaking the names of their fallen clan members had been so natural, it was too easy to forget they weren't here anymore. He blinked and pulled his thoughts back together. "Littlemouse had taught him well." |
![]() Solkryn #3121 |
Posted 2024-05-01 09:25:19
🪶 Kestrelheart Kestrelheart glanced over at Pigeonfeather as he called out to the she-cats, and she made a quiet sound in response. She hadn't been sure if they should watch them to see what exactly they were doing, but calling out to them would work, too. She just hoped they'd be truthful once questioned, because she definitely had things she wanted to ask. "I don't think they would… this patrol of sorts consists of cats that weren't there for the conflict. Maybe they'll be open to telling us what happened on their side, or at least listening to us more than they would to the ones back at camp." she replied to the tom upon his whispered inquiry. "I agree," Ravenpaw murmured after thinking for a little, straightening back up. His expression suddenly seemed quite blank, and Kestrelheart couldn't tell what was going through his head. Maybe he was wondering what they would say happened? She herself was wondering how drastically their stories would differ. |
![]() katastrophic #12334 |