[🔥ON SITE CAT RP] Journey to Haven 🌿
Posted 2024-05-12 10:49:43
Silverbloom Hearing a rustling in the bushes, Silverbloom pounced at what had made the noise. Her paws had landed on another cat, Ravenpaw. Let him go. A pleading voice rang in her mind. Dose he not remind you of what you lost? She had now recognised the voice. Littlemouse. Letting go of the tall tom, she swiftly turned away and pretended that had never happened, that she had never saw or heard him. "Run!" She begged the black cat. "Run and never come back! I don't want to hurt anyone! Just... Just kill me now... I've done too much damage..." In the few heartbeats of being free from her crazed state, she wanted her misery to be over. She wanted to be dead. Ravenpaw would be dead if she had not remembered his former mentor. Her brother. |
![]() DarkHeart #137813 |
Posted 2024-05-12 11:26:25
Rainstrike The large tom had high hopes for their little group. Despite what had happened several sunrises ago, he thought things had seemed fairly calm and normal since then. And now, Stagcall spoke of investigating the home of the large rabbits, and exploration. He was excited for the days to come. Now that his injury was fully healed he no longer held any worries about it. Rainstrike itched to be out in the forest, hunting, and providing for the cats of their group. He still stressed over cats leaving camp on their own, and he himself would never dare venture into the forest by himself - his newfound fear of dogs and what might lurking in the shadows was something he'd likely never move on from. When he saw Ravenpaw showing signs of wanting to leave, he asked the medicine cat if he could come along. Rainstrike didn't know the first thing about herbs, but he could definitely help carry anything or be on the lookout while the black tom dug around. The area around the waterfall was a place he'd never actually bothered exploring. Partly because none of the other cats seemed to want to go there, and because he had luck hunting elsewhere anyway. While Ravenpaw searched along the water's edge, Rainstrike ventured a little further away to investigate some old bones and scattered feathers. He'd only looked away for a short few seconds before his ears perked up at the sound of loud rustling in the foliage and voices. The gray tom raced back toward the water, claws unsheathed. He found Ravenpaw looking a little more ruffled up than usual, and Silverbloom standing near him. If it weren't for the she-cat's distinctive features, he probably wouldn't have recognized her. The past week must not have been kind to her. Rainstrike hadn't heard what Silverbloom said, he threw himself between the two cats and faced the silver she-cat with cold rage. His fur fluffed up and a vicious hiss left his exposed fangs. Any ounce of respect he held toward her had completely dissolved when she didn't come back to the group. As far as he was concerned, Silverbloom had abandoned them and now was no better than a rogue. |
![]() Solkryn #3121 |
Posted 2024-05-12 11:36:03
🖤 Ravenpaw Ravenpaw's sage eyes widened as he was thrown to the ground, a harsh yelp escaping his mouth as he writhed underneath Silverbloom. She felt lighter than he'd expected, though... Then, right as he went to swipe at her face in desperation, she moved and turned as if nothing had happened, speaking two very conflicted sentences. As he shakily got to his paws, his fur stayed spiked, and his eyes stayed wide. He had seen the pure, murderous intent in her eyes not seconds before. Relief flooded his mind as Rainstrike suddenly reappeared, looking and sounding just as furious as he felt. "She's gone insane," Ravenpaw spat as he looked over the tom at Silverbloom, his tail lashing, hitting the nearby leaves. He dug his claws into the soft dirt. She was too dangerous to bring back to camp, no matter if the other cats wanted her back or not. |
![]() katastrophic #12334 |
Posted 2024-05-12 11:38:14
Silverbloom She had tears in her eyes. "Good, this will be done quickly." The silver she-cat smiled as she said this. She wanted to die. She was a danger to everyone. "Kill me." She meowed to Rainstrike. "Kill me, and do it quickly." The voices in her head of the ones she had lost begged her not to do this. There was many more than she had expected. Thousands of echoing pleads. This was part of the reason she had gone mad. "Kill me! And do it before I loose myself again!" She said more urgently. Silverbloom could feel her grasp on reality fading. With her being parched and starved, she would be easy to send to StarClan, even if she did go insane. |
![]() DarkHeart #137813 |
Posted 2024-05-12 11:55:02
Rainstrike Silverbloom had clearly lost her mind, and Rainstrike wasn't surprised. Starvation, dehydration, and isolation could only drive a cat mad. Yet he just couldn't find it in himself to care. This cat was no longer a member of his group, a decision Silverbloom had made herself. "Death is too good for you." His voice his voice rumbled with barely contained fury. "Crawl back into the shadows like the fox you are." He raised out of his half-crouch and loomed over the pitiful she-cat, his yellow eyes dark with hate. Silverbloom had chosen to abandon them when they needed her most, and he'd never forgive her for that. "You've done this to yourself, now you need to live with the consequences. You wanted to leave, so go!" Rainstrike yelled down at the she-cat, ears pinned back and tail lashing. It only upset him more that she had come back at all, he didn't know why she was here but he suspected it was because of the hunger and struggles - which disgusted him. If a cat chose to abandon their clan, he believed they had no right to come crawling back when things didn't go as they planned. |
![]() Solkryn #3121 |
Posted 2024-05-12 12:09:33 (edited)
Silverbloom "I warned you!" She had now lost grip on herself. Leaping at Rainstrike she hissed into his face; "You think you can intimidate me?" Her insane laughter filled the clearing. "I didn't choose this! I did this to protect you all!" Silverbloom's claws slid out as she pinned the tom beneath her. The huge she-cat had the advantage of size, and it was easy to keep Rainstrike still. "Now you'll leave me to be insane instaid of blaming me... or... Well, you don't want to know!" She hissed. It would be so easy to kill him, but I don't want to! Why do I have to second guess everything? What is wrong with me? Silverbloom asked herself. |
![]() DarkHeart #137813 |
Posted 2024-05-12 12:16:30
🖤 Ravenpaw Ravenpaw stared between the two ferocious cats as they spoke, and he found himself nodding with each of Rainstrike's words. He was certain that both he and the other tom were sharing the same views about their insane... former clanmate. Then, as Silverbloom yowled a warning and leapt at Rainstrike, the tall tom jumped back as the other was pinned to the ground where he had been seconds prior. "Get off of him!" he hissed, now pinning his ears flat against his skull. What did she think she was doing? She was severely malnourished, and outnumbered. The only thing in her favor was her insanity, but that wouldn't be enough if she was truly trying to fight to the death. He wasn't the best at fighting, but he had still received some warrior training before becoming a medicine cat apprentice. Using his long legs to his advantage, he took a bound towards Silverbloom's side, grabbing her stumped tail between his teeth. He was sure that the place was still sensitive. Ravenpaw growled as he thought about how low the move probably was, but he was not about to watch Rainstrike die before him. Biting down harder, he tried to drag her off with pain and force. all of this happens if allowed, of course! |
![]() katastrophic #12334 |
Posted 2024-05-12 12:28:32
Silverbloom Yowling in pain, she kicked at Ravenpaw, making sure Rainstrike was still pinned down. "What did I just tell you? You threat me like I chose to leave! Don't you see? I lash out at every small thing! Your better off with me dead!" She hissed. "I never wanted this... If only I could have protected them..." She meawed sadly. Now sagging, she let go of Rainstrike and ran away. Short reply cause I need to sleep, school tomorow... |
![]() DarkHeart #137813 |
Posted 2024-05-12 12:39:41
Rainstrike The moment he was pinned by the larger cat and shoved into the ground, memories of the dog attack fluttered into his head. The pupils in his eyes shrank to thin slits with the surge of adrenaline and fear. He thrashed beneath Silverbloom, the muscles beneath his pelt tense and claws aimlessly lashing out at the earth. With the combined help of Ravenpaw and Silverbloom's weakened body, he managed to roll out from under her. Rainstrike was quick to leap back up onto his paws - but before he could strike out at her with her claws, Silverbloom had darted away. He chased after her a few bounds, but quickly changed his mind about attacking her and retreated back to Ravenpaw. His fur still fluffed up and heart racing, he circled the medicine cat, instinctively checking his clanmate for injuries. "Are you alright Ravenpaw? Did she hurt you?- I'm sorry- I should have stayed closer- we need to get back to camp and inform Stagcall of what happened." Rainstrike's meow was softer and full of worry, entirely different from how he'd just yowled at Silverbloom. His kindness and patience only extended to the members of their group. |
![]() Solkryn #3121 |
Posted 2024-05-12 13:51:36
🖤 Ravenpaw Ravenpaw let out a gruff sound as he was kicked, and he nearly lost his grip, but he dug his claws into the earth until Rainstrike was able to get out from underneath the wild she-cat. Then, he watched as Silverbloom ran away, disappearing in the trees just like she had on that ominous day. He allowed his fur to lie flat, but his ears were still fairly lowered. He couldn't believe what had just happened... even though she wasn't in the right mindset, he had a feeling that those attacks were at least intentional in one way or another. His light green eyes immediately softened as Rainstrike came back to check on him, a smile even appearing on his face due to it. "I'm okay, but my side may be a little bit sore for a day or so. Thank you," he grinned. "And don't worry, neither of us expected this to happen... I'm just glad you were there in general. But yes, we definitely need to tell Stagcall." Ravenpaw rolled his shoulders slowly as he stared out at the direction Silverbloom had run. Then, he turned and began making his way to the camp, shaking out his now slightly dusty fur. "What about you? Are you okay?" he asked softly, placing his tail against the other tom's flank with a worried frown. |
![]() katastrophic #12334 |