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[🔥ON SITE CAT RP] Journey to Haven 🌿

Posted 2024-05-12 14:10:14


It unsettled him to know Silverbloom was within range of the camp. He wondered if she'd been this way the entire time or only just recently came sulking back across the group's makeshift borders. Having a cat like that around could be dangerous - she clearly could barely control herself and had already proven she was more than willing to injure them even in a clear state of mind.

He was relieved to know Ravenpaw was fine, the medicine cat was far too important for their group to lose.

Rainstrike turned and padded alongside his clanmate as they followed the path back to camp. Their encounter with the deranged Silverbloom could have taken a much darker turn, he was thankful the scuffle ended as quickly as it did.

There was the slightest flinch when Ravenpaw's tail touched his flank, his body briefly tensing against the contact though not out of pain or discomfort, he just wasn't used to it.

"I'm alright. Just.. surprised. I wasn't expecting to ever see Silverbloom again, I suspected she had left for good. She's dangerous, her being back can't mean anything good for us."


Posted 2024-05-12 16:55:41

🖤 Ravenpaw

Ravenpaw noticed the short flinch and tension Rainstrike displayed what his tail touched him, so he kept it there for a second or so longer before dropping it back down.

"I understand completely. I'm equally surprised... especially when, a week ago on the patrol with the others, she shot this... murderous glare straight into my soul. I'm surprised she didn't kill me when she got me on the ground... but it probably has something to do with Littlemouse," he murmured the last part with a saddened tone, his tail drooping as he remembered his late mentor. They were a lovely one, taking him in without the judgement that some other cats in the clan had shown. He would never forget how great of a mentor they were.

"But, I agree. We need to tell Stagcall as soon as possible. Maybe that is the last we'll be seeing of her, but that's exactly what I thought when the patrol didn't come back with her last time."

Setting his jaw, he picked up the pace a little, suddenly painfully eager to get back to camp.


Posted 2024-05-12 18:20:47


As they approached camp, he could make out the shapes of cats gathered at the camp entrance. Once he got close enough to realize it was Pigeonfeather and Moonfeather with Copper, Rainstrike paused in his tracks, the fur along his spine bristling.

Now Copper was back too? There was no way this day could get any worse - there were two too many rogues on their territory.

He glanced back at Ravenpaw, unsure if the medicine cat would go through the camp entrance with Copper there, or follow him around to enter the camp a different way. Rainstrike veered off to the right and circled around into the camp from the side. He wanted nowhere near that loner, and Stagcall needed to know about this immediately.

The large cat pressed through the foliage surrounding their home and came out the other side, giving his pelt a little shake before quickly padding across camp in search of their leader. It didn't take too long to find the brown tom.

"Stagcall," he approached the other tom with a bit of urgency. "I need to speak with you."


Posted 2024-05-13 04:50:25


Pigeonfeather's whiskers twitched as Copper whispered to him, and he crept closer to where she was crouched. He saw Moonfeather nearby, her ears pricked at the mention of Silverbloom's name, and flicked his tail to motion her closer.

"You know where Silverbloom is? I assumed she'd run for the hills...and what do you mean I'm not going to like it?" Pigeonfeather whispered quickly, keeping his eyes on the other cats. He knew Rainstrike and Ravenpaw were out, and hoped that if they returned, they wouldn't interrupt. This could be important, especially if the older she-cat held any resentment for the group she had left. At this point, he considered her a rogue, and wouldn't put it past her to launch an attack. He had to find out where she had gone, and tell Stagcall.


Posted 2024-05-13 08:39:35 (edited)


"S-She's gone insane!" She whispered almost as quickly as Pigeonfeather. "I heard her. I-I went to go see what it was, o-only to see she's lost h-her mind!" Hearing rustling in the bushes, Copper turned around to see Rainstrike and Ravenpaw. What would they say? She was already scared about Silverbloom, but something about them telling Stagcall she was here made her terrified. "I-I don't think w-we can help h-her... I don't k-know what to do!" She admitted once she had turned back to the two grey tabbies. "If y-you think of something, I-I'll be trying to see where S-Silverbloom went." The small she-cat explained, before hopping into the trees and looking for the huge silver she-cat.


Posted 2024-05-13 08:53:19 (edited)


Pigeonfeather locked eyes with Ravenpaw, knowing that he and Rainstrike had seen him talking Copper and that neither cat were big fans of the smaller she-cat.

"I have important information for Stagcall," he meowed to Ravenpaw calmly, "this is why we need to keep Copper around - she's been helping a little as our eyes and ears. Did you see Silverbloom at all while you were out in the woods? Apparently, she's lost her mind."


Posted 2024-05-13 09:36:00

🖤 Ravenpaw

Ravenpaw stopped in his tracks following Rainstrike as he heard Pigeonfeather talking in his direction. He met his eyes, his own still holding remnants of fear and disdain.

He stepped closer to the fluffy tom, glancing sideways to Moonfeather, and then to where Copper scampered off into the trees. He had no care for her, so what the tom said about her usefulness did not affect him.

"We would have found out about her without the loner." he said solemnly, his soft voice becoming monotone once more. He spoke loud enough for only Pigeonfeather to hear.

"I was out looking for new water herbs, and Rainstrike was with me — he didn't want me to go alone, and I'm incredibly glad. Silverbloom caught sight of me and held me to the ground. I saw the murder in her eyes, just like when we went a week ago. She wanted me dead, and I don't know why she stopped."

Ravenpaw frowned as he said the last part, lowering his head a little as he continued looking at the other tom. "Then, when Rainstrike protected me, she nearly killed him as well. She couldn't decide whether she wanted to die or to kill the two of us. She ended up running away, and now Rainstrike is reporting to Stagcall. She is dangerous, Pigeonfeather. Please, do not pursue her… at least not without word from Stagcall. Do not follow that loner out."

His eyes softened at the end as he directly addressed the tom, but his eyes held a profound sadness. He would hate to lose the magnificent tom. They had already lost enough.

Turning his head, he caught the direct, staring eyes of Kestrelheart, now sitting up on the log. It seemed she had heard everything, and her claws were now digging into the bark. Her eyes then bore into Pigeonfeather. He felt that the she-cat would not allow him to go after hearing this. It was clear than both of the cats looking at Pigeonfeather now cared for his safety tremendously, and had lost respect for the insane Silverbloom.


Posted 2024-05-13 09:36:01


Stagcall was seated under the big rocks, his yellow eyes fixed on the three cats in the camp who were talking softly, though he couldn't catch their words. He was too exhausted to intervene before the loner departed. It bothered the brown tom that copper could wander in and out at will, a presence he had only tolerated for the sake of avoiding past conflicts.

The weight of leading the group through all the recent chaos was taking its toll on him, leaving him to wonder if this was what their former leaders had always experienced. Despite feeling drained, he knew he had to push on, putting himself aside.

As stagcall got up, he caught the familiar scent of two cats, Rainstrike and Ravenpaw.


"Stagcall," he approached the other tom with a bit of urgency. "I need to speak with you."

Stagcall silenty agreed with a nod, observing Rainstrike's urgent demeanor and wanting to know what news he was about to share.


Posted 2024-05-13 10:06:57 (edited)


Sprinting back to her den, made of an abandoned fox den, Silverbloom fell into the deep sleep she had ever since she left the group, the same mystic dream she had ever since she left the group.

Walking through the forest, the huge silver she-cat heard a familiar noise. Barking. Rushing back to camp to warn the others, she wondered what they would think of her. Now at the entrance, the others turned her away, not wanting what she had to say. The same sudden pain that would wake her up, sent her to a weird, misty place. The voices of those who had driven her insane present, but she could understand them. 'Help them'  'Join them'  'Protect them'  'They are your friends'  'They are your family'


Posted 2024-05-13 10:16:29


Pigeonfeather felt touched by Ravenpaw's words, and as he followed the gaze of the other tom, he saw Kestrelheart watching. He knew she would never let him charge off looking for Silverbloom, and to be honest, he wouldn't even think of going without her. She was no shrinking violet, she didn't need his "protection" by pretending he had to do it alone for their sake. In fact, she could probably beat Silverbloom up better than Pigeonfeather ever could. And anyway, Pigeonfeather, despite his help with Copper, was still a loyal Clan cat. He was planning to report to his leader before all else.

Still, he wanted to discuss with Kestrelheart first. He strolled up to her and purred a hello. "Did you hear what's going on? Don't worry, I won't go on some harebrain chase for a crazy she-cat...what do you think we should do? Tell Stagcall? It sounds like Rainstrike already got there."


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