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[OOC] Journey to Haven

Posted 2024-05-21 09:19:07 (edited)
I'm hoping that we'll use a poll thing for voting regarding things such as clan names for example, what do y'all think of creating a group here in WD? I have the mats and currency needed


Posted 2024-05-21 09:19:43
XDD Rainstrike is most definitely a momma's boy, Snowbeam was his whole world and the first cat to ever show him love and care after he'd previously only knew abandonment and loneliness as a kit. Snowbeam also would have been an incredible leader figure and overall a cat Rainstrike and his brother completely idolized and strived to be

Both of those cats dying definitely changed Rainstrike for the worst - he isn't outright evil or malicious, but the world isn't nearly as bright through his eyes


Posted 2024-05-21 09:20:28
i'm definitely down for joining a group for the roleplay :DD

and for sure, with the idea of polls!!


Posted 2024-05-21 09:24:16
I'd be 100% down for joining a group if you made one I can help anything you need with supplies/SC


Posted 2024-05-21 09:26:59
Sure! If I have any spare supplies, I'll send them over too!


Posted 2024-05-21 09:41:50
Ow, poor rainstrike, I think I understand him a bit. Imagine losing someone that means the whole world to you, not once but twice
Alright then! I'll go set up one pronto

And no need to send over since I have enough for the requirements, but thank you guys


Posted 2024-05-21 09:43:55
Group sounds so fun!!

Posted 2024-05-21 09:47:18
Also, Crallee, behind the waterfall was the Crystal Cavern were they saw the StarClan reflections!
What is Silver only appears in the crystals when no other StarClan cat is around?


Posted 2024-05-21 09:51:23 (edited)
Quick update:

Finally made the group! Join here we need at least 5 members so come on in

Edit: Y'all place a name suggestion since I'll be creating a poll as well (excluding the already suggested names earlier, I'll be adding them also)


Posted 2024-05-21 09:53:23
It says invite only :c

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