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Player made November event!!!

Posted 2020-11-04 12:13:33

Also ik this sounds weird but I might have a diorite pup in the future to give away in event, I have one of my adults prego and is carrying two pups, the father was a diorite base. I don't have room to keep any more pups I just breed now to trade away or donate


Posted 2020-11-04 12:16:46 (edited)

if your saying you want to donate here thats always welcome just warn me or someone else here assigned with a role so they or i can put aside food, toys and a sitter for the wolf ^^ 


Posted 2020-11-04 12:31:23

Well, the wolf will be born in 4 rollovers, and it takes roughly 24 rollovers to become an adult, so the wolf will be an adult December 2nd. I have room for the wolf until it becomes an adult, and that will be after the giveaway so I can hang onto it until right before the giveaway. That is, if any of the two pups even inherits the father's base.


Posted 2020-11-04 13:09:41


I'm thinking after we do the november even we can start to work on the december event if any of y'all want to


Posted 2020-11-04 13:30:20

I might have more time to work on art for a december event, so I'm down! Also, I can donate some medicine and other things rn


Posted 2020-11-04 16:11:05

i think we should make this a group kinda like the lioden clans.. and we can have a clan invitory, basiclly event raffles and stuff and then when events do come out we can do raffles based on those events ya?


Posted 2020-11-04 16:31:08

Yea! Totally!!


Posted 2020-11-04 21:25:02

what exactly does this event intel? 

War Path

Posted 2020-11-04 21:31:09

So basically 

Because the month of november is all about thanks giving and food there will be quests and a event shop filled with apps decor and other items!

Tho currently its still in development


Posted 2020-11-04 21:42:04
This sounds so exciting! Count me in!

🔥 Tanthoblade ⚔️

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