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⭐️🌟 Starred Apothecary 🌟⭐️ Free Meds

⭐️🌟 Starred Apothecary 🌟⭐️ Free Meds
Posted 2024-04-29 16:18:09 (edited)

Welcome! Get your free meds here!

I know illnesses like influenza can suddenly infect your entire pack, you can quickly get overwhelmed trying to cure all your wolves, and it may seem nearly impossible to get enough herbs to craft enough medicine. Let me help you out! You can request medicine from me in this thread. Please make sure to read the rules!

If you're a new or veteran player, it doesn't matter, anyone in need can request medicine from me.


September 1 2024: First event

May 3 2024: We're open!

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Posted 2024-04-29 16:18:26 (edited)
Important Information


By requesting medicine in this thread, you agree to abide by the rules below:

• You may request 1 cure per rollover. Every cure will have 2 uses.
• Only request what you need.
• Do not request medicine if you're using it for the Lunar Event. See above rule!
• Do not sell any medicine I send you. You are welcome to giveaway or return any extra uses.
• If you need more than 1 cure per rollover, please let me know. I will take a look at your den and see what you need.


I will not supply:
Healing Salve
Rich Healing Salve
Any Herbs

Please make sure you accept the gift trade I send you! If it expires, I will not send you another trade. You will need to make your request again. If you are a repeat offender, you will no longer be able to request medicine from this thread.
To accept gifts, go to the Trading Center, select the Manage Your Trades tab, find the gift trade and click Accept.


Posted 2024-04-29 16:18:38 (edited)

Q: My wolves keep getting sick/the illness keeps spreading, how do I stop it?

Quarantine your wolves!
Contagious illnesses spread on Rollover. And illnesses will only spread within a Cave. If you isolate your sick wolves into a Cave of their own, the illness won't spread any further. Unsorted (where new wolves are sent into by default) is not considered a Cave. Any unsorted wolf with a contagious illness will spread that illness to any of your other Caves.
And always cure your lead first if they are sick. Leads can not be put in a Cave, and are considered to be "unsorted." So they will continue to spread their illness unless you cure them first.

Q: My entire pack is sick, can I have enough medicine to cure them all?

See the above answer to help stop the spread of illnesses to prevent your entire pack from getting sick.
In order to keep my stock levels manageable and to make sure everyone who needs medicine can get it, I will only provide you with 2 uses of medicine per rollover. If you're still struggling to get the illness under control in your pack, I will absolutely help you! Just PM me and we can work something out. I will be checking your den to see how bad it is and figure out the best solution.

Q: I don't have a herbalist/can't assign a herbalist, but I have a sick wolf, can you help?

Unless the illness has already been diagnosed by a herbalist, you won't be able to cure their illness even if I give you medicine. So you will need a herbalist.
Herbalism unlocks on your 4th rollover and you will get a tutorial for it. If believe you haven't, then is your lead sick? Is their symptoms Loose Stools? Then you likely have the tutorial illness! Check the questing snake to see if you can pause/unpause the tutorial quest to make it pop up for you and complete it.
On the other hand, did you purchase a sick wolf? Or were you gifted a sick wolf? Don't worry! If you haven't had your 4th rollover to unlock herbalism, then you're immune to the spread of illnesses. If you want to play it safe, just quarantine your sick wolf and make sure their HP is full. Then just wait it out until herbalism gets unlocked.

Q: I want to make medicine for myself, but I can never get the herbs I need, what do I do?

At the very bottom of the herbalist page, you can exchange 3 herbs you have for any 1 herb you want. This is the easiest way to get all the herbs.
Depending on the biome your pack is living in, your herbalist will bring back different herbs when foraging. (You can move biomes at the bottom of the questing snake page). Also when your lead is exploring, they have a chance of finding herbs that are exclusive to the biome you're exploring in.
To know which herbs are found in which biomes, please check out this Grouse House Guide!

Q: I'd also like to help out. Can I gift medicine to people in this thread?

So I don't get confused on who has requested what, please don't fulfill anyone's request for me. I need to be able to keep track.
Please PM me if you want to help out! You are more than welcome to donate, just let me know.

Q: Where did you get the graphics/images used in this thread?
A: I drew them myself! You are welcome to use the background image, but please make sure to credit me. And unfortunately I don't take commissions at this time.


Posted 2024-04-29 16:18:55 (edited)
Stock & Supplies


Medicine: Antidote
Used for: Poison
Medicine: Constipation Cure
Used for: Constipation
Medicine: Cough Cure
Used for: Cough
Medicine: Cystitis Cure
Used for: Cystitis
Medicine: Diarrhea Cure
Used for: Diarrhea
Medicine: Distemper Cure
Used for: Distemper
Medicine: Ear Mites Ointment
Used for: Ear Mites
Medicine: Fleas Remedy
Used for: Fleas
Medicine: Heatstroke Remedy
Used for: Heatstroke
Medicine: Hepatitis Cure
Used for: Infectious Canine Hepatitis
Medicine: Infection Balm
Used for: Infection
Medicine: Influenza Cure
Used for: Influenza
Medicine: Mange Salve
Used for: Mange
Medicine: Open Wound Salve
Used for: Open Wound
Medicine: Pox Balm
Used for: Pox
Medicine: Ringworm Salve
Used for: Ringworm
Medicine: Tapeworm Remedy
Used for: Tapeworms
Medicine: Tick Remedy
Used for: Ticks

Out of Stock


PM me if you'd like to help out!


Posted 2024-04-29 16:19:06 (edited)

I will occasionally have extra little giveaways (not just for medicine!). Info below!

Current Giveaway


Planned Giveaways

none yet!

Past Giveaways

September Event
Anyone who requests meds this month will also get a 10 Use Amusement Scrap.


Posted 2024-04-29 16:19:23 (edited)
Placeholder Post

Nothing here yet


Posted 2024-05-03 14:30:57 (edited)
Do you have any spare ear mite treatment?

Edit; Thank you!!!


Posted 2024-05-03 14:36:57


Posted 2024-05-03 20:53:08
Hi! Do you have any ear mite ointment?

Posted 2024-05-03 21:36:26


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