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Into The Lore: The Elements

Into The Lore: The Elements
Posted 2024-05-08 20:38:49 (edited)


"It's cold out here." Dakota, the young dispersal male grumbled a bit. What was good for him, was the fact that he had inherited the power of fire. Blue fire, at that. The fire grew from both his breath and his back, however never hurt him. He exhaled a sharp, raspy, cold breath onto the icy ground blanketed in fog. He laid by it, scratching his white dorsal ears for a moment before he picked up a sharp ice block, putting it out. "Why, just why did I have to be dispersed in the winter.." He murmured, shaking himself off. He headed off straight. Soon enough, he had ran into a full herd of elk, which was surprising for winter. "Hit the jackpot, I guess?.." He straightened his legs out, before he chased down a Doe Elk. He slashed one last bite against the neck, before it stumbled beneath its hooves, falling to the icy ground, dead. Snarling quickly came from a large cave nearby, as he took a muscle tearing bloody bite. "Get off my territory." A older, husk voice growled. "My territory, my elk. Go away!" The gray faced wolf snapped. Though, half his face was burned off. Quickly, he began gradually moving closer to Dakota, eventually pouncing right to him and attacking from behind. A huge wolf with a blood curdling snarl pounced onto the gray wolf. Once the wolf was disposed of, the dispersal who jumped in turned to look at Dakota. "He's, been causing a lot of trouble lately to dispersals. Alike to me," The dispersal chuckled for a moment, looking back up at Dakota. "I'm Kestrel," —She inhaled a bit.— "just a- huge wolf, y'know?" She looked down upon Dakota, as he was somewhat smaller than her. Dakota stood shocked, before shaking off his fur. "I-I'm Dakota. Eh- From the Lightsky pack. Just recently dispersed." He inhaled a bit. "Friends?" Kestrel asked. "Eh, sure." He replied back."

"And that, is how I watched, your own mother and father, meet. I was there in the bushes the entire time," Bone'Marrow chuckled to Kestrel'Leafs kids.

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