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🌱Magic of Mangrove🌿 (On-Site Warrior Cat RP)

Posted 2024-05-18 11:16:21 (edited)


"Yes, we live in harmony. I am the leader here, if you would like to say something, you say it to me." Her tone was as formal asa she could make it. "I guess you have the gift of illusions. If you do join, I will inform you of every cat's gift. Follow me if you will join, this is our camp." Trotting into camp, MangroveStar sat down and waited for the cloud-white cat.


"No other cuts! W-Will she b-be ok? She's n-not moving..." Her quite meow was no more than a whisper. Was CrimsonPaw alright? What was happening to her? MoonKit's worries were spinning around her head like vultures ready to strike. Would someone die because of her? "P-Perhaps I s-should leave?" The black kit's suggestion was said to LittleShadow, but she couldn't look away from the blind medicine apprentice.


Posted 2024-05-19 01:25:29


Her belly was rumbling with hunger as she entered the mangroves. She usually didn't hunt here, because she found it easier to hunt in the area surrounding her's and her sister's den. But she barely ate anything in the last few days, so she followed the scent trail of a mouse in the mangroves. It didn't take her long to find the mouse. She stopped at a distance there it didn't notice her. She didn't bump into anything on her way here with the help of the mental map she can create with her echolocation, but she found it difficult to concentrate on it and that her prey didn't notice her. So before she made a move, she memorized everything that could be an obstacle.


Posted 2024-05-19 01:33:26


CrimsonPaw woke up in a starry platform. Was she dead? No, it is not your time to join us. The mystical voice terrified the sneezing apprentice, but when she turned around, she didn't see another cat. She saw lavenders! Lavenders stopped her sneezing for a certain amount of time! Jumping into the valley of purple flowers, CrimsonPaw hoped this would work. If I get exhausted from wandering in StarClan territory, the smell of lavenders should stick to my pelt in the medicine den aswell! The blind apprentice told herself. This should work!


Posted 2024-05-20 15:18:24


The mangroves don't look too bad. She thought. Perhaps she could stay here. It is not that she really minded traveling, she simply preferred having a home. She reckoned she was far enough away from her old band of rogues to not run into any of them here. She had no desire to see them again, especially not her father and sister. She really could make herself a home here. If no other cats lived here, that is.


Posted 2024-05-21 04:56:49
rowen'dawn yawned and stretched as he woke from his long nap "I should set some patrols" he mumbled to himself as he sat next to the leader's rock "tiny'shadow!" he called to the black tom "You and I will patrol the area for prey and herbs"  he leaped down from his little deputy rock and shook out his fur as he trotted towards the camp exit
Raven-skys🌈 🏳️‍🌈

Posted 2024-05-21 06:10:27
Listening to Mangrovestar, who was apparently the leader, the fluffy tom ended the illusion of the flowers around his paws and watched as she disappeared into what was likely a camp. Indecisions warred within Silentflight. He'd always been a loner; just him and Howlingwind against the world. To join a clan with multiple other cats, cats like him, was something new and a part of him wanted to turn tail and run. The other, larger, part was lonely and itched for the companionship he lost when Howlingwind had died. Plus, he was curious; he'd never met others like himself. With a blustery sigh, Silentflight followed behind Mangrovestar, hunching his shoulders a bit to appear less tall. Inside the camp were a few other cats, and he was weary to note he didn't see the kit from earlier. "I'd like to join your clan, Mangrovestar, but will admit I've never been a part of anything larger than just me and my brother. I'm not sure how well I'll fit in."

It took him a moment to notice, since his attention was on Moonkit, but after the umpteenth sneeze from his apprentice the tiny tom turned towards Crimsonpaw. That didn't sound normal, or good for that matter. Limping over to Crimsonpaw's prone body, he gave a quick sniff and analyzed her condition. Was she allergic to the feathers on Moonkit? An allergic reaction would fit the sneezing symptoms. Ears drawn back in worry, because this could easily turn deadly, the medicine cat got to work shuffling through his herbs for something to help. "Parsley, no that's not it. Sorrel? Nope." He muttered to himself until a distinctive scent hit his nose and he found the small pile of lavender hidden towards the back. "Aha!" He crowed, pulling it out and swiftly to Crimsonpaw. Rubbing a bit of it around her nose and throat, Tinyshadow hoped it would ease the symptoms quickly. Of course, as he was waiting for a reaction, Rowandawn approached him about a patrol. Huffing, he shot the much larger tom a glare. "I'm a bit busy here." He all but growled, tail flicking.


Posted 2024-05-21 06:16:10
he nodded his head and gave a mocking snarl "ok no patrol for you!" he mewed jokingly as he walked out of the den the red toms fur bristled as he spotted silent'flight  and gave the tom a threatening stare if he puts on paw out of line of harms any cat that will be the end of the tom!
Raven-skys🌈 🏳️‍🌈

Posted 2024-05-21 07:48:25
he huffed as he watched the tom walk around in the camp and he could not help but feel uneasy
Raven-skys🌈 🏳️‍🌈

Posted 2024-05-21 07:56:25 (edited)


"You'll fit in great! I never thought I would be leader, to be honest. These cats needed me, so I chose the ones in need other than the ones I love. Next thing I know... Well... My sister and father got exiled and killed..." The memory stung her, and her head hung low. If she had been there, perhaps she could have stopped it. But the others would not have a safe home without her. This was for the best.


The medicine apprentice stopped sneezing, and relaxed. Waking up, her curiosity priked at her. Had her plan worked? Or was it just chance that LittleShadow chose the lavenders. "I'm ok, how'd you know to use lavender?" CrimsonPaw asked, her body still sore from all the sneezing. The red apprentice sat up and looked at her mentor, she was ok. Thanks to him!


Posted 2024-05-21 08:00:33
he glared at the strange tom as mangrove'star talked to him about the clan's history as well as her own and he felt oddly protective of the tabby she-cat
Raven-skys🌈 🏳️‍🌈

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