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Nightcrooner's Lullabies ✣ Character Sheets {Open}

Nightcrooner's Lullabies ✣ Character Sheets {Open}
Posted 2024-05-15 16:33:02 (edited)

Here is the main thread for you to read if you haven't already!

Please wait until after we approve your character before you post on the main thread.~

{Image here if you have one}
Personality: (at least three positive, neutral, and negative apiece)
History: (if applicable)
Family: (if applicable)
Mentor/Apprentice: (if applicable)

Please be aware that if your interested in a higher rank then how literate and grammatically correct your bio is will be taken into consideration!


Posted 2024-05-15 17:47:40

Name: Silentstar
Age: 39 Moons
Gender/Sexuality: Tom/Bisexual
Rank: Leader
Appearance: Two things stand out about Silentstar: his height and his ears. He's a very tall cat, more leg than body, but he's extremely lanky and thin. With a deep chest and large paws, all combined make for a fast, agile cat. The downside? He's not graceful nor physically strong. He's a great hunter, but a terrible fighter. His fur is lilac brown, lightening into cream around his ruff and belly. Said fur is long and thick, creating a 'mane' effect around his neck and giving him a plume of a tail. His eyes are a common hazel, but big in his angular face. Other than his legs, Silentflight's ears are his most prominent feature. The 'flight' in his warrior name (Silentflight) likely came from the familial joke that if he jumped from a cliff he could use his ears to as wings to fly. He is well aware.
+++ Empathetic, Rational, Respectful
/// Sarcastic, Quiet
--- Impatient, Grim, Suspicious
History: Unlike so many warriors of Hollowclan, Silentstar can say his history is relatively tame. There was no cruelty or sorrow during his kithood, nor during his time as an apprentice. Both his mother, Falconwing, and his father, Silverfang, were good, loyal warriors; but nothing exceptional. They served their clan well, caused no trouble, and found love with one another late in their lives. Falconwing was well past her prime when she became pregnant, but with the aid of the Medicine Cat both she and her two kits pulled through a rough pregnancy and birthing - though with a few minor hiccups. As Silverfang liked to tease his son, Silentstar made no noise after birth, nearly sending his parents into a terrified frenzy and giving them both more grey fur. It turns out he was simply a quiet kit, unlike his littermate who more or less wailed his way into the world.

Both Silentstar and his brother, Howlingwind (yes, their parents thought they were funny) grew up with love and laughter. The brothers were thick as thieves, though complete opposites in personality. Silentstar figured he spent more time keeping his brother out of trouble than he did learning as an apprentice, but knew without Howlingwind he'd have no concept of 'fun'. He was an old badger according to both Howlingwind and Falconwing, the two always teasing and laughing; but he was an old badger who'd protect his family no matter the cost, give them whatever they wanted to make them happy. The one thing he couldn't save them from, however, was time.

Silverfang and Falconwing were old when they had their only litter, and both were elders by the time their sons gained their warrior names. Silentstar could only watch as their mothers beautiful tabby fur started to thin and she lost her sight. Their fathers already lanky body turned gaunt and hollow. Both lived more seasons then expected, but a cruel leafbare took both. Already the pillar, Silentstar comforted Howlingwind through their shared grief and together they made it through to the other side a stronger unit; brothers against the world. And they stayed that way for many seasons - Howlingwind full of life and love, Silentstar at his side keeping him grounded.

Two seasons ago tragedy struck when Howlingwind's body was found deep in the forest, obvious signs of carnage surrounding him. It was obvious Silentstar's beloved brother had become one of Nightcrooner's many victims. Silentstar, still a relatively new leader, was distraught. He'd spend the next moon grieving, almost foisting all his duties as leader onto his deputy. But life had to move on, and Silentstar forcefully pulled himself together for his clan with the aid of Howlingwind's mate, Tinyshadow. Now, seasons later and more blood spilled, he's realizing something was going to have to be done about Nightcrooner or there would be no Hollowclan left. The question was, could they fight a monster who no one had seen and lived to tell of it, or did they need to leave their homeland and abandon everything they knew?
Falconwing [Mother, deceased due to old age]
Silverfang [Father, deceased due to old age]
Howlingwind [Brother, killed by Nightcrooner]
Mentor/Apprentice: None, open to being a mentor


Posted 2024-05-21 09:34:18
here is lizard'cloud (working on backstory!)

Raven-skys🌈 🏳️‍🌈

Posted 2024-05-21 14:22:27 (edited)

Name: Palepaw {Palemoon}
Age: 8 Moons
Gender/Sexuality: She-cat. Unsure, as she's still a bit young
Rank: Apprentice
Appearance: A bit on the shorter side, Palepaw makes up for her height with width. She's broad shouldered and thick legged, making her strong but not exactly agile or fast. She's also, to her shame, still has a bit of her kitten fat that is stubbornly clinging to her cheeks and belly. Luckily, most of this hidden beneath her thick pelt. Her fur is not long, but it's coarse which makes it a bit of a pain to groom. Her name, Pale-" came from here pale, diluted calico colors. She's primarily white and light grey, with bits of orange splashed about. Palepaw's eyes are a light hazel.
+++ Cheerful, Curious, Passionate
/// Competitive, Outspoken, Stubborn
---- Argumentative, Fickle, Impulsive
History: As of right now she does not have much of a notable history. She was born during Nightcrooner's reign of terror and that's all she knows.
Mother: NPC (open)
Father: NPC (open)
Siblings: Brightpaw
Mentor/Apprentice: Needs a mentor
Other: She is open for any family that needs someone.~


Posted 2024-05-25 11:39:23 (edited)

(Art done by me)
Name: Leopardleaf
Age: 24 Moons
Gender/Sexuality: She-cat / Lesbian
Rank: Warrior
Appearance: A small but muscular she-cat, Leopardleaf is surprisingly fast. Even though she was named after her spotted pelt, her mother, ???, always joked that the energetic warrior was named after her speed. Her fur is a beautiful gold, with brown spots resembling the wild cat she was named after. Leopardleaf's fur is quite short, great for hot weathers and running, but terrible for cold weathers. Her eyes are a lime green.
+++ Energetic, Patient, Optimistic
/// Observant, Reserved, Watchful
--- Insecure, Paranoid, Sarcastic
Mother: NPC (Open)
Father: NPC (Open)
Mentor/Apprentice: Hazelpaw
Other: Even though Leopardleaf is insecure and paranoid, she is quite open to anyone who can get close to her.

DarkHeart | Lights Off

Posted 2024-05-25 11:58:55 (edited)

(Art done by me)
Name: Brightpaw {Brightseeker}
Age: 8 Moons
Gender/Sexuality: She-cat, (Unsure, still young)
Rank: Medicine cat apprentice
Appearance: A large and unusually tall she-cat, Brightpaw has long and silky fur. Her pelt is a mixture of pale yellow, black and white. The prefix 'Bright' was not only for her bright pelt colours, but for her cheery and optimistic personality. Being born with her hind legs paralysed and unusable, her hind legs and tail are often dirty or wet.
+++ Optimistic, Creative, Organised
/// Unassuming, Simple, Tolerant
--- Envious, Volatility, Unpredictable
Mother: NPC (Open)
Father: NPC (Open)
Sibling: Palepaw
Mentor/Apprentice: Silverstream
Other: Brightpaw was born with her hind legs paralysed, forcing her into her current role

DarkHeart | Lights Off

Posted 2024-05-26 12:21:16 (edited)

Name: Tinyshadow
Age: 37 moons
Gender/Sexuality: Tom / Gay
Rank: Warrior
Appearance: Tinyshadow is, as his name suggests, a tiny little thing. He's never grown much larger than his apprentice era size, and much to his chagrin he's never gained any bulk or muscle mass as a warrior either. He's slim and petite, with a lanky body, short legs, tiny paws, and a thin tail. Honestly, he's not much to look at, particularly when combined with his solid black fur. It's short and soft, with not any extra color showing. Tinyshadow's only noticeable attribute are his big eyes, which seem to take up much of his face.
+++ Clever, Realistic, Gentle
/// Sensitive, Stubborn, Guileless
--- Melancholic, Passive, Weak
History: Most of Tinyshadow's kithood and apprenticeship are blurs to him, just fragments of memory that are a mix between good and neutral. He can remember many fond memories with his brother, Scorchsight, and their parents but nothing eventful or life changing. At least until he became a warrior and began spending time with the high-spirited Howlingwind. Tinyshadow would say his life was split into two different times; before Howlingwind and after. Before was good, but mundane. After? His life was filled with joy and laughter, because that's just who Howlingwind was. They made an odd pair, with Howlingwind's bright fur and massive stature, where as Tinyshadow was small and dark. But they made it work, and it didn't take many moons before the two called themselves mates. For many seasons they remained this way, happy and carefree, before Nightcrooner began his attack.

Tinyshadow's father, the deputy Rookfeather, was one of the first cats to be lulled out into the night by Nightcrooner. What was left of him was found the next day. The news of her mates death in such a vicious manner dealt a fatal blow to Tinyshadow and Scorchsight's mother, Darksong. She did not survive the following leaf-bare, succumbing to sickness. But the blows continued as more and more cats died under the monsters teeth and claws. But when Howlingwind's body turned up only a few moons ago Tinyshadow's world stopped for good. If not for Silentstar, who refused to let him, Tinyshadow would have willingly follow the lullabies if it meant seeing Howlingwind amongst Starclan.
Scorchsight (brother)
Rookfeather (father, killed by Nightcrooner)
Darksong (deceased, killed by illness)
Howlingwind (mate, killed by Nightcrooner)
Mentor/Apprentice: N/A


Posted 2024-05-26 13:46:36 (edited)

Name: Scorchsight
Age: 37 Moons
Gender/Sexuality: Tom / Bisexual
Rank: Warrior
Appearance: A tall, black tom with piercing orange eyes, akin to dying embers. These two traits are what gave him his name in the long run. Muscle rippling beneath his fur paired with a keen mind results in a regal and powerful warrior. His pelt is short-to-medium in length, but is quite thick, keeping him both warm in the colder months and protected from a good deal of attacks, if any were to happen.
+++ : Observant, Trustworthy, Resolute
/// : Quiet, Adaptable, Unflinching
--- : Spiteful, Distant, Anxious
History: Scorchsight learned to despise the Nightcrooner early on in his life. His father, a strong and admirable warrior, deputy of the clan even, fell victim to the monstrous demon's song. He had been awake that night, a young warrior at the time. He couldn't sleep, so he stepped out of the Warrior's Den for a breath of fresh air. That's when he saw Rookfeather walking aimlessly out of the camp's entrance. Then he heard the song(?), but it didn't affect him, since it had already ensnared his father before his eyes.

Being the beginning of Nightcrooner's terror, Scorchsight just thought his father needed time alone, or perhaps something else. He planned on asking him in the morning, but that time never came. Rookfeather never came back, and the whole clan found out why soon enough when they found his mutilated body.

This is when the deep rooted hatred for the beast began to grow in the young tom. He was forced to continue on with his life without the approving gaze of his father, but instead, the saddened eyes of Darksong. She once told him that he looked very similar to his dad. She died the following leaf-bare. Scorchsight only had his brother now, who barely felt a will to live after his mate suffered the same fate as their father. Now, he tries to comfort Tinyshadow whenever possible, but he finds it hard when he could use some himself.

Rookfeather [Father, ex-deputy, killed by Nightcrooner]
Darksong [Mother, killed by leaf-bare illness]
Tinyshadow [Brother, alive]
Mentor/Apprentice: Palepaw [apprentice]
Other: nope c:

katastrophic [L-off!]

Posted 2024-05-30 03:39:36 (edited)

Name: Larkkit
Age: 4 moons
Gender/Sexuality: She-cat/unsure, still young
Rank: Kit
Appearance: Delicate white fur and a dark face with dark ears, paws, and tail tips. Pale blue eyes and small whiskers make her look delicate and soft.
+++ Kind, gentle, soft-spoken.
/// Shy, nervous, sensitive.
--- Scared, untrusting, weak.
History: She was found abandoned in a nest near the border of the clan. It is presumed that a rogue female fell victim to the Nightcrooner, leaving behind her kit. She was raised by the clan, but has never really opened up to them. She is still scared of almost everything, and lies to protect herself.
She is eager to become a apprentice, hoping that she can learn more about her mother and family when she has more freedom. She wants to become closer to other members of the pack, but it scares her to get close to people.

Posted 2024-06-01 06:20:50
@Akela Accepted! I'll add her to the clan list momentarily.~

Work will be kicking my butt for the next couple of days due to a worker shortage. Hopefully by early next week I'll start the rp!


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