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Nightcrooner's Lullabies ✣ Character Sheets {Open}

Posted 2024-06-01 10:00:41 (edited)

(Art done by me)
Name: Deathhopper {Swanfeather}
Age: 83 Moons
Gender/Sexuality: She-cat / None
Rank: Elder
Appearance: A huge she-cat, Deathhopper has unusually soft fur. Her pelt is a brilliant white with small grey spots on her back. Yet, theses markings are hidden by the many scars from the elder's time as a warrior. Her eyes are a majestic gold, usually shining from excitement or good memories. The prefix 'Swan' and suffix 'Feather', from the she-cats past name, came from the joke that Deathhopper's fur was as soft as a swan's feathers.
+++ Relaxed, Dependable, Supportive
/// Adaptable, Forgiving, Firm
--- Reckless, Stubborn, Aggressive
Mother: NPC (Open)
Father: NPC (Open)
Siblings: Open & Open
Adopted Son: Fishpaw {Fishbone}
History: Because of her many near-death experiences, one of which was caused by Nightcrooner's songs, Deathhopper's name was changed from Swanfeather once she retired to role of an elder.
Other: Even though Deathhopper is aggressive, she will not hurt other cats unless necessary. Once Deahhopper saw how injured Fishpaw was, her supportive side kicked in and the white cat became more friendly than any cat imagined she could be

DarkHeart | Lights Off

Posted 2024-06-06 13:28:52 (edited)
Name: Dovekit
Age: 5 moons
Gender/Sexuality: Female
Rank: Kit
Appearance: Tiny white she-kit with ice blue eyes and soft short kit fur
+++ Agile, smart, quick
/// Reserved, stubborn, sassy
--- Talks back, insecure, and sneaky.
History: Mother, ???, and father, ???, were both warriors , and they got taken away by two-legs. Dovekit grew up learning to tread carefully and liked to sneak out.
Family: Mother, ???, Father, ???, and a kittypet littermate, Bella.
Other: Likes to keep her emotions in check, and can sometimes see emotions on others faces and in their words. Can be comforting when needed.

Posted 2024-06-08 13:55:20 (edited)

Name: FishBone
Age: 8 Moons
Gender/Sexuality: Tom/Ace
Rank: Apprentices

He has a couple of scars. One being across his cheek and nose. The other is along the nape of his neck. Not something he is proud of. He's a bit of a scraggly guy, though his fur is thick enough to not be able to tell. His posture his slouched and his tail hangs low. He shows every sign of a skittish cat. The stripes along his body shape around his side of his stomach, forming a circle. The inside of the circle represents a large fish, like a shark.

Being cautious is a good thing. It allows one to take their time before abruptly making an action. Fish amplifies this trait well. Ever since the incident as a young kit, he has always been careful around other cats. Fish also considers himself humble from his upbringing. Food was hard to get and life as a feral means you must fight to find you meals everyday. And finding meals can be difficult when you are trying to hide from everything that is out to get you. No wonder Fish is discreet. This allows him to hide from any potential threat.

Some say Fish is a dreamer. He likes to think of becoming a warrior one day, just like the dreams that his mother use to tell him at bedtime. This may seem a bit absurd to another cat, as he shows no traits of a warrior. But who's to say if this is good or bad. He can also be a bit observant too, as this is what kept him alive all this time. He is also very obedient, seeing as he takes his warnings from other cats to get out their territory without putting up a fight.

Fish is very careful nowadays. He is very nervous around others after the incident that happened a couple moons ago. He is careful about making his presence known to other. Barely showing his face if he's not comfortable. He can be considered timid by others, as he takes a bit to warm up. Even when a cat confronts him, he won't stand up for himself. He is easily able to be pushed over. He is very cowardly.

Cold, cruel, lost.... The main subjects surrounding Fish from the start. He wasn't born into clan and he didn't have home from one of the upright animals. His mother struggled throughout her pregnancy and it showed when he was born. He had no siblings, as they didn't survive. He was born small and weak, struggling to hold on. Born during the mid winter when warmth was hard to sustain. However, he fought on, clinging to life. His mother was a determined cat and she would ensure that her only kit would fight through his unfortunate predicament. She wasn't a part of a clan any longer, but she did still had some allies. They would watch Shark while she hunted, though they did it for a price of a meal for them too.

During the nights, she would tell him stories about StarClan and the great battles her previous clan would fight. He loved to listen too, imaging himself a great warrior, a savior of his mother dissipated clan. She would laugh and encourage him to hold onto this dream. She ensured him that she would do everything she could to see his vision true. Unfortunate that she didn't come back one day. He was still young and needed her. But life is cruel and would show this nobody no sympathy. He did try to seek out his mothers allies, but none would aid him. They were his mothers allies, not his and they surely were not going to take up babysitting a kit. He was truly on his own.

However, life wasn't all that cruel. To those who fight to survive, rewards can be found. Upon searching for his mother, he stumbled upon a feral cat feeding spot. No cat was there, and plenty of food was laid out just waiting for him to eat. It was a lucky find! Day after day he would return to this spot to eat. Occasionally he would come by when the feeder was there, but he would keep his distance. He learned to feel comfortable around their presence. Life was great for the time being. He was gaining weight gradually and had a consistent food supply. That was until a local gang of cats started noticing that their food was being feasted upon without their approval. They could smell Fish lingering scent too. This angered the gang. They purposely kept the area cleared of outside cats from touching their supply and they weren't going to let this one slip by. It just couldn't happen.

They waited, hidden in crevices and bushes surrounding the feeding spot. Waiting, all grouped together to take on one nuisance cat. They wouldn't have to wait long as little Fish would eagerly make his way to the feeding spot once again. Fish could smell the cats from the area, their scent was stronger then before. But he couldn't see them. No need to worry, he was sure the place was clear of any potential danger. That was a mistake he would wish he have never made. The gang pounced into action, encircling him.

...........No way out.

He's lucky though, they didn't tear him apart. Just a couple marks on his body to remind him to stay away. If he was a bit older, they surely would have done worse. But it didn't feel that way to him. The images would be carved into his mind forever. The gang of cats with a tipped ear. He would have to learn to find food elsewhere. Lucky for him, this wasn't the only feeding ground he would find. He wouldn't stay at them for long though in fear of angering nearby groups of cats. Last thing he wanted was another punishment. Between looking for new feeding grounds, he would practice hunting mice that plagued the two-legged area. He would continue this habit for a couple more moons until he felt confident enough to start testing his skills out in the forest. Each day going deeper and deeper into the forest, until he came across a band of cats.

Family: None that he knows of
Mentor/Apprentice: Needs mentor
Other: I'm open for anything.


Posted 2024-06-08 14:12:27 (edited)
Name: Hazelpaw/HazelJay
Age: 7 moons
Gender/Sexuality: She-cat, she/her. Demi-romantic
Rank: Warrior apprentice
Appearance: Small, fluffy, lilac lynx ragdoll cat, with bright blue eyes. Often has Blue Jay feathers in her fur:3
Personality: (at least three positive, neutral, and negative apiece) Good- Kind, smart, and good speaker when she does. Neutral: Shy, doesn't talk unless spoken to or it's needed. Negative: Doesn't trust easily, and isolates herself often.
History: (if applicable) Used to be a kitty-pet but was abused and abandoned by her two-legs because of her size. She was found by her Clan when her house-folk left her besides a thunderpath, was taken in and trained as a clan-cat.
Family: (if applicable) None
Mentor/Apprentice: (if applicable) LeopardLeaf
Other: Very agile and fast, pretty, and good at hunting.


Posted 2024-06-08 15:26:49
Hi everyone! After the week from Hell at work I'm finally getting a day off tomorrow so am going to get this started!

@DarkHeart: Deathhopper is accepted! So glad to see an elder.~

@Amanda: Dovekit is accepted!

@Kibi: Fishbone is accepted!

@Wishes~Glow: Hazelpaw is accepted!

For those with warriors, are you all okay with your cats being mentors? If not, let me know and I'll change this.~
Silentstar - Fishpaw
Leopardleaf - Hazelpaw
Scorchsight - Palepaw


Posted 2024-06-08 15:28:17
of course! Scorchsight would love to have an apprentice!

katastrophic [L-off!]

Posted 2024-06-09 00:13:04 (edited)
I'm fine with Leopard being a mentor! Might be hard {for me personally} with her insecurities...

Also, why do I feel like once Deathhopper {Would be Swanfeather at the time} saw Fishpaw {Fishbone}, her first reaction because of his scars is: 'this child is now mine' {Edit: This is now official}

DarkHeart | Lights Off

Posted 2024-06-09 10:28:08 (edited)

Name: Silverstream
Age: Adult
Gender/Sexuality: She-cat/Pan
Rank: Medicine cat (if allowed)
Appearance: Silver-grey she-cat with darker grey rosettes and a white underbelly. She has sleek, almost water-proof fur that is slightly shiny.
Personality: (at least three positive, neutral, and negative apiece) She is determined, capable, and strong-willed, although this also makes her sometimes mean, stubborn and cranky. When she's upset, she tends to isolate herself from others, although this has caused problems with getting lost in the past.
History: N/A / Will be revealed later in the roleplay
Family: Mother was Snowroot, who was taken by Two-legs. Her father was Rabbitleap, who ran away from the clan when Nightcrooner first attacked. (both npcs)
Mentor/Apprentice: N/A
Other: Likes fish :3

《°• Lucia •°》

Posted 2024-06-09 10:30:14
@Lucia Accepted! I'll add her now.


Posted 2024-06-10 15:33:40
Name: Leafleap
Age: 45 moons
Gender/Sexuality: Shecat -- bixsexual
Rank: Warrior (auditioning for deputy.)

Appearance: Bomay cat breed with dyed faded in green spots that touch her paws, flank, tail, as well as face. She has oft green eyes and some leaves on her ear, which can sometimes move went sleeping -- making it go on her flank without her knowing. She is small and always has muddy paws that never seem that it can be cleaned.

Personality: She can be Allocentric (worried about others more themselfs), and would much much rather help others then with her own prombles -- even if she knows she can't do it she will try to be Anticipative and always do it. she can be quite Insightful and will be there for any clanamate. She trust most clanmate though sometimes back be naive, and sometimes even unrealistic with clanmates to cheer them up. She might become quite timid of larger things -- wolves --  etc etc. She can be Mellow when it comes to her clan, clanmates, or any other cats.

History: After a harsh rogue life, her mother, Bella, moves on as the life of a loner, she has a litter. Only one lives, leaf(leap), though the kitten is small she gives all she can. When bareleaf starts, she knows she never could take care of a kit. It was simply too hard. So leaf(leap) only being a mere two moons, Bella tried her best but ends up dying at the way in the territory of Hollowclan. Leaf(leap) being such a playful kitten goes off the hide, as they always played hide n' seek like this. Unlucky for leaf(leap), hiding for three days without prey wasn't very fun and almost deadly. Until she was found by a border patrol almost dead, she was take in and cared for moons under the care of Hollowclan.

Bella -- NPC, dead. -- A  sable American Burmese with a pink collar from her past.
Scar -- NPC, unknown if dead -- A black American Shorthair with a large scar on his eye -- making him half blind.

Mentor/Apprentice: Mossbelly -- NPC, elder. -- A ginter tabby with a unique green underbelly.
None -- No apprentice - willing to take one !!

She often has green june beetles on her oat when it's summer (I forgot the Warrior cat term for it 🥲).
She has a soft spot for apprentices and kitten alike.
You will never see the girlie without a leaf in her fur.
Soaringsky, lights on

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