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🌙Moon Comet☄️ (On-Site Canine Pack RP)

Posted 2024-05-31 01:16:51


"We use cobwebs and moss..." While they said this, the black fox pointed with their muzzle to a pile near the mine entrance, "... to close injuries, and the Moonstone is used to help it heal. The wolf or fox must sleep with it for the effects to work." Most of what Halo said was true. The thing was, a small amount of canines were born un-able to have gemstones work on them. The Healer was one of these exceptions, yet they never told anyone.


Posted 2024-05-31 08:27:24


She nodded. "Okay, is there anything else I should consider when using the moonstone?" She wondered what would happen if her mother had one of these, when she broke her leg. Her mother did her best, but she wasn't a healer. Maybe her leg would have healed, maybe nothing would have changed. She probably shouldn't dwell too much on the past. After all what happened happened and there was nothing she could do.


Posted 2024-05-31 08:41:10


"There is a rare condition a canine can be born with..." The black fox began, trying their best to keep it vague, "...Where the effects of a certain stone doesn't work on them." Halo put it simply. She turned to the Amber, and pushed it towards their Trainee. What did they think it did? It was good to see what Muriel knew before teaching her more.


Posted 2024-05-31 08:48:41


She nodded to signal her understanding. That felt like a really important information. She sniffed the amber. What could this gem be used for? She was never part of a pack before and didn't know much about this, so the use of the moonstone was just a good guess. Her mother taught her a bit, but not much more than that healers used gemstones. Moonstone was used to help with injuries, so maybe amber was used to help with illnesses. "Is amber used to help cure illnesses?"


Posted 2024-05-31 08:55:13


"Greif," The Healer corrected Muriel. "Illnesses are cured with Moonstone dust." They informed the black wolf. Picking up the Amber and carefully placing it with the others. Halo picked up the final stone, an Amethyst, and placed it down. After this, they would rest, then go into the mines once dusk falls. It was best to mine after dark, as it was easiest to find the gemstones.


Posted 2024-05-31 11:50:26


She nodded and sniffed the amethyst. What could this gem be used for? Frankly she had no idea. She only knew what it wasn't used for and didn't want to get anything wrong again. "I don't know." She admitted.


Posted 2024-06-02 06:12:16


"Protection from dark spirits" They said blandly. Did Muriel realise that the Healer had given one to Kyro to wear? If a pack member was given Amethyst it would be made into a piece that can be worn. Halo now took the stone at the very back of their stores and gave it to her Trainee. An Angilite. It was a rare gemstone that helped connect with the Lunar Spirits, so that they would not only be able to see them, but talk and interact with them.


Posted 2024-06-07 09:46:56


She nodded in acknowledgment. Protection from dark seemed like something important. She sniffed the angelite with curiosity and pawed it. What would this gem be used for? Perhaps it had something to do with spirits too. She hesitated to voice her guess as she still didn't want to say something wrong. Instead she asked a question. "What is this gem used for?"


Posted 2024-06-07 09:52:39 (edited)


"It's the same gemstone I wear, and a maximum of one is held in the stores" They teased. "What do you think it does?" Halo asked. Muriel already had some hints, could they connect the dots? It was a Healer only gemstone, perhaps her Trainee knew that. It was highly improbable, but not impossible!


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