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Abyss’ Adoption Center! New Puppy, NBW, T3’s and more! [Closed]

Posted 2024-07-15 09:29:16
could i take her? ^_^

maveyburger 🍔

Posted 2024-07-15 16:54:48 (edited)
Clearing the pups out as i'm updating my den to a more medieval theme (Kingdoms are so strange, just gonna make my own rules and wing it lol, tired of researching crap T-T)

Anyways Anyone here marked ❄️ is being chased soon.

Edit: all have been chased


Posted 2024-07-15 17:04:13
Hii. Can I have these three? They look adorable



Posted 2024-07-15 17:42:48
Hii is link & link up for grabs still if they are can I have them?

Posted 2024-07-16 13:27:46 (edited)
Pups (and some adults/adols) have been purged due to a theme change on my den, (also rules have been updated just a bit. Everything's opened back up as i'm done now.

Almost all dens are now linked due to the fact that wolves have been separated and renamed based on the importance to me or the importance of their lines. This doesn't mean that the wolves in my commoner's den can be asked about (just a clear up in case. Being a bit cautious). The outskirts has been renamed to Exile.

Also not all dens have pups available atm, so these are the ones which do. Exile and Lords & Ladies


Posted 2024-07-16 13:34:58
Can I ask if link available or only the pups?


Posted 2024-07-16 13:37:39
In each of the den pages it says who is free and who is not unfortunately for all but the exile den only the ❄️ pups are free.


Posted 2024-07-16 13:45:01
Just realized i wasn't done as I forgot to link the exile den lol, this has been fixed.


Posted 2024-07-16 13:45:21
Is she open?

Posted 2024-07-17 10:31:58
The dens now have the number of available pups marked right beside them


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