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The Giving Game

The Giving Game
Posted 2024-05-28 15:11:18

The Giving Game! (Also known as Gift and Wish, Click for free stuff, ect.

How this works:

It's quite simple, actually. Let's say I want Sc, Lunar Decors, or pretty wolves.
The next player sends something on that list, and says what they want.
The second player has amusement on their list. The third player gives them that or something else on their list, and then says what they want.
You can send surprises if you don't have anything, but if the player you are sending to is unhappy, YOU HAVE TO RESEND.
Don't be greedy, and let at least five other players gift and wish before you reply again, unless if it's been over a month.
If you need to contact me, just give me a message and I'll deal with the problem. Do NOT get mad and start a fight, because that won't help. I can resolve anything that's happening.

Please, please read the rules. You have to.
1. Do not reply UNLESS you are sending, or adressing an issue. You can also not say "I was skipped" and comment before five other people have commented. Just tell me about it.

2. Ignore this rule.

3. If someone doesn't send, give them a day. THEN contact me.

4. Don't act like the owner (Me). Just let me deal with it!

5. Surprises are OK, unless if the person says no surprises.

6. There is a minimum to surprises. Don't send junk. Send something good, and if they don't like that, RESEND.

7. Ignore this!

8. Do not send random comments or thanks in the thread, Use Dms!

9. Feel free to make your own The Giving Game!

10. If you are contacting me with the issue, I need the name, Profile ID, and proof.

11. If you were skipped, and have waited a day, ask the person who skipped you what happened. If they are being mean, contact me.

12. Don't make it way too hard! Have some easier ones, and have at least five options.

13. Don't be rude to people that tell you you've broken a rule. Reread the rules, and if you don't see the problem, message me.

14. Don't make your list so long! Please only do up to 30 different options.

15. Do. Not. Block people, or even threaten too! Just contact me.

16. Do not send your list if the last person is still editing theirs, be patient. This is only allowed if it has been over an hour and the list hasn't been edited.

That's all! I'll reply with my list soon.

Posted 2024-05-28 15:14:02
I want:
Decors! (That isn't too common!)
BGs! (Same as decors!)
Joining and Donating (A lot)  to my lodge, Happy Wolves!

Posted 2024-05-30 20:03:06
Sending Amusement!
Healing Salve (10+)
Lucky Foot (5+)
Mustelid Claws/Fangs
Broken Antler
Marking Opacity Changer
Random Marking Applicator
Thick Fur Tuft
100+ food
glowing fangs, claws, talons
charged core
charged eyeball
Grove items!
NBW Tombac
GC 1+
Queen Saphira

Posted 2024-06-24 17:48:44
Sending Healing Salve!

SC (I am not too picky with the amount but 100-200 is prefered or anything above that)
Food (Between 20 & 100)
Amusement (Between 20 & 200)
Grove Items (1 or 2)
Unwanted decor or herbs
Den materials (Nothing above 10 of each please!)
Zorallo [What the heck?]

Posted 2024-07-13 21:54:09
Sending 24 of food!

Amusement (no food please)
Lunar decor/backgrounds
Melanism female wolf
Breeding items
Grove items

˚୨୧ 🍵💭 ⊹ ࣪ ˖-Alex

Posted 2024-07-13 23:18:55 (edited)
Sending a Pie!
Need Amusement really bad (100+ please)
SC (100+ please)
Sex changers
Marking applicators
Buyout a trade
Toy bundles (5+ please)
Stud request!
Decor (not to common)
Healing (10+)
Herbs (10-15+ variety)
Queen Saphira

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