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🍃Secrets of Spruce🌲 (On-Site Warrior Cat RP)

Posted 2024-05-31 06:19:35 (edited)


"Wait!" She calls out to her brother, "Goldenstar is calling a meeting" she says to her brother noticing that she looked just as sad as when she announced their mother's death. "I think it's important?" She mewed quietly, no one was missing from the clearing except father. Maybe it's something else she told herself. She held Wildkit back as well, "I think we need to hear this!"


Posted 2024-05-31 06:23:46 (edited)


"Fine..." He muttered while climbing back down. "Have you seen dad? I've been looking for him all morning! Did Goldenstar put him on a hunting patrol?" His attention flickered to Wildkit, as she was usually listening to the patrols as they were set. She would know. Perhaps he went out hunting by himself? Or herb gathering with the medicine cat? Hazelfrost wasn't in the clearing either. Was Nightstalker out with her?

DarkHeart | Lights Off

Posted 2024-05-31 06:27:12 (edited)


"I haven't seen father either, all day." She mewed with no emotion having a little more of a hint of what happened. She knows Snowkit hasn't got a clue, but she has to be hopeful for him. "Have you seen him go on a patrol Wildkit?" She asks eagerly.


Posted 2024-05-31 06:33:13
she shook her head as she shimmed down the brambles "no...I have not seen him at all...."
Raven-skys🌈 🏳️‍🌈

Posted 2024-05-31 06:33:56 (edited)


Tears started to gather on the leader's golden mask. The two kits had already lost their mother, and relied on their father for guidance. How would this affect them? "HazelJay!" She said, trying to act as happy as possible as the young warrior walked into camp. Her grief was apparent, and not many cats knew what had happened. The fog took every friend she had. This had caused Goldenstar's dangerous nature if angered. It was too much for the young leader. "We're having a meeting soon." The black she-cat informed her best friend.

If it's ok with you that their friends and she was out of camp!

DarkHeart | Lights Off

Posted 2024-05-31 06:36:29
she pereked her ears as golden'star called out hazel'frost and frowned what Is this about? she looked back at the nursery to see pool'frost look down at her paws sadly
Raven-skys🌈 🏳️‍🌈

Posted 2024-05-31 06:45:20 (edited)


As she walks into the clearing she hears her name being called, as she looks up she sees a distressed Goldstar looking at her. Without a moment's hesitation she climbs up high-rock to her and sits down, "Have you told them yet?" She asks throughly concerned and worried about her best-friend's current mental state, this was a lot for them both.
(Of course!)


Posted 2024-05-31 06:50:22 (edited)


"I can't take it!" She whispered, pushing her fluffy head into her friend's shoulder. "How will the others react..?" As Goldenstar trailed off, the leader imagined how the near-apprentices would likely react once they heard the news. Angry, scared, distressed and confused. Their last parent was ripped from them, without even being able to say goodbye. Not only was the black tom a great warrior, he was a father, a friend. Her friend.

DarkHeart | Lights Off

Posted 2024-05-31 06:56:12 (edited)


Grief hit her like a monster on a thunderpath, "We'll all get through this, you, the kits, and every other cat in this clan because we have each other and we always have each other's backs" she said grooming her friends fur. "But they need you to tell them, they won't hear it from anyone else" she says tears building up in her eyes.


Posted 2024-05-31 07:03:16
she quietly crept towards the talking cats and her eyes widened in horror "no!" she mumbled and held back tears 'poor snow'kit and night kit!" she sniffled
Raven-skys🌈 🏳️‍🌈

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