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🍃Secrets of Spruce🌲 (On-Site Warrior Cat RP)

Posted 2024-06-07 07:59:38
Twilight'peaks padded across the clearin to the fresh-kill pile. Now that Splinterpaw had comeback, there was nothing much left for her to do. She could have healed Snowkit on her own. She knew a lot about herbs from her twolegs, before they had left her. But she was over her twolegs. You cant trust a twoleg she thought miserably. She kiinda missed being stroked and called by her name. "Twilight" just Twilight. But she would never let anyone see that.


Posted 2024-06-07 08:28:35 (edited)


The fog will consume all, unless the guardians have the courage to fight back... ᛏᚹᛁᛚᛁᚷᚻᛏᛈᛠᚳᛋ… ᚠᚩᚷᚹᚪᛏᚳᚻᛖᚱ… ᚾᛁᚷᚻᛏᚹᚻᛁᛋᛈᛖᚱ… The fog will consume all, unless the guardians have the courage to fight back... Most of the prophecy wasn't normal language. Goldenstar woke to a small yelp, was that what stopped her from hearing the full message StarClan wanted to tell her? It was normal in SpruceClan for medicine cats and leaders to share dreams, yet this seemed... different. Nightwhisper was having a normal dream... Was this not meant for the rest of the Clan? Was this supposed to stay with Goldenstar until StarClan themselves told the black medicine cat?

DarkHeart | Lights Off

Posted 2024-06-07 08:37:04
splinter'paw treated the snow white kit and nuzzled him "just stay here for now until you heal up"
Raven-skys🌈 🏳️‍🌈

Posted 2024-06-07 08:40:09
Twilight'Peaks decided to slip out of camp for the time being. She had to clear her head from all her kittypet thoughts. She decided to go towards twoleg'place and visit her old home. New twolegs had moved in, but she had never seen them. She quickened her pace, hoping to get there faster. A sparkly gleam caught her eye. Twilight'peaks walked slowly up to it, with causious steps. It looked a lot like broken bits of wood, but transperant and sparkly. She touched it with her paw. It was sharp! A small beed of blood welled at the tip of her pad, were the sparkly, shattered thing had touched her. She turned away and started walking back to twolegplace, until she let out a loud yelp. The twoleg trash had cut her! she looked at her pad once more. The entire pad was covered in blood. There was a faint glimmer, inside the pad. One of the peices of twoleg trash was stuck inside her paw! Twilightpekas tried her best to take it off, but the smooth edges and and the blood made it had to grip with her teeth. She eventually caught on that it was immpossible, and like a sensible cat, she limped to twolegplace.

Twilightpeaks trodded on broken glass


Posted 2024-06-07 08:42:16


The fog will consume all? What did that mean? "Splinterpaw?" Perhaps the medicine apprentice's 'sights' were true. This was the only real option right now... "Meet me in my den" Goldenstar told the brown tom once she had found him. Padding under the highrock and into the leader's den, the black she-cat started to wonder what it meant. Perhaps she could decipher some of the words?

DarkHeart | Lights Off

Posted 2024-06-07 08:51:34
once Twilightpeaks made it to twoleg place, it didnt take long for her to find her old home. She leaped up on the fence, but immedietly lost her grip, thanks to her paw, and came plunging down into their yard. Twilight'peaks landed hard on her shoulder, but the soft grass had made the landing a bit better. She tried to get up, and stood, wabbly on three legs, one of which was injured, and the other was hurting from the fall. She limped over to the garden, and sat down, sniffing the flowers. She was sniffing her third flower when she heard a growl from behind her. She turned just in time to see a dog's muzzle swipe her whiskers, a mouse-length away from snapping them off. She was in no condition to jump back up the fence, so she had to fight. The dog lunged for her, but she dodged the attack. She swiped it on the nose. That made the dog extra angry, and it yipped and yapped. Twilightpeaks hissed. The dog took her by surprise, and Twilightpeaks turned just so, that the dog flew past her body, but bit down on her tail. She yowled with pain, making a lot of commotion. The dog was about to pounce again, when a twoleg opened the door and stared at both of them.


Posted 2024-06-07 08:57:46


Hearing the violent yapping of a dog outside the deathly fog, the silver tabby rushed to the scene, only to jump up onto a two-leg fence and find Twilightpeaks. This wasn't good! The deputy was one of the cats who grieved the most for the dead she-cat. Yet, the two-leg staring at her made Fogwatcher freeze. The grey she-cat was easily frightened by even the smallest of things.

DarkHeart | Lights Off

Posted 2024-06-07 09:01:42
The twoleg stared at both of them, making a noise. He looked at the dog, pointed a finger somewhere, and mumbled a few words. The dog whined, shot a look at Twilightpeaks, and padded away. The Twoleg stared at her, noticing her bleeding tail, her limp, and her paw (still bleeding out). The twoleg made a cooing noise and bent down to her level. Twilightpeaks flattened her ears and hissed, but she didnt go anywhere. The twoleg reached it's hads out towards her, and she backed away. The twoleg followed. Twilightpeaks quickened her pace twoards the fence, but the twoleg got up, and pick her up. She yowled and tried to squirm away, but the twoleg had a good grip, and started to wrap its pelt around her. She yowled harder, and louder. She felt a small prick in her neck, and everything went dark.


Posted 2024-06-07 09:07:38


With a yowl of fury, the grey she-cat's overprotectiveness overcame her fear and she launched at the two-leg. Yet, the two-leg seemed calm, and grabbed her in the same way it had Twilightpeaks, but firmer. Neither she-cats were going anywhere. Squirming and clawing at the two-leg, the dead cat tried her best, but the weird creature holding her wasn't letting go. This was really bad!

DarkHeart | Lights Off

Posted 2024-06-07 09:10:31
Splinter'paw peeked his ears and narrowed his eyes at golden'star "ok,snow'kit stay here and rest i will be back with fresh kill" the young tabby tom mewed the the white kit

He followed golden'star to her den and sat down infront of the leader and wrapped his tail around his paws "what is it?" he spoke up with a hint of concern
Raven-skys🌈 🏳️‍🌈

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