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🍃Secrets of Spruce🌲 (On-Site Warrior Cat RP)

Posted 2024-06-18 08:29:03


The already annoyed leader (she never got any sleep for two sun-rises) hissed in both surprise and fear as the brown medicine cat apprentice rushed into her den. Terror radiated from him as he yowled the black she-cat's name. "Learn not to scare me like that! And what about Nightstalker? That one of my closest friends died!?" Goldenstar forced herself to seem calm, but the edge in her reply said otherwise. The, now dead, black tom was the golden-eyed tabby's closest friend. They had both comforted each other when someone close was lost.

DarkHeart | Lights Off

Posted 2024-06-18 08:39:35
He sat down and atrmped to smooth down his ruffled fur "i had a dream…I was in this boggy red forest and i saw fog'watcher she was fighting some cat that looked oddly alot like night'kit…..fog'watcher fought off the red outlined spirit and…when i woke i relized that the tom fog'watcher fought looks alot like night'stalker" he looked down at his paws and shuffled them nervously

pool'frost yawned and shook wild'kit of her back "you're too old for that now!" she chuckled "Today's your apprentice ceremony!"  wild'kit bounced in excitement  "really!?" she mewed with excitement pool'frost nodded proudly and pulled her kit close to groom her and make sure she looked her best in front of her clanmates

(when wild becomes an app I might have her have dreams with night'stalker why? because she feels guilty that she has a family and snow'kit and night'kit are on their own so she is desperate to find her best friend's family and find the truth if that's ok!)
Raven-skys🌈 🏳️‍🌈

Posted 2024-06-18 08:47:18 (edited)


"We can talk about this later, we have a kit to apprentice!" Smoothing her fur and cleaning it to look as good as possible, the jet-black she-cat felt a sudden surge of strength. This would help SpruceClan thrive! Leaping onto the top of the leaders den, the usual place for meetings as it was in the very centre of the clearing, Goldenstar called out the words used for a gathering. "May all who tread the fogged forest gather round for a clan meeting!" Her call rang around the clearing. Wildkit would soon be Wildpaw!

(They would be nightmares, unless she get trained by the Dark Forest!)

DarkHeart | Lights Off

Posted 2024-06-18 08:58:06
Wild'kit perked her ears as she heard golden'star call out for a clan meeting,the young spunky she wiggled out of her mothers grasp and raced out of the nursery pool'frost followed behind slowly with a large grin and purred loudly once they both reached the clearing wild'kit sat down with a huff and looked up at golden'star with pride shining in her eyes

(yeah darkforest dreams like training or something like that if its ok!)

Splinter'paw watched the tabby leader walk out of her den and leap onto the leaders rock to call a clan meeting for wild'kit he slowly trailed behind and sat next to his mentor in the clearing
Raven-skys🌈 🏳️‍🌈

Posted 2024-06-18 09:17:19


The black she-cat had been awake for quite a while now, woken up by a nightmare. She had decided to not go back to sleep and instead go through her herb stock see of which herb they needed more. As she heard Goldenstar call, she exited her den and sat down near the leaders den.


The black and white warrior was still in the warrior den and had been cleaning herself when she heard Goldenstars call. She stretched one last time, then quickly exited the den join the meeting. She wondered what it was about. If she recalled right Wildkit was six moons old, so it could be her apprentice ceremony.


Posted 2024-06-18 11:07:16
Twilightpeaks twined her tail with Jay's. Goldenstar had probably missed her and it was her duty to the clan as a deputy. She gave Jay one last look, and padded into the forest, back to camp


Posted 2024-06-19 10:29:09
Juniperleaf had returned to camp after about a day's walk in the forest after getting lost several times. Hearing the leader call a clan meeting, she shook the leaves off her pelt and sat a respectful distance away from  Goldenstar and her den. 'What is this for?' she thought. 'Right! There's that one kit being apprenticed, isn't she?'

《°• Lucia •°》

Posted 2024-06-19 10:34:22
wild'kits whiskers quivered in eximent as she sat in front of the leaders rock the kit could feel her mothers proud gaze resting on her from afar
Raven-skys🌈 🏳️‍🌈

Posted 2024-06-19 10:34:34 (edited)
Twilightpeaks padded through the camp. She was grateful that she knew the territory so well. Goldenstar had shouted something and her head turned. The whole clan was assembled in the clearing. Wildkit sat proudly in the middle frantically being groomed by his mother


Posted 2024-06-19 10:45:58 (edited)


"It is time for a kit to be apprenticed. Wildkit, please step forward!" The leader's black tail twitched. "The time has come for a new apprentice to be named. I ask StarClan to look down on this apprentice and guide her paws to success. Wildkit, from now until you earn your warrior name, you will be known as Wildpaw!" Letting her golden gaze sweep the clearing, Goldenstar stopped once she reached a certain black and white cat. "Frostshade, I ask you to train this apprentice as your mentor trained you, and I trust you to train her well."

DarkHeart | Lights Off

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