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🍃Secrets of Spruce🌲 (On-Site Warrior Cat RP)

Posted 2024-06-24 09:11:50
Twilightpeaks just stood there, wobbling, as Wildpaw touched noses and shared a few words with his mentor. What is wrong with me?. She sat down and thought back to thee last few days...


Posted 2024-06-24 15:06:22


He sits cheering for the new apprentice, slightly jealous of Frostshade. I'll get an apprentice eventually he thought hopefully, I hope… he shook the thought from his head. As soon as the congratulations finished he went to one of the corners of the clearing, and laid on a rock directly in a sunbeam. He had already went on a patrol for the day and just needed time to relax.


Posted 2024-06-24 18:21:25
"So what do we do first!?" Wild'paw mewed and shuffled her paws with contained excitement she look up at her mentor with wide determined eyes and puffed her chest out "maybe we can hunt first or scout the territory or or…" the young apprentice ran out of breath as she spoke "sorry!" She mewed and looked down at her paws guilty "I get carried away sometimes" she looked over to the medicine den and smiled "one sec" the she cat bounced over to the den and purred at the sight of her best friends or even her litter mates she always liked to think of the two as her siblings
Raven-skys🌈 🏳️‍🌈

Posted 2024-06-24 20:24:05


She grabs a good sized rabbit from the fresh-kill pile, then bounds off to the medicine den. When she sees Wildpaw walk over as well, and intercepts the new apprentice, "Snowkit was really bummed out that he couldn't go to your ceremony." She says obviously delighted to see her friend. " It'll be great for you to say hi" she says walking inside of the den then greeting her brother with a tail flick, dropping the rabbit next to him.


Posted 2024-06-25 09:23:50


Once the chanting was over, the silver she-cat turned to leave, but something stopped her. Was Viruseye watching? How would she feel if the cream queen saw Fogwatcher? Viruseye was her sister, and the one most devastated about her death. The dead tabby's fur started to bristle with fear. Grief was the last thing the Clan needed right now. The Place Of No Stars was rising, and SpruceClan needed to figure out why Fogwatcher couldn't rest in StarClan, or they might be lost to the depth of the fog...


"What do you think she'll do first? Our ceremony is soon, what do you want to do first?" Some of his old spirits returning, the snow white tom hugged the large jay feather close to him. His and Nightkit's mother had always loved watching birds. Flakesong's favourite was a jay. She could stare at them for hours. Hours she never had... Snowkit got his bengal pattern and one green eye from his father, Nightstalker, and his white pelt and one blue eye from Flakesong.

DarkHeart | Lights Off

Posted 2024-06-25 09:40:58 (edited)

Jay would go not too far from the fence looking for a nice Bird to catch.. 'there'! He could see a nice big Bird to catch. Right before he was about to catch the Bird he could hear his  twoleg calling him inside. " Maybe Next time he thought to himself"
"I wonder how Twighlight' peaks is he would meow!


Posted 2024-06-25 10:17:41
Wild'paw entered the medicine den slowly and grinned ear to ear "hey snow'kit!" She chuckled and sat next to him the she looked over to night'kit with a proud smile

Splinter'paw sighed and watched the clan move on from the meeting he looked over at golden'star hopfuly and twitched his tail
Raven-skys🌈 🏳️‍🌈

Posted 2024-06-25 10:28:03


"You did come!" Starting to feel stiff, the cloud-like kit tried to stretch, but his injury started to hurt even more. "What are you doing first?" Snowkit asked, trying to ignore his nagging pain. Neither of the medicine cats were to be seen, and perhaps that was good. He didn't like being fussed over. In a few days, Nightkit and him would be joining Wildpaw in training. Who would their mentors be?

DarkHeart | Lights Off

Posted 2024-06-25 10:33:33
Wild'paw smiled then looked at snow'kit with concern "are you ok?" She mewed and nuzzled the Tom she turned her head and called for splinter'paw "while we wait I can tell you!" She mewed proudly "I beat me and frost'shade are going to start hunting first hopefully or even scouting the territory will be fun"

Splinter'paw jumped as he heard his name being called loudly he shook his head and rushed over quickly he sighed and trotted over to the sorted herbs "thank starclan for a minute I thought some cat died!" He jokes and picked up a bundle of herbs and dropped them next to the white Tom "this will help your stiffness,while these" the brown tabby nosed the small seeds "will ease the pain"
Raven-skys🌈 🏳️‍🌈

Posted 2024-06-25 13:27:14


She purred thankfully at the medicine cat and looked back to Wildpaw, "I hope my mentor teaches me to learn how to fight first!" She mews wistfully. She wanted to at least stand a chance against her brother once he gets better, she wanted to be able to defend him just as much as he defended her. She turns back to her brother's nest and picks out a Dove feather to fidget with.


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