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🍃Secrets of Spruce🌲 (On-Site Warrior Cat RP)

Posted 2024-06-25 19:47:18
She chuckled "I wonder who would be your mentors" she mewed thoughtfully with a intent look
Raven-skys🌈 🏳️‍🌈

Posted 2024-06-26 13:02:00


"It's okay." She said and gave Wildpaw a sweet smile. "I'll wait outside." She settled down near the medecine cat den to wait for Wildpaw. She would show her the territory first and if it isn't too late after that she could teach her the basics of hunting. Or should she start with fighting first? She wasn't sure with which to start. Perhaps she could let Wildpaw decide with which she would rather start. They probably should take another warrior with them, it would be safer this way. But who to ask? She glanced around camp.


Posted 2024-06-26 13:26:52


After taking a refreshing nap he stands up to stretch. He heads over to the fresh-kill pile, grabbing a small mouse, then bows his head respectfully to Frostshade. He crouches down to quickly and quietly eat the mouse, promising to go on another patrol later to make up for it.


Posted 2024-06-26 13:29:31
Twilightpeaks saw Frostshade glancing around the camp uncertainly with Wildpaw bouncing around her excitedly. Twilightpeaks decided to head over there. "Uncertain of what to do next?" Twilightpeaks had experience with apprentices. "You should take him on a tour around the territory." She advised "It's good for a new apprentice to know his way around the territory, I can come with you.


Posted 2024-06-27 11:55:42
Smokeblaze sat at the edge of camp in the shade. He stretched his front legs, unsheathing his claws as he did so. His ear twitched at the sound of Twilightpeaks' voice. It sounded like she and Frostshade were going to take Wildpaw on a tour around the territory. Stormblaze jumped to his paws and strolled over to the two warriors. "Mind if I join the tour?" He asked politely. He didn't want to intrude, but he wouldn't mind a stroll about the territory.

Echokit crouched at the entrance to the nursery. She watched the daily commotion of the clan with interest. Any day now she would have her apprentice ceremony. She wondered who would be her mentor? There were so many good warriors in the clan and she was eager to impress them all.

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-06-28 10:10:07


"I thought about that too. I would appreciate it if you would come with us. I wanted to take another warrior anyway." She said. Now she didn't have to ask around, if someone wanted to come with her. She only had to figure out what she should teach Wildpaw first, but the deputy would surely know and with her advice she couldn't do anything wrong. "Do you think I should teach Wildpaw how to hunt or how to fight first?" She turned around as she noticed Smokeblaze approaching. "Not at all." She replied.


Posted 2024-06-28 10:15:26

Doefang sat in the shadows of the warriors den, still waiting to be summoned on a patrol or hunting party. Her eyes searched the camp for the deputy, Twilightpeaks. Everywhere her eyes landed cat flinched or looked unsettled, they all knew that she could be violent if she had something against you.
"Where's a deputy when you need one?!" she muttered angrily as she stretched and stood up.

⋆ĐØØΜŞĐΔ¥☾ (L: off)

Posted 2024-06-28 10:19:33
Smokeblaze flicked his tail happily in reply. He hoped they would head out soon. His amber eyes flitted about the camp and he noticed Echokit sulking by the nursery. She was so eager to become an apprentice; he didn't blame her. He was just glad that she's adjusted so well to clan life after he rescued her only a few short moons ago. That felt like a lifetime away.

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-06-28 10:33:23

Doefang noticed a kit sulking by the nursery, despite her rough past, she had a secret soft spot for kits, she trotted over to where the kit sat and asked if she wanted to learn some hunting crouches and technics

⋆ĐØØΜŞĐΔ¥☾ (L: off)

Posted 2024-06-28 10:43:40
Echokit looked up in surprise at the gruff warrior. She's never spoken to Doefang before; a part of her feared the harsh warrior. Still, she'd been raised not to be rude. Echokit nodded softly, trying to restrain the excitement bubbling in her chest. "That sounds fun!"

Amethyst Angel

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