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🍃Secrets of Spruce🌲 (On-Site Warrior Cat RP)

Posted 2024-06-28 10:49:39

Doefang grinned, the gave an example of a perfect hunters crouch. "Master that, and you'll be ahead of all the other apprentices after you become a 'paw'" She waited for Echokit to correct her posture, the nodded approvingly. "You have a lot of potential."
She then showed Echokit how to silently stalk the prey, and then how and when to pounce. They kept practicing for a while, until Echokit was confident that she could hunt. "Now, if you ever see a mouse in camp, you can kill it!"

⋆ĐØØΜŞĐΔ¥☾ (L: off)

Posted 2024-06-28 11:00:22
Echokit practiced the hunter crouch just like Doefang demonstrated. She wobbled a little, her fur turning hot with embarrassment. Smokeblaze and the other warriors made it look so easy! After a few more practices, she felt herself beginning to steady. Next, she practiced stalking and took great care to keep her tail still. Smokeblaze sometimes practiced with her and his voice always telling her to keep her tail still rang in her ears.

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-06-28 11:11:37 (edited)


Hollowkit watched as Doefang taught Echokit a hunter's crouch. She decided to practice, stepping out of the nursery wall and looking at the warrior hopefully. Would the fawn she-cat understand? Every cat knew the small black and white she-cat practically never spoke. It seemed like an honour to hear the kit's voice. Her white paws shuffled on the pine-covered floor as she waited. The dark blue bow around her neck fluttered in the wind, seemingly also hopeful for some small training.

DarkHeart | Lights Off

Posted 2024-06-28 11:14:49
Echokit caught sight of Hollowkit out of the corner of her eye. She paused her stalking to address her denmate. "Did you want to join, Hollowkit?" Echokit asked softly, tilting her head to the side.

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-06-28 11:23:56


Her dark head nodded. Padding over, the small kit carefully took of her bow to make sure it wasn't damaged. It was the same bow her mother had worn. Before the event. Hollowkit was only just born when it had happened. All she could remember was the terrified screeching of cats, the howls of some unknown creature. There was three of them. Blazing snouts snapped at her inside her hiding place. Just the thought of it made her shiver.

DarkHeart | Lights Off

Posted 2024-06-28 11:32:32
Echokit took note of Hollowkit carefully straightening her bow, of the shiver that shook her little body. She knew that Hollowkit's mother was killed and the bow was all she had left of her. Echokit touched the tip of her tail to Hollowkit's shoulder in an attempt to comfort her. This was something they had in common: they were both orphans.

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-06-28 11:36:02

Watched the two kits and was about to give them a tip for their crouch when she was suddenly called over to join a patrol.
"You're both doing great. I'd be honored to get either of you as an apprentice" she said, before running to catch the patrol before they left.

⋆ĐØØΜŞĐΔ¥☾ (L: off)

Posted 2024-06-28 18:47:13
Wild'paw quivered in excitement as they started to leave "I can't wait!" She mewed under her breath with eagerness
Raven-skys🌈 🏳️‍🌈

Posted 2024-06-28 20:13:52 (edited)


His ears perk up when he was called for a patrol. He bounds across the clearing gracefully to the entrance of camp, when he sees Doefang he gives her a gentle smile and gets ready to go hunting, or whatever they were going to do.


She flicks her tail goodbye to Wildpaw and then looks back to her brother, fluffing his nest up again. Noticing a few feathers on the ground, she gently picks them up and put them behind Snowkit's head.


Posted 2024-06-28 21:17:16
Smokeblaze huffed in amusement at Wildpaw's excitement. He remembered being an apprentice when he got excited over any little task. If his memory did not fail him, he believed that his first catch was a sparrow. He'd carried it all the way back to camp so proudly. Blazepaw had teased him the entire time. Smokeblaze's heart dropped at the memory of his brother. He'd perished in the Fog alongside their parents. He shook the painful memory from his mind. "I'm sure you'll do well," He meowed to Wildpaw.

Echokit watched Doefang head off on the patrol with Robinfeather. She was envious of Wildpaw joining the warriors on a tour. Hopefully soon it would be her turn. Echokit nudged Hollowkit gently. "Should we practice our hunter crouch again?"

Amethyst Angel

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