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🍃Secrets of Spruce🌲 (On-Site Warrior Cat RP)

Posted 2024-07-08 12:11:18
I cant be pregnant! Im a deputy! Then A thought came into her mind, chilling her spine. They're Jays kits. She couldnt let anyone find out! They might not accept kits with kittypet blood. Her ears flicked. I must tell Jay. He should know about his kits And so, she padded off to twolegplace in the night, alone


Posted 2024-07-08 18:07:38


She walk into camp, jaws full of the prey she had just caught on a hunting patrol. She limped over to the fresh-kill pile and drops her catch, immediately going to the medicine cat den afterwards. She had managed to dislocate her leg when jumping down a slop in pursuit of a rabbit… which she caught. Only after did she start noticing the pain in her leg.


Posted 2024-07-08 18:14:57
Twilightpeaks eventually made it to twolegplace. She had been so quiet, that even she couldn't hear her paw steps. She didn't want to set off another dog, or be trapped by another twolegplace. She'd shivered at the memory. She didn't want to think about it. She just had to find Jay, tell him, and get out of here. Every one of her nerves were screaming "Go back!!!" As she leaped the fence and jumped into Jay's yard.


Posted 2024-07-09 14:16:06


She was in her den sorting herbs, while thinking about the strange phenomenon that happened last night. She was sure it's a sign from Starclan, though she isn't sure yet what it means. It could be a warning, but she is unsure what it was supposed to warn them. It could be a warning for fire. She was snapped out of her thoughts, when she noticed a cat approaching. "Hello Hazeljay. What can I do for you?" She greeted the warrior.


Posted 2024-07-10 14:58:15


She approaches the medicine cat and smiles warmly at her, "I think I might have dislocated my leg while hunting," she meows. "I would have put it back in place but couldn't bring myself to do it", she limps next to the medicine cat and sits down not sure what to do.


Posted 2024-07-10 18:29:09
Twilightpeaks he]ad made it to twolegplace. At Last! She felt a mix of joy and relief. As she scanned the rows of twoleg den, looking for Jay's, her tail twitched in a sensation she had never felt before


Posted 2024-07-13 12:05:46
It was half way though Leaf-Fall and Twilightpeaks glanced at her bulging flanks. It had become harder and harder to hide the fact that she was pregnant, although Nightwhisper seemed to start catching on. Pain shot through her and she felt a ripple pass through her belly. Are the kits coming? She shot out of the camp, and hid under a small bush. She noticed a clump of thyme, and rolled in it. her scent was masked. as she ran farther away from camp, she kept glancing for another bush to hide under.


Posted 2024-07-13 12:21:34
As she ran through the forest, a spasm gripped her, and she stumble over a thick root. She felt herself tumbling, pain shooting through her like lightning. She tumbled under a small, stocky bush and branches scraped her pelt. Although the bush had bare spots and wouldnt hide her from approaching predators or cats, she was in too much pain to care. Another spasm gripped her and the ripped a branch off of the bush. She  bit down hard, and even though the branch splintered, a small, silver, kit slithered out.


Posted 2024-07-15 12:28:49
The smoky black tom sat in the camp as he watched the activities of the day. He flexed his claws, eager to go hunting. Maybe he'd do just that. Smokeblaze stood and trotted out of camp into the forest. The crisp scent of pine welcomed him as it mingled with other forest scents. Up ahead, he caught sight of a sparrow hopping along the forest floor.

Smokeblaze immediately crouched down with his sharp amber eyes focused on the bird. He moved forward with expert precision, each paw muted against the foliage. Once he was close enough, Smokeblaze pounced. The sparrow slipped from his grasp and took off into the air. With a determined grunt, he leaped gracefully into the air to swat the sparrow down. Smokeblaze quickly killed it before storing it underneath a bush. He'd come back for it later.

Echokit lay on her back in the center of camp staring up at the sky with her hazel eyes. Her tail flicked lazily against a leaf which she had been playing with this morning. She had been waiting for her apprentice ceremony for what felt like moons. When would it be her turn to join patrols and hunt prey? Did Goldenstar not think she was capable because she wasn't born into SpruceClan? Worry gnawed at her belly like a persistent mouse.

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-17 20:00:20

Doefang woke up and stretched, she was off patrols until night so she decided that she should probably go hunting, she looked around the camp. I don't see many people who look like they want to go hunting... I wish I had an apprentice, that would be a great excuse to get out of camp on days like this... She walked over to a large group of warriors who were chatting. "Does anyone want to go hunting?" She expected the worst reaction, everyone knew she had a bad temper and didn't like other cats much

(Sorry I haven't posted in a while! I completely forgot XD)

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