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Choose a Door!

Posted 2024-08-24 00:04:37
Oh sorry! This is my first time narratoring so you're just trying to help!

Posted 2024-08-24 00:18:51
The first scent leads you to…..fresh bearberries! You trot your paws and pick up the sweets to take back to your pack. You have a feeling your herbalist will have some use for them.

The second scent takes you a small burrow. Some animal must have lived there but it doesn't smell like they still are. Right before you turn to leave, you notice small odd teeth in the dirt. Hopefully you can put these to good use.

Ignoring your gut feeling, you brave up and take the last smell. Your tail fur gets caught on a broken branch and you trip over small rocks to fall on top of your back. You open your eyes to see a small squirrel who must have thought you were sleeping or dead. Yawning scares it off, however it drops some of its scraps. Your tail is missing a small patch of fur and your back is a little sore. You make it back to your pack to tell the silly story and your prize of acorn decor!

Posted 2024-08-24 04:45:52
That's good for your first time!!<3//

Posted 2024-08-25 06:42:23
Sorry for the wait! I'll narrate in a sec


Posted 2024-08-25 09:44:40
All good, Mid!!//

Posted 2024-08-25 09:47:08
Retuning to the same, small cavern, a shimmering blue wolf walks up to you. 'Hello, and welcome! Here to play another game of chance?' It was the whole reason you were there, how could you say no? Following your host, you walk into a room with three clay cups. Each turned upside-down so you can't see the contents. The exact same as the other two times, but the cups were now different.

Cup 1 - A yellow cup. The host seems to void it's whole existence.

Cup 2 - A colourful cup with splashes of almost every colour. Almost. Just not yellow.

Cup 3 - A purple and blue cup.


Posted 2024-08-25 09:47:31
Cup 3 please!

Posted 2024-08-25 09:49:09
I'll take cup two!

⛺Campbell🔔 Cat🐈

Posted 2024-08-25 10:12:01
Cup 1 then!

Posted 2024-08-25 11:07:57
Once all of the cups had been chosen, the host picks up each cup, one at a time. Each cup had something good inside, you can't really complain!

Cup 1 - Once the first cup was lifted, you see a small voucher for free food. LunaTheMoonWolf gains 100-ish uses of food

Cup 2 - Once the second cup was lifted, you see a piece of paper. It reads: 'Three fully refunded breeding slot for Night's Fate'. Free pups! ⛺Campbell🔔 Cat🐈 will be the next narrator

Cup 3 - Once the third and final cup was lifted, you see yet another voucher. This one for toys. 💫KasperKat💫 gains 50-ish uses of amusement


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