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🏳️‍🌈Unidentified🏳️‍⚧️ #140056

Hi I'm United Healthcare and this is my emotional support hoe

Sorry if I'm not super active on here anymore. I still check in regularly, but I'm not on forums or the chat very often. If you need me, shoot me a DM- I clean my inbox out as often as I can, but if it ever does get full, just send me a gift with a message.

Welcome to my profile!

You may know me as Uni, or United Healthcare if you're American Idiot!

I'm new here, but I LOVE Wolvden. It's definitely a new favorite site of mine, second probably to Dragon Cave! Some favorite interests of mine are art, jewelry-making, and collecting things(which is why I love this game so much!!!)!

I sometimes hold art raffles for wolf headshots, and sometimes participate in others! I'm active about 24/7, and if I don't reply to a message, it's because I'm sleeping. If I don't reply right away, you'll no doubt get an answer by the end of the day. :)

Absolutely OBSESSED with colorbombs and collecting cool patterns, or sometimes I just get sentimentally attached a silly little pup! Adult slots are fewer than my pups, though, so I won't be adopting much. :(


• Own a Legendary Catch: Axolotl. (0/1)
• Own a wolf with a primary/lethal mutation. (0/1)
• Create a custom decor. (0/1)
• Create an Interactive Adoptables thread and get at least 3 customers. (3/3) [COMPLETED]
• Own one of every mutation. (5/15)
- Own one Patches: Split wolf. (1/1) [COMPLETED]
• Reach Lvl.20. (15/20)



Hollow Howls (#12130)
" I'm not above murder♥ "

🐀🌻Astrid🌻🐀 (#13846)
" game, i just want to lick some bird shit. is that too much to ask? "

🐀🌻Astrid🌻🐀 (#13846)
" i licked bird shit "

happenstance (#140860)
" also omg I can't wait to lick bird poop "

🏳️‍🌈Pridewhisper🏳️‍🌈 (#128200)
" WHY??????? idk man maybe i wanted to lick some birb poop "

wink (#26881)
" I don't think I'm hitting level 5 before bed but a bitch can try "

yam (#136414)
" Oh baby I got to lick bird poo "

FireTheWolf (#51333)
" @🏳️‍🌈Unidentified🏳️‍⚧️ (#140056) doing gods work in this chat "
🏳️‍🌈Unidentified🏳️‍⚧️ (#140056)
" @Nothing personal (#71724) nothing personal seems like a very suitable username for you "]

🐾🏳️‍🌈 Xander🏳️‍🌈🐾 (#125948)
" Arson(ignore this please plz please please please) "

🐉🎃CaelumΘΔ Main Ox Fan (#65437)
"I is for I'll call my son Arson "

🧊 Orthrus🧊 (#15164)
" Mod simp "
[Context: to Zambaio]

Zambaio (#140406)
@🐾Brooke🐾 (#40881) why do you keep trying to khaki pant my high knee socks you under priced straw hat

cool guy (#94600)
@🏳️‍🌈Unidentified🏳️‍⚧️ (#140056) ehh they always wanna do the swiggly diggly
[Context: C.AI]

cool guy (#94600)
" 178 brad decors but not a single lady in my dms "

Zambaio (#140406)
" @🏳️‍🌈Unidentified🏳️‍⚧️ (#140056) I CANNOT FIGHT ART "
[Context: Art Fight]

cool guy (#94600)
" I'm the pink power rangee "
2024-04-26 10:00:59
[wasn't here for this]

Zambaio (#140406)
" @TwilightHowler (#26383) that's ok we all discover our color kinks in wolvden "

cool guy(hitaus-quit) (#94600)
" i can be your angle.. or your devl "

cool guy(hitaus-quit) (#94600)
" your not scary your annoying as fuck ♥ "
[Context: TikTok insults]

🦡Ferretwhisper🦡 (#128200)
The existence of winterfat implies the existence of summerskinny

Zambaio (#140406)
" @Cheese Man (#138506) your name is probably the best thing i've seen all day other than my reflection in the mirror "

Zambaio (#140406)
" @blacklight (#131787) raffle your heart and let me win "

Zambaio (#140406)
" @cool guy(hitaus-quit) (#94600) what chapter did i miss for you to identify as an ambulance lights now "

wink (#26881)
" @⛧Cain (#825) don't be silly, artists aren't real "

🌈Rayne🌦Storm⚡️ (#47855)
" It be the dark of the night... toad licking time "

⸸American Idiot⸸ (#141341)
" @🏳️‍🌈Unidentified🏳️‍⚧️ (#140056) why did u ping me twice do i look like a fruity pebble to you? "

💫KasperKat💫 (#128485)
" WHOOOO CATA EVENTTTT *eats an entire mothman* "

cool guy (ignore.) (#94600)
" it's worm time babey!!! "

Mavric (#33260)
"" RNGesus ""

(Read down to up)

pea2 (#133971)
" we don't talk about this. "

stingray (#17818)
" who is pea1 "


~WillO'TheWisp~ (#110617)
" @🏳️‍🌈Unidentified🏳️‍⚧️ (#140056) ok u really needa stop being funny when i have coffee im swallowing "

From ⸸American Idiot⸸
42 seconds ago

Aww a nugget cat!


Leonard did, once. He shit on my mother's foot. He's a ~25lb tuxedo cat that can't roll over.


cool guy(hitaus-quit) (#94600)
" get better gilrie pop :3 "
[Context: I was sad]


A conversation about Cool Guy's profile (read down to up):

🏳️‍🌈Unidentified🏳️‍⚧️ (#140056)
@🍀duckbong2001🍀 ♕ Lupine (#129151) SAID

🏳️‍🌈Unidentified🏳️‍⚧️ (#140056)

🍀duckbong2001🍀 ♕ Lupine (#129151)
its ok take your timer

🏳️‍🌈Unidentified🏳️‍⚧️ (#140056)

🏳️‍🌈Unidentified🏳️‍⚧️ (#140056)

🏳️‍🌈Unidentified🏳️‍⚧️ (#140056)
@🍀duckbong2001🍀 ♕ Lupine (#129151) it's gonna get longer. He's saod


[once again, read down to up]

🏳️‍🌈Unidentified🏳️‍⚧️ (#140056)
" @Zambaio (#140406) but but it's fingerlicking good "

Zambaio (#140406)
" no i don't like kfc "


And a favorite quote of my own born from a typo,
" 🏳️‍🌈Unidentified🏳️‍⚧️ (#140056)
@🐉🎃CaelumΘΔ Main Ox Fan (#65437) headless horeman "


Another typo of mine,

🏳️‍🌈Unidentified🏳️‍⚧️ (#140056)
" Ugh a Fox and a bison. I don't want those. I want GIZZLY "
[Grizzly. Bear.]


Zambaio (#140406)
@🏳️‍🌈Unidentified🏳️‍⚧️ (#140056) bro but you fight gizzly beard everyday for breakfast


Oh my god Cool Guy fuckin quoted me 💀
" 🏳️‍🌈Unidentified🏳️‍⚧️ (#140056)
@[138311] CG just gives overpaid cashier vibes
2024-06-05 18:49:22 "

" 🏳️‍🌈Unidentified🏳️‍⚧️ (#140056)
@[94600] you make me smile
2024-06-19 06:49:18 "

He quoted me again in his lead's bio???😭
" Unidentified (#140056)
@[94600] nothing to do with the conversations at hand, but you remind me of a guy on a Discord server I used to help out on. Chaotic and funny.
2024-05-28 13:44:52 "


6•6•24 this feels like an accomplishment
"You've received a new friend request from cool guy. View your pending friend requests!"


Hope anyone who's gotten this far into my profile, and/or anyone else, has a GREAT rest of their day!!<3

Zamboni Zamzam fren :]
Member Information
Name 🏳️‍🌈Unidentified🏳️‍⚧️
Pack New Kin Pack
Pack Leader Dream of Mind and Heart
Joined 2024-05-19
Last Active 2 hours ago
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