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Choose a Door!

Posted 2024-08-28 18:01:42
As you are exploring, you come across a cryptid, which starts a battle with you. You have three options to choose from. Do you:
1. Try to flee and run away?
2. Try to calm down the cryptid and prevent a battle?
3. Engage in battle with the cryptid and try to defeat it?


Posted 2024-08-28 18:02:43
3 please!!

Posted 2024-08-29 05:33:32
2, let's try peace... Even though Snow's Storm (my lead) would just fight


Posted 2024-08-29 06:48:44
1 for me! ^^


Posted 2024-09-02 11:19:03
Sorry about this being so late!

1. As you run away, you see a couple herbs on the side. You gain 5 herbs!
2. You successfully calm down the cryptid, and the cryptid gives you a carcass! You gain 10 uses of food!
3. You defeated the cryptid! There seems to be something behind it… you find 5 branches!

Spottednwm is the next narrator


Posted 2024-09-03 08:40:04
It's winter and your pack is undergoing a dangerous sickness outbreak, so, you offer to help your herbalist find some herbs in this chilly, unforgiving winter. As you venture across the plains and venture within the lush forest, you stumble across three interesting paths.

1. Path 1. - This path looks dead, almost no life within it and its covered in frost, but you do see a faint of green as you step in some moss. It reeks of death and sorrow, bur perhaps light can be found even it the darkest chill?

2. Path 2. - This Path is very bushy and a bit hard to navigate, thorns, sticks and remnants of fallen leaves over its Path, you wonder how long it's been since any critter lived here. But you do catch a wiff of some herbal substance from within.

3. Path 3 - this Path is the furthest from you, you cam see faint glowing blue orbs buried into the snow, and something smells oddly sweet, like a bakery. There's a faint patch of life and green somewhat within.

So, which will you choose on this cold winter day?


Posted 2024-09-03 08:40:23
Path three!

Posted 2024-09-03 09:00:19
Path one, please!

Posted 2024-09-03 11:04:21
Path 2 please

Posted 2024-09-05 19:13:53
You finally decide to come to a compromise in which path you will take, and take a step forward.

Path 1. - Your paws crunch against the dead leaves and sticks that were scattered, you follow the trail of moss and hope that you can find some herbs for your pack, and though this path feels sad and lonely, you finally reach the end of the path and find some charcoal and cedar bark scattered within a bush!

LunaTheMoonWolf #117583 Has found: 3x Cederbark, 1x Charcoal

Path 2.  - You hesitantly decide to trail through the prickly path, trying your hardest to avoid the pointy sticks and thorns, but a rude buck suddenly rams its antlers into your bottom, causing you to lose your footing, but despite their clear faulty, you forgive them and move on, and mother nature rewards you as you find a small stash of silver cones within a burrow!

Rae #141175 has found 100!
Path 3. - You choose the most interesting path of the three and make your way through the glowing blue orbs, hoping to find some herbs. However, the orbs seem to be following you. When you turn back to get a better look, they're gone. You decide to ignore it and continue your journey. Eventually, you reach a large clearing, where an elderly wolf greets you and asks you to hold onto something for them. You kindly nod, and now you have a great supply of branches!

💫KasperKat💫#128485 has found 20x Branches!

The new narrator is Rae #141175


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