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Choose a Door!

Posted 2024-06-24 14:21:35
Eh? If you're making a game like that, you can make your own forum! I'd prefer if you didn't fit it into mine, ahah! Great jobs to everyone playing by the way!<3//

Posted 2024-06-24 15:10:21
You head down cave 1. It's dusty and uncertain, but you're very sure you've caught a human scent. You get closer and, yes, humans have been here! They're not here anymore though, so you're free to take everything! SCENEBEANZZZ_xD #141966 got Old Doll, Shoe, Carrot, and Chicken Roast!

You enter cave 2. It's fresh and full of life! Plants grow around you, ferns brush against your fur as you step around, and trees unfurl above you. You can scent animals running around, but they're always out of your reach. Ah, well. You spot a butterfly flitting above and you jump up, snapping it out of the air and dragging it to the ground. This'll do! Rae #141175 got x3 Butterfly Wing and Cliff Swallowtail!

Ears pinned, you creep into cave 3. It's silent, but a strong predatory scent surrounds you. You can spot the killed Moose Bull carcass already. Slobbering in excitement, you reach forward and sink your jaws into the hip to drag the carcass away, but suddenly, a bobcat jumps out of a nearby bush and hisses at you! Yikes! It swipes at your face as you frantically try to escape. Xander #125948 got x2 Scar: Cheekbone [Left]!

Xander is the next narrator


Posted 2024-06-24 16:20:32 (edited)
You wonder through the forest your paws aching from the long walk. However it seems you got lost. As you venture deeper into the dense forest, the trees seem to whisper ancient secrets as the night filters through the leaves above. Suddenly you come across a clearing.

As you go closer you see something quite odd. Something red, it doesn't appear to be blood either. It smells sweet but not like food? Or it was food...

The next thing you see is a giant tree, birds are signing and flying around you see a few wolves giving blessings, when asking they say it's a wishing tree. It smells more like birds than anything else.

The last thing you see is a strange orb of blue light, Moths and butterflies are attracted to it as well. It smells weird as of..perhaps the midnight sky before rain

Where do your paws take you?

Posted 2024-06-24 16:48:04
door three!!!!!

Posted 2024-06-24 16:48:58
Door  two?


Posted 2024-06-24 16:51:39
door 1 pls!


Posted 2024-06-24 21:25:09
{Door one} as you explore the clearing you find the source. A wolf seems to have left some of the treasure it recieved. And probably some of the herbs they left beHind as well! You look around before gladly taking what the other wolf left! {Spottednwn #93864 has recieved Berry Earring [Red], Berry Necklace [Red], Berry Tailwrap [Red], Berry Anklets[Red], Berry Bracelets [Red], Burning bush x2}

{Door 2} You look at the tree exploring it. suddenly BONK! uh oh!looks like you ran into a tree. A few things fall. That you decide to keep! {Skulk #46971 recieves Nesting Matirel (probably spelled that wrong) x2 Blue Jayfeather Decor, Chicken egg x4, and Owl Talon Necklace!}

{Door 3} As you go closer some of the moths fly away. But some stay still captured by the strange orb. While coming closer you discover what it is!
{Rae #141175 recieves Lunar Moon lamp, Flickering flower, Glowing spores  x2, and Cnithan Tuggy Tendril!}

Spottedwn is the next narrator

Posted 2024-06-26 17:46:02
While exploring, you cross through swampy terrain and murky waters to get back to your den, but of course, traveling this far on your own comes with its own set of challenges, you managed to take a wrong turn and come across three trees in the shape of arches, you'll need to cross one to continue.


The first tree arch was adorned with intricate carvings of animals and symbols of the forest. Vines and moss covered its weathered surface, giving it an ancient and mysterious appearance.

The second arch was surrounded by glowing fireflies, their soft light flickering like stars in the night sky. Ancient runes were engraved into the bark, hinting at forgotten knowledge and wisdom.

The third and final arch has, a rough-hewn surface adorned with shimmering crystals that reflect the moonlight. A faint whispering sound could be heard from inside, as if secrets were waiting to be revealed beyond it.

And now after analyzing your choices, which shall it be? The 1st arch, the 2nd arch, or maybe the 3rd?


Posted 2024-06-26 17:47:02
First arch please!

Posted 2024-06-26 17:51:19
I choose the second arch.

⛺Campbell🔔 Cat🐈

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