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Was Wandering If Anyone Was Interested In Any Wolves?🙂 (WWIAWIIAW)

Was Wandering If Anyone Was Interested In Any Wolves?🙂 (WWIAWIIAW)
Posted 2024-06-02 07:07:48 (edited)
Hi, so I am going to attempt to try & Give Away my wolves that I don't want and don't do any good for my pack. So, I only have one right now because I am also getting rid of wolves because of -SPACE- I am running out of SPACE in my den. So, I am going to see if I can try to little by little build my pack up again and kinda "Start over" Except, I already have a few wolves. So yeah, here is the link to the one wolf I have right now, oh, and then I actually have another one, But I am going to wait until it is weaned to post it. So I will post the link here:


Thanking in advance whoever is going to get her and take care of Floral. I loved her while I had her, But she is taking up space, food, and amusement. Now, she is not the only one. You know how It is, you got to play and feed a whole den every day. But yeah. I just can't keep her anymore. Enjoy!!

I will post more wolves when I get more, And I will post the pup when she is weaned!!
Have a marvelous day everyone!!

Posted 2024-06-02 07:10:05

When she is weaned, someone can take her!

Posted 2024-06-13 13:10:33
Hi, I still have not received any claims on these 2 wolves. By the way, the pup is weaned!

Posted 2024-06-14 17:39:19
The pup died, so she is off-limits

Posted 2024-06-16 09:09:50
The Adult has been chased because no one wanted her and she was taking up to much space and my food and amusement! But I have a new wolf choice!

Posted 2024-06-16 09:10:49

Male wolf.
Goes by: Rusty!

Posted 2024-06-17 13:06:04
Already got rid of Rusty!

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