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Has anyone seen Mimi

Has anyone seen Mimi
Posted 2024-06-14 21:51:11
I'm not asking for any fancy wolf with mutations or carriers....I'm looking for a puppy named Mimi...
She's a black puppy with brown tips on fur...? I don't know what the mark was but my friend needs her back....
The real Mimi passed away and I want to show the pup to at least cheer her up....thanks...

Posted 2024-06-15 07:26:33
Hi do you have a pic that we can go off by


Posted 2024-06-15 16:26:51
Sadly no but I finally found the buyer! I went to my friend's account and found the username of that buyer. Hopefully they would return the pup if it's still with them. If they can't return the pup, it's alright. I'll just show my friend the photo.

Posted 2024-06-15 16:35:09
I FOUND MIMI! She can't be returned tho, she's an adult now and she has pups! She has a 72% proficiency in herbalist which the buyer needs. I haven't talked to the buyer but they need Mimi in their pack.

Posted 2024-06-15 16:36:29
Thanks Dablix for participating! All is well now...

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