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Beauty Pageant Committee's First Pride Pageant! ๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ(winners announced!)

Beauty Pageant Committee's First Pride Pageant! ๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ(winners announced!)
Posted 2024-06-25 16:56:24 (edited)
Hosted by: vernillion #106571 ๐Ÿฅ‡ First Place: Skyfacet of Eidolon ๐Ÿฅˆ Second Place: Saffy of Fiero Pack ๐Ÿฅ‰ Third Place: Chroma of Custodire Pack
BPC's First Pride Pageant!

Ovaria Earthsky of the Pack of Rabbits
"Good day prospective participants. Welcome to the Pride Pageant, a pageant to celebrate the queer community! Show of your rainbow custom decors or other colors related to the wolf's identity or maybe your own! Also, a first for the Beauty Pageant Committee, the winner will get a custom YWH of the winning wolf from our very own artist!"

Winning Prizes
First Place - + custom YWH!
Second Place -
Third Place -

Pageant Rules
1. Only one entry per pack please! Your entry needs to be posted with a picture and a link to the wolf, even a short description if you like! No space saving--if there is no wolf in the message, the entry will not be counted (up to 12 entries).
2. Your wolf must remain in your pack for the duration of the pageant. Any dynasty wolves, wardrobe images, or wolves moved to a different pack or sold at any time during the pageant will not be considered.
3. Entries with the wolf completely covered or invisible will not be considered. Lots of decor and custom decor is great! But the wolf itself must be reasonably visible.
4. Wolves will be considered as-is on the day voting starts. Pups will look like however they look at the time of voting.
5. No members of leadership can enter this pageant! If you are a general member in the discord that is fine, but anyone with a role other than that in BPC will not be considered.
6. To be considered, the wolf must have at least one of the following: decor or apps from the Matchmaker event (such as achilles base), a pride flag custom decor, the color palette of a pride flag (please stipulate which one), and/or a pairbond with a same-sex member of your pack.

BPC's 1st Pride Pageant// Code by #86206


Posted 2024-06-25 20:42:45 (edited)
Northern Lights This is Northern Lights. She has a career in hunting. I got her for the month of pride, as i did with my other pride wolves.
Megan Dedmon ๐ŸŽƒLightsOn๐ŸŽƒ

Posted 2024-06-25 21:03:53 (edited)
( i didn't read the entire thing i'm sorry )

Posted 2024-06-25 21:39:02
Introducing Nรคttis ! He might have a low tier base, but this guy is anything BUT boring. He brings the life to the party, especially when walking in next to his Herbalist life partner, Frostbite (who would really rather not be 'partying' at all.) In between rolling through his flower fields, Nรคttis enjoys stealing empty Starbarks cups out of the local human-enrichment-area and other forms of petty theft

Jack -- Warden of Zircons

Posted 2024-06-25 21:55:19

This is Chroma, bred in my own pack. I kept her specifically because she looks like a rainbow wolf. I believe she would be pan or unlabeled, but definitely an ally.

Posted 2024-06-25 22:53:03 (edited)
link This is Snowy Hawk. She's bisexual. She loves pups, hence her profession as a puppysitter. Her girlfriend and pairbond, Raspberry Dapple, is also a puppysitter! Protecting and teaching the pups makes it feel as if they had pups of their own together.ย  Snowy loves flowers, and so do the pups, so she surrounds herself with them all the time! Her favorite color is magenta and her favorite flowers are hydrangeas.

Posted 2024-06-26 03:40:05
Penelope was born Karl, she's transgender and had quite a difficult time getting her family to understand, especially since she's so young. They kept telling "him" to stop being silly and that is was just a phase, making her doubt herself.
She's recently embraced her true self and is madly in love with Half Shadow (link), who', thanks to his double nature, understands her struggles better than most.

mALEc ๐ŸŒธ๐Ÿฐ ๐ŸŒธ

Posted 2024-06-26 14:51:29


Posted 2024-06-27 09:03:16

Here is my wolf dragon! She is pan and loves to hang around any kinds of wolves, she can get along with anyone and everyone loves her company!


Posted 2024-06-27 12:20:56
This is my girl Saffy! She's a pupsitter and loves teaching the pups about acceptance. During June, she wears a rainbow necklace to show off pride!


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