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Den clear out!

Den clear out!
Posted 2024-06-26 05:39:41 (edited)
I am having trouble feeding all my wolves, so I'm downsizing my pack. All t1/12/non-NBW-t3 wolves or for sale.
Base price:
t1- 20 SC
t2- 50 SC
t3- 100 SC
Markings price:
if t1: the first 2 markings do not add to the price, but the 3rd adds 2 SC, the 4th 4 SC, the 5th 6 SC, the 6th 8 SC, the 7th 10 SC, etc.
if t2: the first marking does not add to the price, but the second adds 2 SC, the 3rd 4 SC, the 4th 6 SC, the fifth 8 SC, etc.
if non-chased-t3: the first adds 2 SC, the second 4 SC, the third 6 SC, the fourth 8 SC, etc.
if 1 carried- 50 extra SC
if 2 carried- 150 extra SC
if patches- 100 extra SC
if piebald- 50 extra SC
if albinism or melanism: 50 extra SC
1: t1= 10 extra SC, t2= 20 extra SC
2-3: t1= 5 extra SC
4-5: t1= n/a extra SC, t2=15 extra sc, t3= 50 extra sc
6-10: t1=n/a, t2= n/a, t3= 25 extra sc
11+: n/a extra sc

If inbred: reduce cost by 10 SC

some of my wolves I'm hoping to sell:
Mel carrier
Carried mutations: melanism
Cost: 70 SC

pretty panda
Cost: 32 SC


Posted 2024-06-27 11:54:56
Hi, I would like to take the Panda lady


Posted 2024-06-27 12:35:09
ok I'll set up the trade now


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