CraterClan: An ONSITE, SEMI-LIT WC Roleplay (Open)
CraterClan: An ONSITE, SEMI-LIT WC Roleplay (Open)
Posted 2024-06-26 20:39:13 (edited)
Welcome to CraterClan!! My name is Charlie, and I will host this (hopefully) awesome new Warrior Cat Roleplay! A little bit behind the creation of CraterClan, I believe I used a generator to come up with the name it just stuck with me. Coming up with the lore was super fun, though it took me forever to complete it. And I think I came up with CometClan on my own. I figured I would go with something that flowed more with a clan name like CraterClan. Anyway, I hope you liked my lore building and enjoy being a part of CraterClan or even a rogue, loner, or kittypet in this roleplay! *****RULES***** Form A- Name- Rank- Age- Gender- Sexuality(Opt.)- Description- Personality- Relationships(Family or Other)- Backstory(Opt.)- Extra(Opt.)- Form B (This is the one that will go in the allegiances!!) CraterClan Allegiances- Here is the Link to the Character Sheet! ( I will have the OOC Thread created and Linked asap!!) Click Here to Visit the Character Sheet! |
Charlie #79338 |
Posted 2025-02-13 11:10:23
Sootstar steps out from the roots of the tree that was her den. The bright light filtering through the branches of the four large trees that made up the rest of the dens is warm. Taking a moment to stretch, she surveys the camp. It is still early, so most of her warriors are probably still in their nests. She doesn't blame them; New Leaf is finally dawning on them, and the chill of Leaf-Bare is slowly giving way to warmer days. They deserved a break. She padded forward towards the prey pile and frowned at the scant pickings. A patrol would have to go out to find prey today. Her tail flicks as she chooses a thrush from the day before and goes back to her den to eat it. |
Charlie #79338 |
Posted 2025-02-13 20:29:33
Snowfern slowly blinked her green eyes open as she woke from her slumber and slowly uncurled herself from her sleeping position. Yawning, she stretched and sleepily lifted her head up, her eyes flitting around the den before turning to the entrance where the early morning light trickled in. She slowly sat up in her nest and gazed down at her rumpled white fur before starting her morning groom. |
*Chloe* #133835 |
Posted 2025-02-18 23:11:00
His motivation ever so very slowly started to awaken.. limbs still tucked beneath him he'd been awake for awhile but refused to truly exist In the day up until now, that was the usual for him all throughout late leaf-fall, leaf-bare, and the beginning of new-leaf.. Poor guy just did not do well in the cold. He was like herb's in that way, won't thrive well.. heaving himself up to his paws, he took a quick pad around in a circle to warm up before heading out into the open and looking out at the camp bathed in the early morning, clan mates were sparse today, probably sleeping. He just went around and passed the food pile to sit in a small patch of flowers.. little ones that had just bloomed. |
![]() Steel #145791 |
Posted 2025-02-21 10:45:29
Padding out into the camp clearing, her gaze landed on the fresh-kill pile and she trotted over before searching through the small furry bodies to grab a mouse, her favorite prey. Her white fur was fluffed up to block out the cold which didn't really work because of her short fur. She settled down about four tail lengths away from the pile and her green eyes swept the camp again. Her ears pricked as she noticed the medicine cat to her left and she dipped her head in greeting, her nose almost brushing the mouse between her paws. |
*Chloe* #133835 |
Posted 2025-02-21 20:24:06
Still shivering he just eyed the cat and attempted not to look cynical.. though emphasis on attempted, he always looked a bit tired and oddly lacking in compassion for a medicine cat no less. With the smallest tilt of his head and easing of his expression the he just commented.. "morning" He lifted his up to clean some of the dirt off, his front leg's contrasted against his dark coat and bluish rosettes, the difference looked as if he had taken someone else's legs with the only other white feature of his being his little nose blaze, and though shorter than other males he looked as if he totally could… steal legs that is. Before his thoughts got any stranger he turned to the other cat that he'd assume is a warrior and spoke on the quieter side. "I don't think I know you… though that's probably a good thing, I don't leave the medicine den much so… glad you aren't there?" He hoped that didn't sound as awkward as it felt, this being exactly why he stay's in the den. |
![]() Steel #145791 |
Posted 2025-02-21 22:32:30
She chuckled at the tom's obvious awkwardness and stretched her paws out in front of her, the mouse in front of her reduced to fur and bones. "I try to make less work for you." Her tone made it sound like a joke though it really wasn't. She had always tried to be careful and hated going to the medicine den as an apprentice and kit, as a result she had grown into a graceful she-cat who was always aware of her surroundings. That certain awareness and carefulness has shaped her into the elegant hunter she is today. The trips to the medicine den became less and less frequent over the moons of her life though now she didn't mind going to the healer she would just prefer not to. In fact, now that she is thinking about it she hasn't gone to the medicine den in moons! No wonder they haven't met. "I'm Snowfern." She meowed with an amused smile. |
*Chloe* #133835 |
Posted 2025-02-21 23:05:34
Sootstar soon finished the thrush and used the undamaged feathers to soften her nest before scraping the bird's bones into a corner of her den. A few of her warriors should be up by now, and so she padded out to greet them. She was surprised by the sight of Maroon'Fate out of his den. It didn't happen often. She then spied the warrior he seemed to be chatting with and chuckled. "Good morning." She mews, padding over to join their conversation. Her fluffier fur helped keep most of the bite of the chill wind dulled. |
Charlie #79338 |
Posted 2025-02-21 23:11:00 (edited)
Her head turned at the sound of her leader's voice and she dipped her head in greeting. "Morning Sootstar." She chirped with a slight wave of her tail. "How's your morning?" She asked as she batted the mouse remains away with a snow white paw before looking up at her leader from her laid down position. (Is there going to be a CS Thread for this?) |
*Chloe* #133835 |
Posted 2025-02-21 23:27:49
Sootstar | Leader The ashy-pelted female nods in return. "It was quiet," She responds with a light flick of her tail. "But that means you all were getting some much-needed rest and I was glad for that." She glances back at the prey-pile. "Would you be up for leading a hunting patrol later?" She asks, shifting her gaze back to the snow-white warrior before turning to look at Maroon'Fate. "And are you in need of any help for foraging or restocking any of your herbal supplies?" Sootstar asks, wanting to make sure that her clan is ready for the new season. |
Charlie #79338 |