Best way to train Adolescents?
Best way to train Adolescents?
Posted 2024-06-30 12:34:34
I'm sure this has been asked a lot before I did do a Google search but came up with old pages from when Adol training was first implemented! So I have an Adol with decent stats but I wondered… normally I just train for hunting if I want a hunter , herbs if I want to train up a new herbalist etc etc but I want this one to be breeding male/ pack Leader. Should I train more broadly ? Like stalker chaser finisher , some herbalist some scouting ? Or just pick one and keep with it ? Just wondered what others do when training adolescents as apprentices ? I'm probably over thinking ! |
Davuu #130294 |
Posted 2024-06-30 20:04:03
Darklily #1058 |
Posted 2024-07-01 04:25:37
✨ Ninsun 🎁 #127528 |