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Astray | Semi-Lit, Stray Dog RPG [Open]

Astray | Semi-Lit, Stray Dog RPG [Open]
Posted 2024-07-01 17:52:41 (edited)

Astray | CS

Astray | OOC

Astray City Map

Diablo's Pack Territory
Diablo's Pack rules in the north side of the river. They make their camp in an abandoned building that's mostly intact and two stories high. A wire fence surrounds the building. When one walks through the front door, they find themselves in a large room where the Pack congregates. Straight ahead are the stairs leading to the second floor and, on either side of the stairs, are two decent size rooms. The one on the left is for the fighters and hunters. Trainees sleep in the room to the right.

Up the stairs, one is met with square landing. The upstairs consists of three rooms. To the left is the nursery, the beta's room is on the right, and straight ahead is Diablo's room. He shares with no one.

Two blocks east of the Pack House is an expansive park with a pond and woods. These woods are teeming with squirrels, birds, rabbits, and the occasional deer. Diablo's Pack never goes hungry and they rarely resort to stealing food from humans or trash cans.

Stray Territory
The Strays are always trespassing. They find shelter where they can in the nooks and crannies of the city. If they're lucky, they might take up residence in an abandoned building. Diablo's Pack does a good job of guarding the resources in the park, leaving the Strays fighting over every scrap of food. Taking food from the hand of a human is seen as the lowest a Stray can go; these dogs are deemed "Beggers".

A river runs through the city before emptying into the ocean, but its currents are too strong for the average dog. Suburban houses line the eastern shoreline but a field makes up the western. Strays may seek out food from their trash cans...if they're desperate enough. Dogcatchers pose an everyday threat, especially to the Strays who have no support system. It's said that dogs who are taken are never seen again.

The Stays make camp in an abandoned warehouse near the river. It's a long, rectangular building surrounded by a stone wall. It's yard is mostly dirt but has some shrubs along the stone walls and a few nice shade trees. On the inside, the warehouse floor makes up most of the interior. Tall, floor-to-ceiling windows allow lots of natural light into the warehouse. A short hallway branches off and leads to two single-desk office rooms with carpet floors. There is a breakroom door between the two offices, but the door is closed therefore virtually impossible for the dogs to enter.

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-01 18:05:36
Diablo | Diablo's Pack
Shadows receded across Diablo's broad shoulders as he stepped out of the house into the pack yard. Pale morning sunlight gleamed along his midnight-black pelt, making him appear as a moving shadow. Diablo lifted his powerful head to take in the grassy yard surrounded by the wire fence. He stretched his front paws. It was a good day to be Alpha.

Callie | Diablo's Pack
Callie stirred awake in the room she shared with the other dogs. The narrow window allowed streams of light to filter into the room. She stood up with a yawn. Maybe she'd catch a nice, fat rabbit today in the park. That would earn her some points with the Pack.

Apollo | The Strays
His pawsteps echoed down the dark alleyway where he'd spent the night last night. Apollo never liked to stay in one place for very long. Diablo and his cronies were always searching for Strays to abuse. The last thing he wanted was to be cornered and left to the mercy of those bullies. He emerged from the alleyway and followed the scent of food.

Echo | The Strays
Echo lay shivering in the cold, wet cardboard box. She'd barely slept last night, every sound made her jump. Her stomach rumbled with hunger; she couldn't remember the last time she ate. Echo missed her human family, her warm bed, and the security that they promised her.

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-01 18:14:52 (edited)
Rain | The Strays | Female

| Rain sniffed the air, raising her delicate nose to the harsh smell of the cities. There was nothing there, no food, nada. She felt her small desperately hungry, yet to be born, puppies squirming around in her stomach. Staring desperately around her surroundings, she sniffed again, opening her mouth and franticly inhaling scents in. There it was, a bit stale, but it would do. She lifted her haunches up slowly, positioning herself into a sitting position. Her small frame shook, her ribs showing all the way. Finally, she pushed herself upwards again, and slowly stumbled towards the in sight trash-can. Rain pushed against the trash-can, shoving as hard as she could. Finally, it fell over, revealing ham, cheese and buns. It was a feast! She gobbled it down, thinking about what would happen if Diablo found her here, trespassing and eating his food. |

❄️Raeny (Lights: off)

Posted 2024-07-01 18:22:55
Apollo | The Strays
Apollo trotted eagerly towards the promising smell of food. Just as he turned the corner, he heard a loud clang that made him jump. Standing there, hunched over the remnants of cheese and buns, was another dog. His hackles raised as he considered demanding that they share its bounties, but then he noted her ribs jutting out. The only part of her that wasn't scrawny was her distended stomach. Clearly, she was expecting pups. Apollo relaxed but let out a disappointed sigh. He couldn't validate taking food from someone who needed it more than him.

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-01 18:50:11 (edited)
Rain | The Strays | Female

| Rain swerved her head sideways, hearing the soft paw steps behind her. Another dog. She yelped, backing up slowly, her mouth quivering and her ears pressed flat against her head. Sure she didn't recognize the dog from Diablo's pack, but that didn't mean he wasn't dangerous. Rain lowered herself to the ground, showing that she was no threat. Looking directly into his eyes, her thoughts tumbled around. Who was he? Why had he came towards her? What should she do? What if he was a spy? Rain's brain turned into a hurricane, thoughts swirling around, until she finally came to the conclusion that he might be a possible ally. Beneath the others dog pelt showed rippling muscles, and hardly showing ribs. He obviously knew how to take care of him self, and well, maybe he could help her. |

❄️Raeny (Lights: off)

Posted 2024-07-01 18:52:25
Ruger | The Strays
There weren't many places to hide anymore, the walls of Diablo's pack closed in every day. It wouldn't be long before Ruger would be face to face with them again, and he knew that having to look Diablo in the eyes a second time would likely be his last. Come to think of it, when was the last time he slept? The large dog's eyes swirled with exhaustion as he trudged towards his next resting spot, some place with a puddle of stagnate water to wet his throat enough to choke down whatever slop he managed to dig out of a wastebin. His head snapped up as he heard the familiar crash of a tin trashcan somewhere streets away from him. With a gentle shake, he brushed off the alarm and decided it was in his best interest to keep moving for as long as he could.
His nails scraped as they dragged against the cement, Ruger lacked the energy to carry himself any further, and the morning sun was so much hotter today than yesterday. Maybe if he just laid down for a moment...

Chico | The Strays
The morning sun blazed across the young chihuahua's brightly colored fur, small feet nearly skipping down the pavement. Life had been good since Chico got out of that cage, albeit more difficult. The extra hardship was mostly dismissable when looking back, now he had a say in his life. Every morning was eagerly awaited, and most nights he slept just fine. He had just missed Diablo's crew enough times to feel cocky, and an ever-increasing aura of untouchable had began to radiate off of him like a foul stench.
Into a dark alley, Chico just barely got the glimpse of a rat sneaking by, one who had lost track of the night and was caught out by himself. Breakfast. His tongue darted out of his mouth to produce a quick lick across his lips, before his head dropped below his shoulders and he began his hunt; into the alley he went.

Jackalope (Jack) Light ON

Posted 2024-07-01 20:37:12
Clover | Diablo's Pack
Clovers amber eyes fluttered opened as she lifted her snout with a large yawn and the nice stretch of her front legs. Her long fur bouncing with every movement she made as she rose to her paws. With ankther yawn and a shake of her head, Clover finally began to wake herself. Making her way out of the room for the day to the left, Clover tried to make herself seem smaller as she slipped out of the abandoned building they all called home.

Posted 2024-07-01 21:27:59
Aragon | Diablo's Pack | Male | Fighter
He left the abandoned building well before sunrise. Aragon's job as the pack's fighter meant early morning and late night patrols around the camp and nearby park. He didn't mind it; sleep was elusive for him most nights. Just before he stepped out through the front door, Aragon glanced at the stairs leading to the second floor. He wondered if his sister was still asleep in her room. Suddenly, his mind was flooded with a vivid memory of the carefree days when they played together as puppies. Aragon quickly shook it away. Those days were gone. Letting out a quiet growl, he slipped out into the predawn darkness of the city.

Posted 2024-07-01 22:43:12
Mazie | The Strays | female
She stretched and crawled out behind the wooden planks she slept the last few nights. It was a good place to sleep. It was hidden and somewhat sheltered. If she was quick enough she could even use the planks and the big trash can to make an escape should she be found by one of the dogs of Diablo's pack. She wouldn't stay much longer though, maybe another night or two. She never did stay anywhere long. A look at the trash can told her it was closed. It was too big for her to knock over her on her own, so she had to look somewhere else for food. She could hear the familiar clank of a trash can not too far away from her. For a moment she considered going there, but she decided it wasn't worth the risk. If there was anything good the dog would likely fight her. She walked out of the alleyway and into the opposite direction of the sound.


Posted 2024-07-02 09:23:02
Diablo | Diablo's Pack | Alpha | Male
Diablo turned his head at the appearance of Aragon from the house. He made note of the fighter's eagerness to patrol the city. If ever there was a dog that knew their job, it was Aragon. Diablo held him and his sister at the highest level of respect he could offer. He's known them for a long time, going all the way back to his dogfighting days. Diablo gave a soft growl to announce his presence in the yard to Aragon.

Callie | Diablo's Pack | Hunter | Female
She watched Clover slip out of the room. Maybe she could join her on a hunt? After all, two dogs were better than one when it came to bringing down larger prey. Callie loped after Clover, her pawsteps quiet on the cement. "Clover, care to go hunting in the park?" She asked the other hunter.

Apollo | The Strays | Warrior | Male
The female German Shepherd in front of Apollo immediately crouched in a submissive position. His thoughts raced, wondering what he'd done to threaten her. It's possible that his presence alone evoked fear in her heart. This was a dog that didn't trust easily. In the world they lived in, he didn't blame her. Apollo backed away a little to give her space, licking his lips to show that he wasn't a threat.

Echo | The Strays | Warrior | Female
A rat squeaked nearby, causing Echo's ears to perk up. When was the last time she ate anything besides human trash? The lithe female got to her paws and emerged from the pitiful box. She stopped when heard the pitter patter of little paws. Peeking around the corner, Echo noticed a light-furred Chihuahua stalking the rat. Her stomach growled at the sight of the rat, but it seemed the Chihuahua called dibs.

Amethyst Angel

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