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Astray | Semi-Lit, Stray Dog RPG [Open]

Posted 2024-07-02 09:40:26
Rain | The Strays | Alpha | Female

| Rain shuddered, her bones creaking as she attempted to sit on her haunches. There we go, she thought, finally placing her body weight on her lower backside. "Haven't seen you before" she muttered in a soft yet wary voice. "The streets are dangerous nowadays" she warned. Rain gulped, her stomach sagging. The pups were coming. She sank to the ground, panting, her eyes blazing with fear. Dragging her lifeless backside, she went over to a carboard box which seemed to provide some shelter. |


❄️Raeny (Lights: off)

Posted 2024-07-02 09:43:55 (edited)
Chico | Strays
Chico was startled as he noticed the red female in the shade of the alleyway he was just seconds from pawing into, his nose pressed to the ground in eager search of that juicy rat from a moment ago. Usually, other dog's weren't much of a concern to the agile predator stalking his next meal; however, this one looked fast. His hackles raised immediately, creating a tan mowhawk from the back of his head to his tail tip, lips curling around his teeth in a haughty snarl. "I don't want any trouble," he started, feigning as much arrogance as he could muster. Maybe, if he was standoffish, he could scare her off, or at least make her think twice about turning him into her breakfast. Though, standing at approximately 6 inches tall, Chico was immediately reminded that he should be afraid.
His small frame began to rattle, tiny toes creating an unshakable tremble that radiated across his entire body. He was ready to tuck tail, turn, and run, but that rodent was to good to miss, fresh meat was hard to come by.

Ruger | Strays
It wouldn't be long, just a short rest here. It wasn't the place to be, but the purebred couldn't drag himself back into a covered corner if he wanted to.  Large amber eyes flickered shut, his heavy head dropping onto his paws before he lulled to his side. With face pressed to asphalt, Ruger wondered if this might be his end.
As the morning sun beat down on his flank, glimmering off patched skin and scars, he truly contemplated giving up. He didn't know if anybody would be waiting for him when he crossed, but finding out seemed less daunting as his foggy mind swayed in and out of consciousness. Suddenly, from one of the deeper recesses of his mind, a place where he didn't dare to visit too frequently, her voice flooded his brain. Be a good boy, Ruger... And stay.His internal monologue came through atop of her's, and he jolted back up.
On uneven paws, the stray drug himself back to stand; if he was going to die today, it wouldn't be here, and it wouldn't be laying down. Once muscular shoulders trudged forward, the pain in his bones flaring with every step, and yet, he seemed unphased now. He was going to eat today, even if he had to fight for it.

Jackalope (Jack) Light ON

Posted 2024-07-02 09:46:37
Apollo | The Strays | Warrior | Male
Apollo parted his jaws to respond when he caught the fear-scent coming off of the female in waves. His eyes widened with the realization of what was happening. He hesitated, wondering if he should just leave. But he knew these streets were dangerous, she had just said so herself. Cursing under his breath, Apollo approached her slowly, cautiously. "I could stand guard," He offered then quickly added, "Only if you want."

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-02 09:50:45
Echo | The Strays | Warrior | Female
Echo's hackles raised slightly at the Chihuahua's reaction. Her eyes darted to the rat scurrying boldly along the brick of the alleyway. It had no idea that it was pitted against two capable hunters. She turned her attention back to the Chihuahua, calming her heartbeat and forcing her hackles to lower. "Neither do I," Echo stated plainly. "I can cut it off if it runs?"

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-02 09:54:42
Rain | The Strays | Alpha | Female

| "Please do" she gasped again. Curling herself into a ball, she waited for it to end |


|Rain strained her neck to look down at the perfect bundles laying at her belly. They suckled her stomach, their precious little noses bumping against her. She was filled with such love and protection over these wondering flawless pups. There was two, one male, and one female. A couple splotches of blood were scattered around, but she had done it, the impossible, gave birth, in what was thought of as an apocalyptic time for dogs. 'Do you want to see them?" She grunted out to the other German Shepard who had so graciously protected her. "And I don't think I caught your name" she called out a second time. |

❄️Raeny (Lights: off)

Posted 2024-07-02 09:58:20
Apollo | The Strays | Warrior | Male
Apollo nodded then turned his back to give her privacy. He stood tall and alert in front of the cardboard box, ready to fight off anything that posed a threat. It's been so long since he's had a duty to anyone but himself, but he realized that he rather missed it. Apollo secretly yearned for comradery but wouldn't dare join Diablo's Pack.

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-02 10:01:41
Chico | The Strays | Scout | Male, Chihuahua
As the dog in front of him spoke, Chico was so taken aback that his trembling stopped, and his hackles dropped as quickly as they'd stirred. No way. He thought, she just.. offered to help him? Surely, she was planning on taking his prize for herself. "Huh." He couldn't keep himself from half-whining in confusion. Glancing deeper into the alleyway, he noticed it was a dead end. "O-okay," he nodded slightly as he turned his attention back to the rat. This is stupid, she's going to maime you.

The rat had made some headway down the corridor by now, and Chico was playing catch up. Softly, as if he was trying to float above the pavement versus walking on it, he padded after the rodent, head lowered between his shoulders. As Chico was about to make his move, the rodent had noticed him, letting out a squeal before taking off and darting behind him, making his break for the light shining between the bricks of the buildings on either side of them.

Jackalope (Jack) Light ON

Posted 2024-07-02 10:13:20
Echo | The Strays | Warrior | Female
Echo noticed his hesitation but hoped that he would trust her. She really hadn't had any social interaction since taking to the streets. When he agreed, she felt a rush of relief come over her. Echo took position a little ways behind him, ready to stop the rat if it made a break for it. Sure enough, the rat noticed the male and darted off. Echo, a well-trained hunter from her days with her humans, lunged without a second thought and pounced on the rat. She bit its head, killing it instantly. The last thing she wanted was for it to suffer. Echo held the rat in her jaws and carried it over to the Chihuahua. She laid it at his paws as a sort of offering. "I'm Echo, by the way."

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-02 10:18:44 (edited)
Halo | Diablo's Pack | Hunter | Female
The black she-dog wondered what to do. She lay on her back, realising only now that most of the pack had left the building. What to do? What to do? Her role was a hunter, so that would be best. You could never had too much food. Rolling over and trotting outside, Halo wondered where Diablo was. Did he have a certain area he wanted her to hunt in? The fresh air was calming. Peaceful, as if nothing could go wrong.

DarkHeart | Lights On

Posted 2024-07-02 10:21:48
Diablo | Diablo's Pack | Alpha | Male
Diablo stood guard over the yard, noticing his pack getting ready for patrols or hunting. He watched Callie approach Clover, then Halo entering the yard from the house. The Cane Corso stood up, stretching his legs. Maybe he could patrol with Aragon.

Amethyst Angel

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