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Astray | Semi-Lit, Stray Dog RPG [Open]

Posted 2024-07-02 10:25:34
Rain | The Strays | Alpha | Female

| Rain hated asking for help, but yet, here she was. With an unfamiliar dog in an alley, having just given birth. She sighed softly to herself, wrapping her slim body around the two pups. Rain opened her mouth to call in the other dog, but then closed it. Maybe it wasn't such the greatest idea for someone she didn't know to be near her helpless pups, when even she couldn't properly protect them. But then- without him, there was no way she or the pups could survive. Licking her pups  with her smooth marble-like tongue, she hoisted herself up, trudging towards the dog. "Hey so- I was wondering..." she mumbled, her tail shaking in anticipation. "Would you wanna.... I don't k-know, like work.... together?" She stuttered, waiting for his response. "Maybe we could find other dogs like us and create a pack like Diablos..." she rambled on. |

❄️Raeny (Lights: off)

Posted 2024-07-02 10:26:57
Balance | The Strays | Warrior Trainee | Female
The small husky woke up in her usual abandoned mine. The coal dust stained her fur, but the she-dog didn't mind. The only thing that she did mind was how she was starving. You could see every one of her ribs. Her starvation made it harder and harder to catch food, and the only thing she could do was scavenge in the bins. What would she find this time? Dragging herself out of the cave she called home, Balance looked around, ears pricked for the smallest sounds. Mouse. Swiftly stalking the small creature, the black and white she-dog hoped she would be successful. She needed it to be successful.

DarkHeart | Lights On

Posted 2024-07-02 10:33:10 (edited)
Chico | The Strays | Scout | Male
As the rat turned tail, Chico had spun with it. His chase slowed to a trot as he watched the Vizsla attack, the beautiful display of art cast in the golden glow of sunrise. He was completely awestruck, having never seen such an ease in hunting before in his life. When Echo introduced herself as such, the chihuahua nearly ignored it in his excitement. "Woah!" He barked, tail wagging furiously. His paws tapped eagerly, akin to a young foal prancing alongside a friend, and his head tilted back in a sort of howl.

"That was so cool! How did you do that? That rat didn't stand a chance! I bet you're never hungry!" His questions and statements rattled off almost incessantly, hardly allowing a breath between. To humans, it would sound more like nonstop, nonsensical barking than any meaningful conversation. His feet continued to rhythmically stomp as he looked down at the rat in front of him, nearly bigger than he was. He put his paws onto the carcass before tearing a portion off for himself. Using his nose, he rolled it back towards Echo's feet. Finally, behind a full mouth, he barked again. "Chico."

Jackalope (Jack) Light ON

Posted 2024-07-02 10:33:54 (edited)
Apollo | The Strays | Warrior | Male
Apollo heard the female approaching from behind and turned to study her. She was so nervous, so scared that he was going to hurt her. He'd never hurt a defenseless dog, but she didn't know that. Apollo's ear twitch was the only tell-tale sign of his nerves. He listened to her idea, all the while trying to conceal his excitement. This is what he's wanted for years. "It'll be dangerous," Apollo reminded her. "Diablo doesn't take kindly to new packs forming. He sees them as competition." He straightened himself and gave his chest fur a lick. "But I think it's worth it. The dogs of this city need a support system if we ever hope to survive." Apollo's gaze softened as he looked upon her. "My name is Apollo."

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-02 10:37:47
Echo | The Strays | Warrior | Female
Echo tenderly moved the carcass closer with her paw, grateful that he'd decided to share. His excitement was refreshing-finally, a dog in this city who didn't want to live in constant solitude. She took a bite of the rat as he rambled on with his questions. Echo felt her pelt turn hot at his compliments. "Nice to meet you, Chico. To answer your question, I was trained to hunt by my human family." Her heart panged slightly at the memory. "We hunted mostly pheasants and other birds."

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-02 10:42:41
Rain | The Strays | Alpha | Female

| "And I'm Rain" she answered. "Now we should start scouting out territory, maybe find a place to call home, and then find other dogs like us!" Rain's tail started wagging in appreciation. In the background, faint barks could be heard by her pups. "Oh fox-dung" she growled. "Would you mind carrying one? I'm afraid I can't take both at once" she barked nervously|

❄️Raeny (Lights: off)

Posted 2024-07-02 10:46:16 (edited)
Chico | The Strays | Scout | Male
The young chihuahua had always had trouble controlling his emotions, and the situation he found himself in right now was no different. Subconsciously, he knew he shouldn't be so quick to show any personality, lest it be misconstrued as weakness. Though, when you witness fine craftsmanship, it must be acknowledged. As the other dog spoke, Chico listened intently, excitement soothed enough to exhibit some amount of patience as he gnawed on his portion. "Wow," he started again between bites, "at least they did something for you." The disdain in his voice oozed, and perhaps it was presumptuous to think everyone shared the sentiment.

Jackalope (Jack) Light ON

Posted 2024-07-02 10:48:54
Aragon | Diablo's Pack | Male | Fighter

As he left the quiet building behind, Aragon looked around the yard. His eyes immediately caught sight of their alpha standing guard. Aragon approached the dark male. "Morning, Diablo," he growled softly in return, "I'm about to head out. Care to join me?" While Aragon had no problem patrolling on his own, he would never refuse some company. Besides, two pairs of eyes were always better than one.


Posted 2024-07-02 10:53:49
Apollo | The Strays | Warrior | Male
Apollo wagged his tail excitedly. He immediately tried to think of any place he knew of that might make a good home. "Well, there's this abandoned building down by the river - it's really more of a warehouse - but it might work as a base." His mind ran rampant thinking of everything they'd have to plan. This would take some discretion to create a pack without alerting Diablo. The last thing they needed was for Diablo to destroy the pack before it was strong enough to fight back. "Uh sure," Apollo stuttered when she asked him to carry a pup. His experience with pups was zilch, but he would do his best to help.

Echo | The Strays | Warrior | Female
Echo munched on her piece, swallowing the last bite. To a medium-sized dog like her, the rat was practically nothing. Still, she wouldn't complain about her continuous hunger. Echo didn't miss the disdain in Chico's voice when he spoke about humans. Confusion spread over her face. "What do you mean?" She's known almost nothing but kindness from humans. The worst she's seen is her humans' family giving her away after they died in the car crash.

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-02 11:02:26
Diablo | Diablo's Pack | Alpha | Male
Diablo watched Aragon's approach through narrowed eyes. He nodded at Aragon's question. "Let's head towards the park." Diablo suggested, taking the lead. "Can't have any Strays taking what's not theirs," He growled. Diablo's worked hard to build his pack to what it was, and he wasn't about to let any dog take it from him.

Amethyst Angel

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