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Astray | Semi-Lit, Stray Dog RPG [Open]

Posted 2024-07-02 11:09:30 (edited)
Halo | Diablo's Pack | Hunter | Female
The black she-dog had left as soon as she heard what Diablo and Aragon had to say. It was none of her business, and she wasn't going to make it hers. Halo shivered. The ruthless pack leader was the only dog able to scare her, and he did it well! Sniffing the ground for any scent, she easily picked up that of a mouse. Creeping up on it, a pair of eyes distracted her. Their scent was unfamiliar. "Trespasser" Halo growled. Perhaps it was the coal that masked their scent, because the black retriever couldn't pick up a single bit of their scent.

{Halo found Balance hunting a mouse}

DarkHeart | Lights On

Posted 2024-07-02 11:20:49
Aragon | Diablo's Pack | Fighter | Male

A little smirk tugged at the corners of his lips. "Yes, sir," Aragon chuckled before padding after Diablo. The two males exited the fenced yard through a broken gate. The park was just down the street. At first, Aragon kept his thoughts to himself, focusing on their surroundings. He had a job to do, after all. When his nose didn't detect any fresh and unfamiliar scents in the street, Aragon glanced at Diablo. "My patrols have been peaceful the last few days. Almost too peaceful. Do you think we've finally scared the strays away?" He didn't voice it aloud, but Aragon felt like it was the calm before the storm.


Posted 2024-07-02 11:22:33
Chico | The Strays | Scout | Male
Even Chico was left wanting after he finally crunched up his last bit, but a little was better than nothing at all, and maybe he'd get lucky later while walking down the street. As he looked up to see Echo's confusion, Chico followed suit to mirror her. He paused for a long while before speaking again, lowering his hind end to the ground so he could sit in front of her. "Humans are the reason we're all out here." He stated plainly, trying not to let the memory of his birth mother's cries bother him. He heard them all the time, how she begged the human not to take her away from her only baby left. The thing that bothers him the most was when her cries stopped.

Fiercely, Chico shook his head and stood again, pawing off towards the entrance of the alleyway again. He glanced back at Echo before offering a slight smile and the smallest of tail wags. "Anyway, you comin'?"

Ruger | The Strays | Beta | Male
Lucky was one word to use, the Rottweiler thought gracefully as he lowered his head and began to lap up a small puddle that had collected near a clogged storm drain. It tasted bad, but from the second his tongue broke the surface tension, he could feel his organs sigh in relief. He stood and drank from that collection of water and mud until he was licking the ground beneath it.

Slowly, he raised his head again, sniffing deeply and hoping he caught the whiff of something. Alas, there was nothing within a reasonable distance right now. Though, maybe the small humans would be passing through and drop something before they boarded that giant, yellow truck. He wouldn't dare approach them, but if something was left behind... that would be an entirely different story.

Ruger settled his large body against the wall of a building just out of sight of the bus stop, stomach rumbling as he watched the cars drive by. Suddenly, as one of the vehicles slowed in front of him, a young human emerged from behind tinted glass. "Here puppy!" The child screamed, before chucking a half eaten sandwich onto the sidewalk. It had exploded the second it touched down, but Ruger scrambled to his feet, quickly slamming every deconstructed topping down his esophagus. The car hadn't stopped, only slowed, but he was sure he heard the child being scolded for discarded his breakfast for the poor stray. Thanks, Kid.

Jackalope (Jack) Light ON

Posted 2024-07-02 11:22:42 (edited)
Balance | The Strays | Warrior Trainee | Female
"You ruined my catch!" The husky said in a dramatic and humorous tone. But, as soon as she saw the look in the other dog's glare, Balance dropped the good natured act. Instead, the black and white she-dog dropped down into a fighting crouch, ready to leap. The black wolf in front of her didn't seem to fight much, baring not a single scar. How did they manage to live without a single spar? The streets were rough, and a fight was going to happen, why hadn't it happened to her the black she-dog before?

DarkHeart | Lights On

Posted 2024-07-02 11:32:32
Diablo | Diablo's Pack | Alpha | Male
Diablo stopped at Aragon's question, irritation flooding through him. He bit back a harsh response only because it was Aragon asking it. If any other dog questioned their pack's security, he'd rip them a new one. Diablo took a moment to take in the quiet of the park, save for the occasional human loitering down the paved paths. He let out a growl. "The Strays are never fully gone - they populate the streets like rats. All we can do is squash them before they get any ideas."

Echo | The Strays | Warrior | Female
Echo wanted to argue but she couldn't argue with the harsh reality of what Chico said. Humans abandoned her. Not her beloved family, but still. They threw her to the shelter like garbage. Echo fought back the wave of emotions she'd been harboring all along. When Chico invited her to join him, she happily obliged. "You bet!" She yipped excitedly before trotting after him.

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-02 11:34:53
Rain | The Strays | Alpha | Female

Rain trotted over to the bland cardboard box, scooping up the two tiny pups. She then tottered back to Apollo. "Here you can hold this one" she dropped the darker one at his feet, waiting for him to pick it up. She sat next to Apollo waiting for his next move. All he sudden she heard barking.

{Rain has heard Balance & Halo}

❄️Raeny (Lights: off)

Posted 2024-07-02 11:37:50
Apollo | The Strays | Warrior | Male
Apollo marveled at how tiny the pups were. They were German Shepherds like he was, so he imagined that once a long time ago he was just as small. It seemed unfathomable. He was just about to pick up the darker pup when he also heard the commotion. He glanced at Rain with curiosity. "Should we go check it out? Sounds like someone might be in trouble."

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-02 11:40:14
Halo | Diablo's Pack | Hunter | Female
A chuckle came from Halo. "And what do you think you can do? Talk me to death?" The chuckle turned into all-out laughter. The black husky in front of her was small and half starved. Creeping around the stray, the black she-dog wondered what she would do to them. Yes, she had a kind heart, but she was loyal to her pack. Halo decided she would not harm them, only bring them to Diablo's will. Her laughter died down and became a snarl, and then a growl.

DarkHeart | Lights On

Posted 2024-07-02 11:44:24 (edited)
Rain | Strays | Alpha | Female

| "Yup" she snorted grimly. Flicking her tail nervously, she padded towards the sounds of barking. "You coming?" She called back to Apollo. "Slowpoke" she smirked at him, before trotting towards the sound once again, her tan little puppy hanging from her mouth, its lithe body shaking |

❄️Raeny (Lights: off)

Posted 2024-07-02 11:51:25
Chico | The Strays | Scout | Male
As the two entered out onto the street, the chihuahua's ears laid back against his head. He had also heard an altercation, up ahead. He glanced to Echo before turning. "I don't know what's going on over there, and I don't want to find out." Now, walking the same way he had come from this morning, his pace slowed. "Been out here long?" He questioned, not bothering to watch where he was going, much more enthralled with watching Echo. Truth be told, he was afraid to take his eyes off of his new friend, lest she might disappear too.

Jackalope (Jack) Light ON

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