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Astray | Semi-Lit, Stray Dog RPG [Open]

Posted 2024-07-02 11:55:52
Clover | Diablo's Pack| Female | Hunter
Clovers crown swiveled as she heard a soothing voice reach her auricles. A gentle smile painting itself across her maw as she heard a familiar voice. Clover would never admit it, but her worst fears were larger breeds and being alone. So naturally, her banner wagging gently at Callie's offer. "I would enjoy that. I was about to go to the park if you're ready??" She replied. She tried not to be too bubbly this early in the morning. Not everyone was a happy go getter when waking up, something Clover learned early on when she joined Diablo's Pack.

Posted 2024-07-02 11:59:30
Apollo | Strays | Warrior | Male
Apollo growled playfully before charging towards the barking that had now turned to growling. He turned the corner to see a Black Retriever cornering a young Husky. Immediately, his protective nature kicked in. He recognized the Retriever as a member of Diablo's Pack. "Back off!" Apollo snarled, placing himself between the two.

Echo | Strays | Warrior | Female
Echo followed Chico's lead, turning away from the commotion. She wasn't too eager to join in an altercation. The sun glinted off of her russet pelt and it reminded her of sunning in her humans' yard. "Not too long," Echo replied softly. "The human parents in my family died in a car crash. We were driving home from the cabin and were hit head on." She shuddered. "Luckily, the kids were okay and I was in my crate. But the parents weren't as lucky..."

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-02 12:02:22
Callie | Diablo's Pack | Hunter | Female
"Great!" Callie responded with a tail wag. "Lead the way." She fell into step alongside Clover. There weren't many dogs in Diablo's Pack that Callie trusted completely. She's learned to keep her guard up from very early on.

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-02 12:07:32
Aragon | Diablo's Pack | Fighter | Male

The alpha's irritated growl didn't faze him. Aragon knew Diablo respected him enough to tolerate such questions. "You're not wrong. Although, even if they do plan to do something foolish, we'll take care of it," he gave a mild shrug of his shoulders. Just then, an excited bark reached his ears, making Aragon straighten up in alert. He gazed across the street and noticed a woman strolling with her dog on a leash. In her hand, she clutched a toy, and the furry companion was joyfully leaping up in anticipation. Aragon sneered at the sight. "Well, this one won't be getting any ideas to take over the city any time soon," he huffed, turning his gaze away from the human and her pet. Now the male was almost eager to come across an actual stray.


Posted 2024-07-02 12:12:15
Halo | Diablo's Pack | Hunter | Female
"Ha! What do you think you can do, Apollo?" She spat. The black retriever had overheard a conversation between the strays once, so she knew this one's name. Her slow growling turned from the small husky to the stray who dared to challenge her. Yet, sighting the pups and presumably their mother nearby, Halo froze. She couldn't hurt a kit or nurse! Panic rose in her copper eyes, yet she seemed as calm as ever. Panic turned to confusion, then sadness. Being torn between kindness and loyalty, Halo stumbled back a bit.

DarkHeart | Lights On

Posted 2024-07-02 12:15:16 (edited)
Chico | The Strays | Scout | Male
His left ear flicked back as he heard the strong bark of another dog joining the altercation behind them. Exactly as he had anticipated, like moths to light. It wouldn't be long before Diablo caught wind of whatever was going on over there, and Chico refused to meet him now. Despite keeping an ear on what was going on behind them, he was still listening closely to Echo. He had seen car accidents before, mostly fender-benders at lights and what have you, but nothing that the humans didn't walk away from swearing at. "You were in the car?" He asked, finally peeling his eyes off of her.

Ruger | The Strays | Beta | Male
As he finished cleaning up what was left of his sandwich,  Ruger's attention was quickly pulled to a cluster of barking and snarling just up ahead. He listened for a moment before charging forward, attempting to identify how many dogs were already there. More would be showing up, surely, but it sounded like someone needed help.

Ruger rounded the corner with haste, his large frame stopping just as he saw the German Shepherds. He quickly noticed the newborn puppies with them, and he knew he had to step in. "What's this?" He bellowed from behind them, stepping forward. He showed little emotion, paws planted firmly into the ground.

Jackalope (Jack) Light ON

Posted 2024-07-02 12:15:30
Diablo | Diablo's Pack | Alpha | Male
Aragon spoke true words. The Pack was a force to be reckoned with. Even if a pack did form, they'd simply destroy them. Diablo released a growl at the sight of the pitiful pet. "Does he have no backbone?" Diablo was antsy, almost eager for a fight, but he knew going after a pet would warrant unwanted attention from the humans in the city.

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-02 12:18:46
Apollo | Strays | Warrior | Male
Just as Apollo was about to tear into Halo, he saw her falter and step back. Following her gaze, he knew she'd seen the pups. Did one of Diablo's Pack actually have the decency not to harm pups? The alleyway seemed to diminish in size upon the arrival of another dog, a Rottweiler who made Apollo look small. At first, Apollo was preparing to fight once more, but then the Rottie placed himself at his side. A new ally?

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-02 12:19:26 (edited)
Clover | Diablo's Pack | Hunter | Female
Her banned wagged in unison with Callie's before the two dames set off for the park. Exiting though a broken hole in the fence, the veered off in the opposite direction of Diablo and Aragon. Clovers long legs carried her as swiftly as her .kmd currently raced. She was nervous about going out woth Callie, or really anyone for that matter. She was still unsure of who she could trust but perhaps this would give her an opportunity to make a friend, or perhaps not. That was for the fates to decide. As they neared the park Clover lifted her snout to the heavens, sniffing, before bringing her nose down to the ground, hoping to catch the scent of prey.

Posted 2024-07-02 12:21:51
River | Strays | Warrior | Female
She was on her way to place where she might find some food if she was lucky. She hadn't had much luck at finding food lately and she hadn't checked out the place in a while. It was a place where humans go to eat and sometimes where were trash bags full of leftovers in the alley behind the building. She was close to the territory of Diablo's pack, probably a bit to close, but it was the fastest way. When she heard growling she decided that she had to see what was going. She found a black retriever, she was pretty sure belonged to Diablo's pack, threatening a white German shepherd and a husky. She decided to wait moment before she intervened, so she could asses the situation, but if they needed help, she definitely would do that.


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