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Astray | Semi-Lit, Stray Dog RPG [Open]

Posted 2024-07-02 18:27:22
Shadow | Diablo's Pack | Fighter | Male
Instantly upon seeing it, Shadow recognized the strong figure of his Alpha. Glancing between Diablo, Aragon, and the newest recruit into his rank, Ace, any desire that he had for playfulness quickly faded. As he approached them, his pace slowed until he took a seat directly in front of the mammoth of a Cane Corso. Shadow was not small by any means, but in front of Diablo, he felt puny.

"Good morning," Shadow spoke, voice raspy from lack of use, "nothing notable to report." It was the same check-in he had given for the last few days, and with that realization, he began to shuffle his feet once more. He looked expectantly to his leader, awaiting either a follow up, or a dismissal.

Ruger | The Strays | Beta | Male
The massive dog's eyes couldn't help but continuously fall over to the young pups as they prepared to leave. Would they even survive the night? That wasn't necessarily something he wanted to think about, and there wasn't much sense to worry about the night -- they had to survive the day first.

Ruger's mind raced as he tried to plan a route he had never been on, attempting to predetermine which side would need the most cover if Diablo's gang did decide that the scuff from earlier was worth investigating. Would they follow them back to wherever Apollo was taking them? Would Ruger be able to stop them?

Chico | The Strays | Scout | Male
Once again, Chico's ears flicked behind him, not at anything in particular pardon Echo's words. He chose to leave the conversation there for now, opting to change topics altogether. "So, uh.. I don't know where we're going besides away." He admitted, tiny legs moving rapidly to hold pace with the Vizsla.

"I don't really stay anywhere in particular, I just kinda keep on the move, y'know? You really can't stop moving for too long out here, but I'm sure you already know that by now, anybody does if you're out here. Do you think we're gonna find any more food today? Should we good look? Do you wanna go look? I'm gonna go ahead and keep an eye out. I'll let you know if I see anything, okay?" Incessant chatter rolled out of the Chihuahua's throat as if he were a fish swimming through water, the most natural thing on earth. He could talk about nothing for hours if he was allowed to, and truth be told he might have fast-talked his way out of what could have been a few bad situations. "I wish we could go into the park, you and I would put ducks on the endangered species list!"

Jackalope (Jack) Light ON

Posted 2024-07-02 18:42:41
|Rain | The Strays | Femle

Rain nodded her acceptance at the gesture Apollo had made at her pups. Out of everyone, he was the most trustworthy, having had many times to kill her, but instead letting her live. Him protecting her. She was sure that the future between them was bright, maybe even something beyond allies. She turned to Ruger. "Will you be ok to make the journey?"

❄️Raeny (Lights: off)

Posted 2024-07-02 18:48:44
Diablo | Diablo's Pack | Alpha | Male
The look Shadow gave Ace didn't escape Diablo's notice. He knew that Shadow held a particular disdain for the Shepherd. Maybe it would toughen him up. The only reason he accepted Ace into the pack was because he was persistent and loyal. Diablo sat for a moment, his eyes taking in the activity around him before turning back to Shadow. He sometimes made others wait for an order just to prove that he could make them wait. Diablo finally decided to give Shadow an order. "Good work," Diablo responded, "Return to the house and get some rest."

Ace | Diablo's Pack | Fighter | Male
Ace lifted his gaze almost in a challenge to Shadow. The hackles along his back raised slightly and his lip curled ever so slightly. A part of him wanted to fight with Shadow, to prove that he could hold his own against the Malinois. A larger part of him knew that he wasn't ready for that and it infuriated him.

Echo | Strays | Warrior | Female
Echo listened to Chico's ramblings, not minding it one bit. His constant voice reminded her that she wasn't alone anymore. She thought long and hard of a place they could stay for the night, but he probably knew the city better than she did. Echo laughed at Chico when he mentioned the ducks. "I love hunting ducks! They're such a challenge but it makes the catch worth it!" She paused for a moment, then said, "You lead the way. I don't know where I'm going."

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-02 18:50:45
Apollo | Strays | Warrior | Male
Apollo reached down to pick up the darker pup ever so carefully. It was like picking up a chicken egg and he feared that he might break the pup. He lifted his head then looked to Ruger for an answer. The Rottie sure did seem a bit unsteady on his paws.

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-02 19:29:55
Shadow | Diablo's Pack | Fighter | Male
The moments passed Shadow effortlessly, he would wait for hours there in front of Diablo if that what was asked of him. He held no contempt for anyone who might have a closer relationship with Diablo, he didn't desire it. The only purpose that Shadow held in life was to carry out instruction, and he was diligent and dutiful in his job because he truly loved what he did. Diablo gave him structure, and it didn't feel silly to give in to whatever petty demands that the Alpha might request of him. "Yessir." He spoke quickly after receiving his dismissal, ears pressing themselves against his head in a slight show of respect and submission.

The malinois stood once more, turning to Ace after seeing how his mouth had twitched. His head tilted with a look of confusion, before snapping back into a snarl. Shadow held seniority over Ace, and he was nearly shocked at the audacious act committed by the tricolor. Excuse me? he wanted desperately to sneer, but instead, he dropped his snarl and pushed passed the group, making sure to check his body against the aussie's on his way by out of spite, partly hoping he could stir Ace into a frenzy in front of Diablo and get him thrown out of the pack finally.

However, Shadow had more important things to do. He had to get back and see if Aria needed anything from him, and maybe he could steal just a few moments of her time.

Ruger | The Strays | Beta | Male
"I reckon." Ruger confirmed without hesitation. He had already let them know too much about his current condition, being physically unable to carry himself and way too willing to give up. Now, he had no choice but to fake it til they made it to some sort of shelter. With Rain having just given birth, Ruger was well aware that she needed as much rest as he did, and that meant making sure she was properly escorted.

  "Don't worry about me, I just haven't had a chance to sleep in a while." That wasn't all. He hadn't eaten more than a few bites in days, and when he finally decided to start his journey as a stray, he had starved himself for weeks before, waiting for his owner to come home. He was thinner now than ever, hardly a pelt draped over a giant frame.

Chico | The Strays | Scout | Male
"I've never had one, but I bet they're tasty." The chihuahua's tongue fell out of his mouth, drool following quickly behind it as he fantasized about the impossible. Chico hummed softly after she told him to take the lead, padding quickly ahead of her, just barely. "I think I might know a place." He told her glancing over his shoulder to her. There was an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of town that he had been keeping an eye on for sometime, and he hadn't seen any dogs going in or out. Maybe it was a safe bet.

Jackalope (Jack) Light ON

Posted 2024-07-02 19:41:11
Diablo | Diablo's Pack | Alpha | Male
Diablo gave a nod of approval to Shadow. He appreciated that Shadow never talked back, never expected more than he was given. Shadow was the perfect soldier. Diablo watched his show of power against Ace with a satisfied smirk. If Ace had acted that way towards him, the crows would already be dining on the Aussie's entrails.

Ace | Diablo's Pack | Alpha | Male
Ace braced himself against Shadow's check, only wobbling slightly. He wanted nothing more than to stand up for himself but he knew, in that moment, he needed to remain stoic, unmovable. If he showed any betrayal of emotion, he'd never hear the end of it.

Apollo | Strays | Warrior | Male
Apollo, with his mouth full of puppy scruff, couldn't speak to acknowledge Ruger, but he gave him a nod. The warehouse wasn't far, maybe only five blocks away near the river. He motioned for Rain, Ruger, River, and the Husky to all follow him. They needed to get to shelter.

Echo | Strays | Warrior | Female
Echo lifted her head to the sky. The sun was now halfway across the sky. They needed to get moving if they wanted to reach shelter before nighttime. "Lead on," Echo woofed. She was eager to find somewhere safe to lay down tonight. Maybe she and Chico could hunt again?

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-02 19:49:53

Rain snatched the small delicate pup from the ground, getting a good hold on its scruff before moving towards Apollo. "Let's go" she growled,ready to follow Apollo. " Those nasty dogs will be apon us again, and god knows we can't protect ourselves."

❄️Raeny (Lights: off)

Posted 2024-07-02 20:05:05 (edited)
Ruger | The Strays | Beta | Male
Ruger was able to keep his pace for at while, falling just behind the rest of the group as they made steady progress towards the warehouse. Wondering what this place might be like, he only hoped for there to be no other dog's there to worry about. The rottweiler stayed quiet for the rest of the journey there.

Chico | The Strays | Scout | Male
As Chico and Echo approached the abandoned warehouse, the young chihuahua shivered with excitement, his toes stretching as he picked up the pace. "Give me a second, stay here!" He barked, before sprinting up the steps. He paused at the door, looking up and down the edge of it. At first, he stuck his nose into the small crack and tried to wiggle his way in. The door was jammed. He stood on his hind legs before pushing his front paws into the crevice, almost as if he was trying to dig through the crack to make it wider. After a few minutes,  he stepped back, shaking his head. "Nuh uh," he called, before quickly sprinting down the stairs once more, excitedly searching and sniffing for another entrance way.

The tan dog disappeared into the overgrown shrubbery surrounding the exterior walls of the building, before the soft sound of small nails clicking on glass could be heard. He was aggressively pawing at what appeared to be a floor-to-celing window leading into what was assumedly the Human Resources department offices, left unlocked from the inside. After a few more moments of scratching and pawing, Chico was able to pull the bottom section of the window out just enough for it to pop open. "Aaaand, voila, access granted!" He chirped happily as he army-crawled his way through.

On the other side of the window now, he waited for Echo. "Come on in! It's almost cozy!" Chico's paws tapped anxiously as he waited. "I think I smell more rats!" He cooed, barks echoing inside of the walls. The office was still mostly furnished, with desks and chairs, some filing cabinets and other various office decor. "The floor is soft and squishy!" He had never felt carpet.

OOC: this is the kind of window I'm trying to describe

Jackalope (Jack) Light ON

Posted 2024-07-02 20:22:11
(Lol I pulled a dumbo and forgot to click the link that would take me to the rp area, am gonna do my best to catch up heheh!)

Aria | Diablo's Pack | Beta | Female

When Aria woke up, she knew she had overslept. The house was extremely bright, and she could just tell it was at least mid-morning. She quickly got to her paws and shook her pelt, growling at herself for being so stupid for sleeping in so late. She was Beta for goodness sake! She padded out of the house and looked around. It seemed fairly empty in camp. She walked around, sniffing as she tried to figure out who was out with who. She could tell her brother was probably out patrolling with Diablo and Ace. And it seemed that Clover and Callie went out hunting together. Halo, however, seemed to have gone out alone. Great! She thought. I can guard the house for now.

Posted 2024-07-02 20:39:19
Shadow | Diablo's Pack | Fighter | Male
Rarely out at this time of day, Shadow was able to notice just how hot the pavement had become. He moved quickly back to their base, only slowing after crossing the threshold of the door. The Sable malinois stopped just at the staircase, sniffing to see if anybody was there. Likely, with Diablo, Aragon, and Ace out of the house, Shadow only had to answer to Aria if she was there, and if Aria asked him to roll over, he'd do so in a heartbeat.

He had completely missed her in the courtyard, and began his way up the stairs to check to see if Aria was still in her room.

Jackalope (Jack) Light ON

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