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Astray | Semi-Lit, Stray Dog RPG [Open]

Posted 2024-07-03 13:02:27
Rain | The strays | Alpha | Female

| Rain shuddered, her tired muscles rippling as she collapsed onto her haunches. Finally, they were at the warehouse, and she could take care of her pups. Her leadership skills kicked as she started talking. "First we need to get to checking out the inside of the warehouse. There could be something dangerous, so its probably a two dog mission. River and Apollo, check out the inside. I will tend to Ruger, and find a suitable water source." She narrowed her eyes, turning down to where Ruger was. "How are you feeling?" she inquired. Turning back to the other dogs, she began to speak again. "After that, we can find a sleeping place, and perhaps hunt for food. |

❄️Raeny (Lights: off)

Posted 2024-07-03 13:05:43 (edited)
Shadow | Diablo's Pack | Fighter | Male
His posture straightened even taller as Diablo approached the small group. Nose turned to the black lab, he stood silently to allow her to retell her report to the Alpha, as it was in fact her report. Shadow knew nothing of the situation, and it was best to stay silent on things you didn't know of.

Ruger | The Strays | Beta | Male
The rott trailed behind, placing one large paw and shoulder through the gab before twisting his body to follow. If he ever gained weight, he wouldn't be able to get through it at all, so he would have to survey for another opening and any other potential breaks in the barrier, before Diablo's Pack could find them first.

As he approached the large oak tree, he looked to the puppy that Apollo had set down. "I can watch them, if you would be so kind as to take a look around." He offered, not daring to rest his aching body just yet. If he laid down again, he would be down for at least a small while. "I'm more worried about you, than me." He insisted to the dark German shepherd, offering a kind, but pained smile.

Chico | The Strays | Scout | Male
Between his energetic exploration of the empty room, Chico hadn't heard the initial voices. Echo's whispering snagged his attention, and the chihuahua skidded to a halt on the smooth concrete floor, his paw pads barely grabbing any traction.

He lowered his head as he stalked up to her, keeping a firm eye on the window they had climbed in through, which could be seen just behind her through the open office door. As he focused, he could hear the voices himself. With wide eyes, he turned to the red coated hound, that familiar tremble starting in his hind leg. "There's too many..." He whispered in turn to her, having heard now multiple male voices. He looked to the secondary office, he hadn't seen any windows open there. "Let's hide." He insisted, grabbing a mouthful of her leg skin to gently tug towards the direction of the other room.

Jackalope (Jack) Light ON

Posted 2024-07-03 13:18:26
Diablo | Diablo's Pack | Alpha | Male
Diablo's discerning gaze turned on the Black Retriever female. A slight growl rumbled from his chest, emitting like rolling thunder. "Halo, what happened?" His thoughts raced in his head. Was this the storm about to errupt?

Apollo | Strays | Warrior | Male
Apollo nosed the darker pup closer to Rain. He lifted his nose to the air then stiffened. "Rain, I smell other dogs. Someone was here recently." The white German Shepherd moved slowly towards the warehouse. "Well, River we'd better be prepared for anything."

Echo | Strays | Warrior | Female
Echo yipped slightly as Chico tugged on her leg, more from shock than pain. She swiveled her elegant head towards the windows to catch sight of four full-grown dogs, one of them towering over the rest. Chico didn't need to tell her twice. Echo loped after Chico into the office. "We'll fight only if we have to," She decided out loud.

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-03 13:27:18
River | The Strays | Warrior | Female
She had kept an eye out for dogs who could potentially follow them the whole. It didn't seem like they were being followed, so she turned her attention towards Rain as she spoke. River followed closely behind Apollo and nodded. She could smell other dogs too. "I can smell them too. It seems like there are only two of them." Her ears were perked up and she was ready for a fight if necessary.


Posted 2024-07-03 13:28:47
Chico | The Strays | Scout | Male
The desks that had been abandoned along with the building would be extremely useful here. Chico pressed his body against the door, pushing it mostly closed without allowing it to latch. He knew the dogs would smell them, but maybe they could get a vantage point together for when they did. His eyes darted around the room, seeing a filing cabinet in the back corner of the room, pulled slightly ajar with discarded files lazily thrown about inside the drawer.

  "Under the desk?" He suggested to her, before sizing up the leap that would be necessary to clear the lip of the drawer. After a moment, he took a few steps back and leaped into the drawer. The paper lining the bottom softened the sound of him landing against the thin metal filing cabinet, and there was a quiet rustling sound as he dug his way to the very bottom of them, laying perfectly still as he waited for the inevitable.

Jackalope (Jack) Light ON

Posted 2024-07-03 13:38:51
Mazie | Strays | Scout | Female
There were already other dogs at the warehouse, when she reached it. Something that surprised her a bit and disappointed her. She had hoped to take shelter in the warehouse for a bit, but that wasn't likely to happen now. It was probably too late by now to get away unnoticed that she would have preferred. She hoped she could get out of this without a fight. She was outnumbered, so she would probably lose a fight. If they attacked her she could try to outrun them. "I don't mean any trouble." She stated and awaited a response. She didn't dare to turn her back on them and go just yet.


Posted 2024-07-03 13:50:22
Apollo | Strays | Warrior | Male
Apollo found the door on the side of the warehouse that he'd noticed when he first discovered the place. It was slightly ajar, hanging off one of its hinges. He slipped inside, hoping that River was right behind him. Stepping into the large main room of the warehouse, Apollo quickly realized that it was empty. If there were dogs inside still, then they were hiding. "Let's stick together," He whispered to River. "We don't know how strong of dogs we're dealing with."

Echo | Strays | Warrior | Female
Echo slipped under the desk as Chico leaped into the filing cabinet. Oh, the perks of being small. She knew that if someone came through that door, she'd be the first line of defense. Echo decided that she would die to protect her new friend and he'd do the same. She stilled, listening carefully for the fall of pawsteps on the cement.

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-03 19:50:47
Aria | Diablo's Pack | Beta | Female

Aria heard her report and gave her a soft nod. She knew Halo would have a hard time hurting a nurse with pups. "I appreciate the report." A few moments later she heard Diablo asking what was going on. Halo didn't seem to want to respond, and so Aria turned to her Alpha. "Halo came across some strays that stood up for a nurse and her pups." She told him.

Posted 2024-07-03 19:52:33 (edited)
(Sorry ignore this post, aim not used to replying on my phone)

Posted 2024-07-03 19:57:46 (edited)
Rain | The Strays | Alpha | Female

| As soon as River and Apollo had headed inside, she turned her attention to Ruger. "How's life, tough guy" she chuckled. It had been awhile, other than with Apollo, having a conversation with another dog. Her mind drifted, to her past cold memories. The cold, the hatred... but mostly... the emptiness. No one was there for her, no one to help, no one to heal her long faded scars. Yet thats the thing about scars. They can disappear, but they will always still be there, a memory of what was. Snapping out of it, she turned to Ruger quickly. "You seem dehydrated, ill grab some water soaked moss. Stay with the pups" Trotting off, she turned back once to check on Ruger, who seemed happy enough to have something to do. But why were these memories coming up, and why now. She shrugged, before bounding into the distance. All the sudden she heard a dog, turning there was a dog standing near Ruger |


❄️Raeny (Lights: off)

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