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Astray | Semi-Lit, Stray Dog RPG [Open]

Posted 2024-07-07 02:45:04
Aragon | Diablo's Pack | Fighter | Male

He couldn't believe his eyes when he saw that Halo was still standing still and not even preparing to run away. "Is the idea of surviving today to see the next day not enough?" Aragon growled, keeping his eyes on the two men ahead. They were approaching fast, brandishing catch poles with a loop at the end. Why was Halo hesitating? They were running out of time. "I'm sorry, huntress, but you must snap out of it!" Aragon gave the retriever a light shove, hoping it would awaken her from whatever thoughts raged in her mind.


Posted 2024-07-07 05:44:15
Halo | Diablo's Pack | Hunter | Female
"If your only parent was stuck with them, what would you do?" Halo's emotionless shell broke along with her patience. The words came out sharp and snappy. Nothing like what she would usually sound like. Her only living family was taken by the dog catchers, and Aragon was brushing it away like it was nothing! Had he not lost anyone close to him? In fact, the black retriever realised, it was the only reason she never showed emotions. So she couldn't get close to another and watch them leave to join their ancestors. Aragon seemed... desperate to get Halo out of the way, risking his own life. That wasn't normal for him...

DarkHeart | Lights Off

Posted 2024-07-07 06:06:59
Aragon | Diablo's Pack | Fighter | Male

"I'd get away from danger first and then devise a plan!" Aragon snapped back at Halo. "You've got a zero chance to save your parent if they lock you up or kill you!" he growled and jumped aside as one of the dog catchers swung at him with the pole. The men were slowly backing them up against a corner. Aragon positioned himself in front of Halo. "Well, guys, you leave me no choice, but to do something drastic," the black male growled at their enemies. In a swift motion, he leaped towards one of the men, clamping his teeth around his arm. The man howled in pain, but Aragon only bit down harder.


Posted 2024-07-07 06:11:36
Halo | Diablo's Pack | Hunter | Female
The black she-dog had seen Simo training, so she knew some fighting moves. With swift motions, Halo twisted and turned, both confusing the two men and attacking them. "I've waited long enough!" She growled back, making her voice louder than the yowls the two were causing. "Fine! Go back home!" The tone in the retriever's voice said everything. She would not back out, but Aragon was told to. She may have not been an alfa or beta, but her commanding tone if annoyed made her be told on multiple occasions that she would be great at leading a pack. That was the thing Halo wanted the least.

DarkHeart | Lights Off

Posted 2024-07-07 13:35:57
Aria | Diablo's Pack | Beta | Female

She had stayed close behind Diablo, her thoughts spinning out of control. When she heard the truck, she froze. They couldn't let those strays get away! Aria turned her head as she snarled at the two men getting out of the truck. She wouldn't let them hurt anyone in her pack. She saw the exchange between Halo and her brother as the dog-catchers approached them. "Come on!!" She snarled to them both. But the dog-catchers were already backing them into a corner. She growled at their stupidity and launched herself at the dog-catchers. Her teeth sank into one of the men's calf and he howled in pain. Aria raked her claws down the other leg, leaving deep gashes. She was too focussed to hear what Halo and Aragon were saying but after a moment she saw that her brother had leaped at the other dog-catcher. The man that she still had her teeth in started to shake her off, but she just dug them in deeper, clawing again at his other leg.

Posted 2024-07-07 14:59:25
Fawn | Stray | Loner (for now) | Female

She sees the other dogs in trouble and immediately goes into action. She ran up to the dog catchers, joining the two Dobermans in combat. She jumps onto the human the female doberman attacked, chomping down onto the human's forearm. Blood spilled from the arm, staining her brown and white fur. Fawn uses her weight to drag the human to the ground.


Posted 2024-07-07 20:29:42
Diablo | Diablo's Pack | Alpha | Male
Diablo turned to run after giving the order to his packmates. The darkness shrouded his black pelt, making him appear like a moving shadow. Before he could get far, he saw Aria go back for Aragon and Halo. He paused, glancing over his shoulder with a groan. Aragon and Halo were having some sort of argument; this hunter was going to be the death of him. Diablo joined Aria in taking hold of the dogcatcher's arm with his teeth. He tasted blood in his mouth and the human yelped in pain.

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-07 20:41:57
As always, if I forgot someone or something, please let me know!

Diablo | Aria | Aragon | Halo
Were heading to investigate the Strays' warehouse, but are now running from dogcatchers.

Callie | Clover | Pandora
Callie and Clover caught rabbits for the pack. Pandora is going to help carry them back.

Ace | Shadow
Ace is guarding the park. Shadow is resting/guarding at the house.

Rain | Ruger | Mazie
Rain and Ruger were waiting for Apollo and River to explore the warehouse and were approached by Mazie.

Apollo | River | Chico | Echo
Apollo and River met Chico and Echo while exploring the warehouse.

Has noticed Diablo's group and is helping them fend off the dogcatchers.

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-08 03:28:36
Pandora | Diablo's Pack | Hunter | Female
She followed Callie to where they had stored their rabbits. "Good catch." She congratulated Callie and Clover when she saw the four rabbits. It really was a good catch, though she doubted it would be enough for everyone. She grabbed one of the rabbits by the scruff of its neck. Perhaps she should return later and see if she could catch some more prey.


Posted 2024-07-08 08:59:14
(Fast forward to the three hunters returning to the house)

Callie | Diablo's Pack | Hunter | Female
Callie carried two rabbits in her jaws, her neck straining from the weight. Their hind legs still occasionally scraped against the ground, but she couldn't help it - she was only so tall! She sighed with relief when the house came into view. Callie glanced over her shoulder at Clover and Pandora who each carried one rabbit. They might have to go hunting later tonight. Perhaps with the three of them, they could catch that deer? Maybe Halo would join them as well.

Amethyst Angel

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