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Astray | Semi-Lit, Stray Dog RPG [Open]

Posted 2024-07-10 09:01:40
Diablo | DP | Alpha | Male
Diablo gave a slight nod as his only response to Fawn. His gaze traveled over to his packmates with a twisting feeling in his stomach. Perhaps they should head back to the house and plan this excursion a little better. This mission could not afford to go awry. "Back to the house," He bellowed, nodding for Aria to come up by his side while they walked.

Callie | DP | Hunter | Female
Callie's excitement withered with Pandora's concern. It was a valid point, and maybe she's the only one who's ever hunted deer. She could see why Pandora would be nervous. "If we work together, no one should get injured." Her blue eyes flitted from Pandora to Clover. "What do you think?" She asked the other huntress. They needed at least three dogs to successfully take down a deer.

Apollo | Strays | Warrior | Male
Apollo cast a sidelong glance at River while Echo and Chico talked. "Do you think they'll join the pack?" He asked her in a whisper. Echo seemed more willing than Chico, but he had a feeling that the pair would refuse to separate. If Chico put up enough of a fight, then Echo would probably agree with him. Apollo felt that their pack could use them both. Echo was a hunting breed, so maybe she had some experience. And Chico was small, sure, but he made up for it tenfold in courage.

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-10 09:33:13
Fawn | DP | Hunter | Female

Fawn raises her head again and lowered her tail. She didn't want to piss off Diablo any further, so she just sits down and starts to clean the blood off of her, since she did not know where the pack territory was at the moment. She stayed patient as she watched him and Aria speak. Her tongue grazed over the scar along her neck as she cleaned off the blood, reminding her of her life at the ranch. It was a life she will never forget.


Posted 2024-07-10 19:32:38
Aria | Diablo's Pack | Beta | Female

Aria had watched the exchange between the husky and Diablo. She had to fight the instinct to puff out her chest like some arrogant male when her leader described her position in the pack. When the husky started to argue, Aria got ready to intercept the female if she tried to attack Diablo. Upon hearing the options Diablo laid out for Fawn, she lowered her hackles but not her guard. When Fawn didn't turn tail and run, deciding to join the pack as a hunter and Diablo motioned for Aria to join him, she gave Fawn a small warning growl. She hadn't liked the way the new pack hunter had talked to Diablo. Aria turned and walked towards her leader. She indeed had some new things to discuss.

Posted 2024-07-10 19:35:36
Diablo | DP | Alpha | Male
Diablo led Aria just far enough away from the others that they wouldn't hear them speak. His eyes wavered between Fawn and the others. Would she accept her role as a hunter? The Husky female didn't seem so keen to being restricted in her choices. "I'm not sure she'll accept her role as hunter," He growled slightly.

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-10 19:44:40
Fawn | DP | Hunter | Female

Even though she couldn't hear them, she watched their movements. She glared at them as her ears stayed lowered, her tail curled around her protectively. She continued to lick the blood off of her paws before finishing off with her bloodied lips. She knew they were talking about her by the way Diablo glanced at her. But Fawn knew better then to step in on a conversation, especially when it deals with Diablo.


Posted 2024-07-10 23:28:39
Aria | Diablo's Pack | Beta | Female

She knew it was hard for some females to just be hunters. She hadn't liked the idea at first, but she never dared question it. She even grew used to it. "If she doesn't learn to accept it, then we'll either punish her, drive her out, or kill her." Her tone was slightly matter-of-fact-like and 'it's on her'. "It's that simple. You gave her a chance to leave, but she didn't take it. If she decides she doesn't accept being a mere hunter then it is on her." Aria knew her words were brutal, but this was a brutal city and a brutal world. Only the strong can and should survive.

Posted 2024-07-11 09:25:29
Mazie | Strays | Scout | Female
She stopped and turned around to face Rain again. "A pack?" She echoed. Her first impulse was to decline. It was dangerous to form a pack. If Diablo noticed it, it most likely meant the death of everyone involved. She also was better off alone anyway. And yet… She could see the upside of a pack.  A pack could mean protection and they would help each other find food. A part of her didn't want to be alone. She decided not to outright decline, but it she couldn't make a final decision now. This was a decision that afforded time to make. "I need some time to decide."


Posted 2024-07-11 09:34:51
Pandora | Diablo's Pack | Hunter | Female
She thought a moment before she replied. "Okay, I'll come with you." She may not have hunted deers before, but she had seen them. A deer and the four rabbits might even feed the entire pack. Callie seemed to know what she was doing and Pandora was good at hunting, so there shouldn't go anything wrong if they worked together. Even though she tried to reassure herself, she was still a little bit nervous.


Posted 2024-07-11 09:43:41
River | Strays | Warrior | Female
She observed Chico and Echo a moment before she replied to Apollo. "I'm not sure, but it would be good if they did." The chihuahua seemed to be more skeptical. While she had jumped at the first opportunity to join a pack that could make the lives of strays easier, she could also see why someone wouldn't. She hoped they would join. At this point the pack could use everyone they could find.


Posted 2024-07-11 10:02:31
Diablo | DP | Alpha | Male
Diablo mulled over Aria's words. She was right, of course: he'd given Fawn two clear paths and she'd chosen the pack. If she backed out now, it was on her and would require punishment. No one walked away from the pack and lived. "Then that's what we'll do if she disobeys." Diablo muttered to Aria. He padded back over to where they all waited. "We're going to head back to the house since it'll be dark in an hour. Tomorrow I'll come up with a better plan of action." Diablo led the small patrol back in the direction of the house.

Callie | DP | Hunter | Female
Callie brightened a little when Pandora agreed to go hunting for the deer. She flexed her claws, eager to get going. When was the last time she had a real challenge when hunting? "Clover?" Callie turned to the Yakutian female. "Will you join us? We need at least three of us to bring down that deer."

Apollo | Strays | Warrior | Male
Apollo sighed, heaving his broad shoulders as he did so. "We certainly need all the help we can get." His voice lowered to a whisper. "If Diablo finds out about the pack before we're strong enough, he'll kill us all." Apollo glanced towards the window where he could see Rain and Ruger speaking with a Border Collie female. More trouble?

Amethyst Angel

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