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Astray | Semi-Lit, Stray Dog RPG [Open]

Posted 2024-07-11 17:53:00
Callie | DP | Hunter | Female
Callie paused in the doorway when she spotted Fawn lounging in the yard. Be nice, she told herself, you remember what it was like being new. Callie sighed before approaching Fawn a little slowly. "Er, good morning," she murmured. Smooth, she thought to herself sarcastically.

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-11 17:55:26
As always, let me know if I missed someone or something.

Diablo | Aria | Aragon | Halo | Fawn
Were going to investigate the warehouse, but were intercepted by dogcatchers. Fawn joined the pack.

Callie | Clover | Pandora
Brought back four rabbits for the pack. Planning to go out to hunt a deer in the woods.

Rain | Ruger | Mazie | Apollo | Echo | Chico
All at the warehouse waiting on Echo and Chico's decision to join the pack.

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-11 18:02:42
Fawn | DP | Hunter | Female
She spots Callie approach her and stops grooming herself for a second, raising a brow. "Morning...uh...Callie is it?" She asked as she kept a eye on the female's movement. She was being cautious, but she had to since she knew no one in the pack yet. After everything with Diablo too, she expects to meet more aggressive dogs as well. Her ears twitched as the morning wind blowed, making her fur puff up a little, she could tell it was gonna be a windy day.


Posted 2024-07-11 18:05:08
Sirena | Diablo | Abandoned pup| Female | 6 months
Sirena had been doing as she always did, she was wandering around the area it was then she felt the hunger within her stomach grow as her small stomach made a large growling noise. As it did so the young lass decided to search around for some food to scavenge as she often did because she had been on her own for so long the little lass was smaller and skinner than a normal shep/husky mix young pup would be at her age.
It was then she spotted the perfect opportunity before her two large Maine coon sized cats were arguing over a scrap of bird and so the little lass used her smarts and cunning to sneak up and grab the food from right under their noses, sadly she hadn't gone unnoticed as one of the cats looked down during the argument just in time to see her scurrying off with the meat.
It was then the two larger cats began to chase her, with a confident smirk the little lass soon picked up her pace from a small walk to an all-out sprint, knowing full well her small size and slender frame would help her evade them due to their larger size, knowing they would likely tire from the chase quicker than she would.

So that is exactly what the little lass did, little did she know as she was running and looking behind her that she would run straight into the legs of Clover.
It was then she took the opportunity to dart underneath and then behind the larger dog, as she stood behind her growling fearlessly at the starving felines that continued their chase, knowing full well if she got caught by these felines she would end up in a fight for her life, she hoped the larger dog before her would deter the large cats even if it was just enough time for her to make her escape.

Posted 2024-07-11 18:06:43
Clover | Diablo's Pack | Hunter | Female

Clpver had risen withba small yawn and a alarmed step before rising to her pws and shaking herself awake. Lifting her crown and looking around she let her eyes adjust as she continued to fully wake up. With another yawn she stretched as she stepped forward before making her way out of the pack house. She had just stepped out when suddenly she felt a thud against her legs. Confused, and still tired, she looked down to find a scrawny looking pup with a scrap of meat in its mouth. Of course, Clovers nose quickly picked up on the felines chasing after the pup.

Clovers usually friendly demeanor seemed to change like a switch. Her hackles raised, she beared her Ivorys and let out a snarl that almost sounded demonic. She let out another loud snarl before she lunged forward. Clover was unsure of what she was doing, never having been in a fight, though she did her best She looked at the stray cats as prey, wrapping her maw around the first. The feline hissed and scratched at Clovers maw snout, resulting in a small yelp from Clover. Swinging her head to the left before whipping it to her right as she flung the cat across the ground. The cat scrambled to its paws, sprinting away with the other one in tow. She let out out another snarl before she softened her features into the bubbly canine she was known for. With a few scratches on her nose she wagged her tail, lookimg down at the pup between her legs. "Well hello there. Are you alright??"

Posted 2024-07-11 18:22:48
Sirena | Diablo | Abandoned pup| Female | 6 months
Sirena watched as the large dog took control of the situation almost instantly, her maw instantly dropping in awe at how the larger dog simply threw the felines away like they were nothing more than trash.
Sirena quickly ran through the legs of the larger dog before giggling as she made an overly exaggerated snarly face to the fleeing felines as she snuffed her nose as if to say 'Yeah you better run' knowing full well it was the larger dog that caused them to flee but also wanting to show that she was brave to.

Sirena then turned to the damsel who had rescued her as she looked at her snout, Sirena felt bad for the larger dame as it was clear to see the cat scratches on her nose, slowly placing the scrap of meet at her paws before she approached the damsel and stuck out her tiny tongue out to lick the wounds the damsel had gotten before she looked up at her with a cheeky face that wore a giant grin on her muzzle before she spoke "Yeah I'm ok they are just big flea bags they don't scare me"she giggled, as she puffed out her small chest trying to make herself look bigger.

"Plus they are too fat to truly keep up with me anyway, its not the first time I have outsmarted fat fleabags" she said with a bragging tone in an attempt to make herself appear impressive to her new companion.
Siren then looked up at the lass as she looked around curiously before asking "Where am I, what is this place?" Her tone was curious yet excited as her small tail began to wag excitedly as she jumped into a play bow as though she wanted to rough house with the larger dog.

Sirena then spoke up loudly and fearlessly as she spoke "My name is Sirena, who are you, are you alone here, is there more puppies, can I play" she yipped excitedly and without much breath in between questions.

Posted 2024-07-11 18:30:33
Callie | DP | Hunter | Female
Callie nodded as she settled a respectful distance from Fawn. "Yes, I'm Callie." She was about to continue speaking before she heard the yowling of cats and snarling from Clover. Callie spun on her heels just in time to see Clover chasing off two large cats. To her surprise, a Husky-Shepherd pup was cowering between Clover's legs. Callie motioned for Fawn to follow her over to Clover. "What's going on?" Her blue eyes fell on the pup who's demeanor suddenly brightened. "Hi Sirena, I'm Callie."

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-11 18:46:58
Fawn | DP | Hunter | Female
Fawn padded by Callie as she sees the young pup. Her eyes brighten a little at the sight of a pup. She immediately walked up and sit down, her tail curling around the cheerful pup. "Well hello to you too little one, Name's Fawn" She spoke softly as she gently sniffs the pup. Making sure the pup was okay, she gently starts to groom her, clearly being very motherly towards the pup.


Posted 2024-07-11 18:49:29 (edited)
Clover | Diablo's Pack | Hunter | Female

Clovers banner wagged faster as the pup showed sympathy, licking the wounds on her snout. She was unsure what it was, but she felt the urge to claim the small dame as her own. However, she needed to find if she had parents, let alone a guardian before she thought of such things. Her banner never seemed to cease its wagging as she continued to interact with the gorgeous little pup as Callie and the new Female joined them. Clover couldn't help buy smile at the large personality of the pup. She had a lot of spunk to her.

"Well those fleabags won't be coming around here again hopefully. Where are your parents?? Are they nearby??" she asked as she lifted her crown to look, but failed to see anyone let alone pick up the scent of others nearby. She smiled at the pup again as she spoke.

"Don't be too sure about that now. Those cats could have gotten ahold of you if you had ran into a wall rather than me." she said before nudging the pup a little as she inspected her. It appeared as though boasting about things didn't really seem to impress her, as she gave her a small smile in response.

"It's lovely to meet you Sirena, I'm Clover!! I'm not alone, no, sadly I don't believe we have any pups in our pack, but I'd be happy to play with you for a while until we can figure out where your parents are." she said kindly before turning her attention towards Callie.

"I'm not entirely sure whats going on. I came out here to take a look around when the little one ran into me with two cats in tow. Nasty things they are. I'm trying to see if she has a mother or father nearby."

Posted 2024-07-11 18:53:47
Callie | DP | Hunter | Female
Callie studied the pup with intensity. She was extremely malnourished which led her to believe that the pup had no one looking after her. Still, it couldn't hurt to take a quick look around the block? "I'll go do a quick sweep of the block." Callie whispered to Clover. "But I feel like she's been abandoned. Maybe you can get her to tell you more while I'm gone." She glanced to Fawn. "Care to go for a quick run?"

Amethyst Angel

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