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Astray | Semi-Lit, Stray Dog RPG [Open]

Posted 2024-07-11 18:55:08
Ruger | Strays | Beta | Male
Finally, the excitement of yesterday had come to a close, and perhaps today might be a little more rejuvenating. By the time the Rottweiler, Rain. and the pups could make it into the warehouse, the original inhabitants had all but sealed themselves into one of the offices. He hadn't so much as seen the rumored little one. He laid his massive head on the floor, small amounts of drool rolling out of either side of his mouth as he exhaustedly looked over the rest of their small group, his eyes eventually meeting with Apollo's. Ruger began to tilt his head up once he realized that the other shepherd was awake, and he seemed to be preparing himself to begin standing. The concrete was cool, which was a welcome relief to him in the overbearing heat, but the concrete was also incredibly uncomfortable, and he could feel that his joints were more locked into place than usual.

With a silent heave, the rottweiler pulled himself to stand before bowing back down in a large, full body stretch. After he was finished, he sat back down on his haunches and glanced to the still sleeping pups. Perhaps Apollo wouldn't notice the way his stubby tail flickered to life in a wag upon seeing them. They were just so precious, and he was determined to give the two a better life than was usually afforded to dogs on the street.  

Chico | Strays | Scout | Male
Despite the looming threat of strange dogs just outside of an open door, the night spent on that plush carpet resulted in one of the best nights of sleep the typically feisty dog had ever come to known. At first, settling down to sleep seemed like an impossible feat, but before he knew it, large auburn eyes had tucked themselves away behind pale eyelids; the defensive way he curled into himself slowly began to melt into a more relaxed pose, legs kicking themselves out one by one as tiny lungs rattled away.

As the day began to break through those beautiful windows, Chico began to stir with it. Though the comfort and relaxation that he had managed to find in his unconsciousness escaped him the moment his eyes opened. Jumping to his feet, he scanned for Echo before breathing out a short sigh of relief. After a moment, he began to settle back down onto the floor in front of her, a long yawn passing between mostly fresh adult teeth.

Shadow | Diablo's Pack | Fighter | Male
With the barest glint of sunlight beginning to peak over the horizon, Shadow knew that another night patrol would soon be finished. The Belgian Malinois was uninformed on the previous day's occurrences, having left out to take back over his patrol and relieve Ace before the Alpha's return. Their hunting grounds seem mostly undisturbed, pardon what small game the huntresses had brought in. There seemed to be a new human spending his nights at the park, but Shadow wasn't exactly concerned with the likes of humans who liked to sleep there, so much as they weren't concerned with him.

Jackalope (Jack) Light ON

Posted 2024-07-11 19:04:10
Fawn | DP | Hunter | Female
A growl escaped her throat before she stood, "Yea, lets get food for this poor pup. Oh, and Clover..." She spoke as she turned, ready to leave, "Anything happens to that pup while you watch her, and I'll use you as a chew toy..." She bared her teeth before trotting towards the park to go hunt. Even though just meeting this pup, she already has gotten protective of the young pup. Her tail sways as she was determined to get food.


Posted 2024-07-11 19:08:24
Apollo | Strays | Warrior | Male
Apollo's eyes darted over to where Ruger stirred from his sleep. The Rottie's movements were stiff, betraying his age a little. Apollo imagined that the cold, hard concrete wasn't comfortable for any of them. He wouldn't know because he'd hardly slept. Perhaps the pack could scavenge for pillows or blankets that humans threw out. They sure would make for a more comfortable sleep. "Good morning," Apollo said quietly to Ruger - he didn't want to wake the others.

Echo | Strays | Warrior | Female
Echo raised her head to watch Chico's progress to move closer to her. He had slept most of the night which left a small feeling of jealousy burning in her belly. She tilted her head at him in question. "So, do you think we should join the pack?" Echo asked. "A pack means security and support."

Diablo | DP | Alpha | Male
Diablo finally decided to leave his room, but he was on a mission. As he descended the stairs, he caught sight of Ace gnawing on rabbit bones. "Ace, go fetch Shadow and bring him back here," Diablo growled. "I'll need him to join a patrol. You'll be keeping an eye on things around the house."

Ace | DP | Fighter | Male
Ace stopped mid-gnaw on the rabbit bone, his eyes darting to the intimidating Cane Corso. He sat up at attention despite his grumbling stomach. "Yes, sir." Ace responded before racing from the house for the park. His pawsteps thudded lightly on the pavement as he dodged cars and humans alike. The park was only a mere two blocks from the house, but it required traveling through human dense areas. Once the park came into view, Ace slowed to a lope. He made his way towards where Shadow usually kept watch. Ace spotted the dark Malinois immediately. Trotting over, he tried to catch his breath. "Diablo wants you back at the house," He told Shadow.

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-11 19:10:16
Callie | DP | Hunter | Female
Callie rolled her eyes slightly at Fawn's snippety response to Clover. "I'm sure Clover will take good care of her," She barked before taking off at a run to leave the yard. Her plan was to circle the blocks that surrounded the camp. Maybe, just maybe, they would find some hint of a female or male searching for a lost pup.

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-11 19:17:17
Clover | Diablo's Pack | Hunter | Female

As the new Female threatened Cllver she felt her hackles raise as she snarled at the new Female, snapping her jaws together as a warning that her next would land its blow on her. "Threaten me again and you'll be part kf the food pile." she said with a snarl. The twinkle in her eyes had faded before she turned her attention back to the pup, lowering her crown as she began to lick the top of the pups head. She was well overdue for a bath, and Clover intended on doing that while Callie and the new Female were out. As Callie and the new Female disappeared Clovers gentle side reappeared.

"Now tell me, little one, do you have anyone to look after you?? You look thin and sickly. You poor thing.."

Posted 2024-07-11 19:25:41
Fawn | DP | Hunter | Female
As Fawn enters the park, she surveillances the area before seeing a mother deer and fawn nearby the forest area of the park. She slowly approaches the area before getting down, her brown coat helping her blend into the grass and dirt of the park. She slowly crawls towards the mother and fawn, making sure to not do any subtle movements. Her ears and tail remained low as she gets close to the mother and fawn, waiting for the opportunity to get the baby fawn.


Posted 2024-07-11 19:30:41
Callie | DP | Hunter | Female
Callie's long legs carried her swiftly through the city streets while avoiding human all costs. She kept her nose in the air, sniffing for any dogs. A pair of alley cats lazed in the sun, hissing at her as she passed. Callie ignored them since they weren't much of a threat. She actually didn't mind cats. Her old owners had barn cats that kept mice and other pests from the grain. Callie continued at a lope but still failed to see any signs of a stray searching for a pup. With a heavy heart, she headed back to the house to deliver the news. Callie reentered the yard. "I'm sorry, darling, but I can't find any sign of your mother or father anywhere." She bowed her head sorrowfully.

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-11 19:32:12
Ruger | Strays | Beta | Male
"Mornin'," he returned softly before stifling a yawn. He turned his head to look at the doors that lead to the other rooms, floppy ears perking up just a bit. "Do you think they're up?" He didn't take his focus off that side of the warehouse, half expecting them to rush them. Though, that might have been a silly expectation, surely they wouldn't have waited for the group to be well rested before an ambush.

Chico | Strays | Scout | Male
Chico was taken aback by how quickly the Vizsla asked the question. Truthfully, he would have never given an answer if there was any chance he could get away with it. He wasn't ready to make a commitment to a group of dogs like that, he'd spent the last year and a half rocking the streets alone, and while Echo was a nice change-of-pace, the idea of having so many others around him made him anxious. The last time he had this many dogs around him, they got picked off one-by-one by humans, and there was no way he was ready to deal with that again. "Maybe at paw's length," the chihuahua outstretched his paw to Echo to demonstrate, tapping his nails gently off the carpet just in front of her, "I think coexisting with them might be okay, but, they stay over there, and we'll stay here." He affirmed, a gentle wag starting in his tail.

Reaching his other front paw out to match the length of the first, he dragged himself the couple of inches further across the floor til he was able to put his nose to her ear. "We aren't giving up this place, but I'll try to share." A soft snicker followed suit as his tail picked up pace, and he once again sprung to his feet. They could leave through the window they'd originally entered in, without even alerting the strays on the warehouse floor if they wanted to.

Shadow | Diablo's Pack | Fighter | Male
Off the wind, Shadow was able to pick up a familiar scent. While the scent was attached to a dog he would usually be less-than-enthusiastic to see, the night had been boring and it might be fun to try and stir up the Aussie before leaving him to his own devices. The sable's proud stance was domineering, his long neck held high on his square shoulders, and yet, somehow he managed to turn his nose up even further as he was addressed. "Is that so?" He asked, head tilting in that token fashion. His dark eyes narrowed slightly as he returned to a straighter stance. "And who will be standing at my post?"

Jackalope (Jack) Light ON

Posted 2024-07-11 19:41:47
Apollo | Strays | Warrior | Male
Apollo gave a sidelong glance towards the short hallway that led to the two offices. If they were up, they weren't make much of a sound. "I don't know, but I'd rather they come to us. That Chihuahua is ferocious when pushed." He chuckled a little at the memory of Chico's fire.

Echo | Strays | Warrior | Female
Echo let out a sigh of relief. Chico may not used to being around others, but she was. The idea of having a pack elated her heart. Finally, more dogs to share the stress of survival. "I'll go let them know," She decided out loud. Echo leapt to her paws then nosed open the door with a soft creak. Her claws clicked on the cement and she paused when she noticed Apollo and the Rottie already awake. They seemed to be waiting expectantly...probably for an answer.

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-11 19:45:18
Fawn | DP | Hunter | Female
Once the mother deer got far enough from her baby, she takes the opportunity. She lunges out, sprinting towards the baby deer before chomping down onto the fawn's neck, snapping it in a instant. The mother deer saw, knowing her baby was a goner, she sprints into the forest. She growled before she starts to easily carry the baby deer corpse, heading back towards the house, determination in her eyes.


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