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Astray | Semi-Lit, Stray Dog RPG [Open]

Posted 2024-07-12 03:28:49
Sirena | Abandoned pup | Female | 6 months

Before Sirena even realized her excitement and exhaustion had overwhelmed her as she felt the first touches of a motherly affection grace her in the bathing of the larger dog, as she slept she found her small body twitching and running, before low growls escaped her as she seemed trapped within a dream, her body acting as though it was fighting and aggressively so, this continued for several moments before she suddenly smelt the scent of food mixed with several unknown dogs that had appeared, the little lass had fallen asleep after seeing fuzzy faces and been given brief names although she hadn't the strength in her mind to take them in at the time, it was true that she was skinny and sickly looking but the moment the little lass opened her eyes and saw the many surrounding her she instantly jumped to her paws.

Her teeth were on show as she suddenly felt surrounded and fire within her eyes as she instantly approached what she deemed to be the largest and biggest threat, the large black dog that stood before her, she caught his question as he asked where she had came from and without fear the little lass approached the large male as she spoke for herself "I come from everywhere and nowhere at the same time, I was hungry and I was hunting for food until I came across a couple of fleabags who were too busy squawking to notice me, they looked like fat rats so I stole their food so I could eat" Her tone was serious and she eyed the large male before she looked around she was surrounded by three female and a male, this unnerved the little lass as she didn't like being cornered and because of this that little fiery spark within her burst out like an explosion.

She began snarling, her hackles raised, her paws standing as steadily on the ground as she could make them, making sure they could see she wasn't going to allow herself to be an easy target that the little lass would put up a fight, snapping her jaws open and closed, her body ready to pounce at a moments notice, realistically she probably looked rather amusing to the larger dogs but she didn't care
"I warn you if you come any closer I will smack you, I may be small but I am not afraid of you, any of you. So stay back" she snarled in the most intimidating voice she could muster for one of her size and shape, as she warned them her body trembled slightly still from exhaustion and malnourishment she may have been tiny and weak but she knew she wasn't going to let it show too much, especially not in front of a bunch of strangers, Clover had protected her, had saved her so she had some trust in the pretty female but the other two females she didn't know nor could she recognize as friend or foe and the big male well he seemed to be the biggest threat if there was to be a fight, although he was large so she hoped that if it came to it she could use her agility and speed to evade him.

"Who are you, and do you care where I came from anyway?" she asked the giant male, as she looked into his eyes, the little lass was a lot of things but she was no coward and she didn't show fear not when she felt she was in danger especially she would ensure she put up on hell of a fight no matter what, she wasn't going to allow herself to be taken easily, she would scratch, nip, bite, claw even throw dirt in others eyes if she needed to, anything to get the upper paw she would try if one of them began to show aggression

It was then little Sirena turned her attention to Clover as she vaguely remembered her asking where her parents were before she had fallen asleep while she bathed her, Sirena scoffed in a disapproving tone as she snapped feeling frustrated and trapped "I don't have parents, I don't need anyone to take care of me I have lived on my own since I didn't need milk, as for those who should have raised me they are stupid human lovers, they don't deserve any happiness" she growled, not meaning to growl at the damsel that saved her but growling from the frustration of where she came from.
"My parents didn't want me because I didn't want their humans, smelly, loud-mouthed, wretched things that kept trying to touch me, so I bit them and then they told me I was a bad dog and then my parents left me on the streets" she huffed before returning her attentions to the large male
"I don't want to fight but if we must you should know I am gamey and chewy, you won't like the taste of me, I will be rather bitter and I bite" she said with a sincerely serious tone.

Sirena had no idea if this was the right way to approach the situation she found herself in but what she did know was she wouldn't back down, it was one of her biggest flaws mixed with her stubbornness and the little lass could get herself in a right pickle at times.
The little lass had lived on her own for quiet some time, she had seen other dogs especially those somewhat nearby they seemed to be a group of some kind, but the little lass didn't understand what that meant nor did she understand why there were so many around her now.

Posted 2024-07-12 04:39:28
Pandora | Diablo's Pack | Hunter | Female
She stretched and yawned after she woke up, before she left the room where the hunters and fighters sleep. She padded out of the house to see if Callie and Clover were in the back yard. When she saw them with Fawn, Diablo and a strange pup, she decided to keep her distance for and observe whatever was going on. She was afraid of Diablo and didn't want to interrupt something that would draw his anger towards her. After watching the fierce display of the pup, she hoped Diablo wouldn't hurt her and let her stay. This may not be the best pack, especially for a pup to grow up in, but a pup shouldn't be alone either.


Posted 2024-07-12 04:59:05
River | Strays | Warrior | Female
She had not slept very well last night, so she was still a bit tired when she woke up in the morning. It wasn't really the hard floor, she was used to sleep on a hard ground, but more so the worry that a patrol from Diablo's pack might still find them that kept her up. She yawned and stretched to get rid of the tiredness before she turned her attention to Apollo and Ruger. She nodded towards them and said. "Good morning." Then she looked to the door that led to the office Chico and Echo had slept to see that Echo already exited it. Did this mean they had decided if they would join them? She hoped they would.


Posted 2024-07-12 07:13:48
Clover | Diablo's Pack | Hunter | Female

Clovers heart raced as she watched the pups personality flare like a raging fire that seemed to fuel the little ones veins. Her display of bravery may be met with harshness, though, in Clovers fears. She only stood for a small moment in Diablo's presence whereas she had been on her stomach on the ground before. She wrapped her jowls around the scruff of the pups neck, bringing her closer to Clovers abdomen and wrapping her frame around her. She put her snout to the little ones ear before whispering gently. "You are a fiery little one, though you must be careful in Diablo's presence... please, mind your manners..." she quietly pleaded with the young pup. Clovers body trembled slightly with fear as the possibilities raced through her mind on just how Diablo would react. Looked between Callie and Diablo, her heart racing so fast she could hear the blood rushing within her ears as it seemed to drown oit any and all other noises for the time being.

She glanced at Diablo's chest for a split second, never daring ti look at his gaze as she displayed herself out in a submissive manner. "She has a lot of spunk, and with some training... perhaps she'd make another good hunter for the pack.." at this moment, Clover stopped, waiting for a response from Diablo.

Sorry it's a poor response to you guys, my brains just on strike lol

Posted 2024-07-12 09:21:56 (edited)
Sirena felt herself being lifted from the position she stood, she was rambunctious and brave but she hadn't expected to be suddenly grabbed and pulled into the embrace of another, at first she wanted to squirm and squiggle, lash out and snap back, it wasn't until she had the familiar scent of Clover hit her nose that she allowed herself to be take a hold of and allowing her to curl herself within Clover's frame. She then looked at Clover in confusion when she was told to mind her manners, did manners matter here?, was she meant to be respectful of the male?, was she meant to listen to him, and if so why?, the little lass had been on her own all her life and wasn't socialised properly the way she should have been but with Clovers words in her mind, she peaked her head outside of Clover's fur as she looked up at the male Clover had named Diablo, with a gentler yet still strong tone she spoke

"Sorry Diablo, I do not mean to be rude, but I have been alone most of my life, fought for my life and it is all I know, I am not used to others, please forgive my abruptness, but it is true I do not fear you, I will not fear you. But perhaps I had sounded disrespectful with my previous words for that you have my apologies"

Her words were sincere although the fire of defiance still burned within her gaze, not because she was challenging him but because she was listening to Clover, not only because she saved her but she worried if she allowed her mouth to continue so freely that Clover could be harmed because of her spirited behavior. It was then when Clover mentioned her making a good hunter for the pack, the little lass huffed before she spoke once again "I am a better fighter than hunter"  her tone remaining serious yet stern, as she corrected her before looking up to Diablo once more

"I promise Sir I am not looking for anything for free, but if you take a chance and allow me to stay at least till I am strong again I will be loyal, and respectful and will train my butt off to fight for you, If you would teach me"

Her tone was again serious, yet respectful, she wanted to show the male that the others seemed to fear that she could be useful and would be useful, that she wasn't afraid to fight, protect and defend those who helped her. She had also hoped by asking for the male's training would show him she knew she wasn't overly experienced but she wasn't afraid to learn or to try, she then hid within the fur of Clover once again as her slender frame made her words seem less true, as she whispered "Sorry Clover, I didn't mean to be rude, if he needs to punish someone he can punish me for it" her tone much more apologetically gentle when she spoke to the dame. The last bit she commented was to show Clover she would not allow her to get hurt on her behalf, she would take her punishment should there be one.

Posted 2024-07-12 09:26:12 (edited)
Fawn | DP | Hunter | Female
Fawn snaps out of it when she heard Diablo's voice, she growled before she lowered her head. She put a paw in front of the pup protectively, not wanting the pup to get hurt. Her tail was raised in a slight defiance, she would never forget what happened that day and what Diablo told me. However, her top priorty right now was with the pup, her motherly instincts on high alert. She doesn't care how large he was, if he put a paw on the pup, she would snap. "You did nothing wrong were just scared.." She spoke softly to the young pup as she glared at Diablo.


Posted 2024-07-12 10:34:07
| Rain | S | Alpha | Female

| Rain snorted, rolling over, vivid dreams still pounding in her conciseness. Turning, she saw Ruger next to her, her two pups cradled in his embrace. On the other side, Apollo was lying beside her, his warm eyes glowing. Right, she had to get up and get everyone to get food, and start marking borders. Lifting her haunches, she huffed, struggling to pull them under her as she attempted to stand. After all, she still was quite tired and weak from giving birth while so desperate. Rain barked, looking around her. The two smaller dogs were laying close to each other, a bit farther away from the rest of the pack. River was already awake, but sleep clouded her gaze.

"We need to send out hunt, and moreover discuss roles."

Ruger and Apollo were both great choices for the spot of beta, and her the obvious choice of alpha. Whichever one of them deemed fit and wanted the spot would be allowed it.

"I was thinking that are roles could be like Diablos, but instead of having sperate ones for hunting and fighting, we would have roles like scouts and warriors. Your thoughts?"

Rainy Dawn 🌦️

Posted 2024-07-12 10:46:15
Balance | The Strays | Warrior Trainee | Female
"So you weren't joking, hm? You really are making a pack!" Balance had been watching from the shadows, her coal covered pelt helping. Stepping out of her corner, her blue and green eyes blazing with passion and curiosity. Did they really think they wouldn't be found by Diablo? Did they think they could fight him? The young husky would gladly claw the pack leader on the muzzle... If she wasn't so scared of him...

DarkHeart | Lights Off

Posted 2024-07-12 13:17:11
Diablo | DP | Alpha | Male
Diablo eyes flashed with anger at the insolence of the little brat. He was about to wrap her tiny, breakable neck in his jaws just to remind her of her precarious position when the pup apologized with Clover's direction. His large frame towered over the three females and the little she-pup. What was with all these females thinking they could perform the same job as males? The audacity! Diablo took a step forward so that he blocked the little pup in his shadow. "If you join the pack, it'll be as a hunter." He responded in a tone cold as ice. "Clover, you'll be responsible for teaching her our ways. When she's old enough to be made a trainee, we'll reassess."

Callie | DP | Hunter | Female
Callie stiffened when Sirena outright challenged Diablo to his face. Did this pup not have any sense of self-preservation?! She was ready to step in to help defend the pup when Diablo reacted surprisingly reasonable. Maybe he held a soft spot for pups. Callie snorted at the bizarre idea of Diablo having a soft spot for anyone. She noticed Halo across the yard. "Halo, care to join Fawn and I on a hunt?" Callie turned back to Clover. "I'm guessing you'll stay here to keep an eye on Sirena?"

Ace | DP | Fighter | Male
Ace spotted the house surrounded by its metal fencing. There were a lot of dogs in the yard, surprisingly. He trotted over to where Diablo addressed the huntresses but waited his turn. The last thing he needed was to piss of Diablo.

Echo | Strays | Warrior | Female
Echo approached Rain, Ruger, Apollo, and Rain. She felt herself cowering slightly in their presence. They severely outnumbered her and she suddenly wished for Chico's support at her side. He somehow made her feel braver. "Chico and I decided that we'd like to try being a part of the pack," Echo said, mostly addressing Apollo and River who she'd met yesterday. "But we keep one of the offices."

Apollo | Strays | Warrior | Male
Apollo blinked in surprise at Echo's demand. It was a simple decision really to join or not join the pack. Did they really need more time to think about it or did they just not want to give up their cozy office? Apollo held back a growl and looked to Rain for direction since she'd already called the small pack to order. "I say roles are important," Apollo agreed, "It allows for order. We could call our hunt-fighting dogs 'warriors' instead?"

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-12 13:33:50
Rain | S | Alpha | Female

| Rain stared at the small dogs, irritation flaring in her gaze. These small dogs were acting like they owned the world, and that didn't bring anything good, ever. She stared at them closer, not having had a good change to inspect them the other night, as her drowsiness had kicked in.

"You have one night to decide. until then, prove your worth and help out. You benefiting from us and not commiting, well, let's not think about the consequences to that."

Rain took one step forwards, menacing thoughts blazing her mind.

"Yah, and also, you to with an office? We will see, first though, we need to check out the rooms. I'm thinking one for warriors, one for scouts, and one for me, the pups, and Apollo. Scouts would "patrol" the borders, and scout out new areas, checking if it's safe. If there's an extra room, I'm thinking it will go to Ruger. If you all agree, I think he's a fine choice as our beta. And, if you think I'm fit, me as leader. Now, split into what you 'want" to be. Warriors over there-"

She flicked her head, sideways.

"Scouts over there-"

Again, she flicked her head in front of her.

Rainy Dawn 🌦️

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